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Update time!

So ah… this has been a bit of a crazy week hasn’t it? Like most people on the planet, my productivity wasn’t 100% this week for obvious reasons. I did manage to write up the skeleton for both the Jess and Eve dates. As well as handle some typos that were reported this week (thanks Gwaxer!)

On the art side Wyne has completed this lovely background image which will work nicely with one of the girls dates. The next step is for Phoenix to add some character sprites over it and for me to complete all the required dialogues and implement the whole thing. (so, yeah, a lot still on the todo list).

Since I needed something to perk up my mood a bit I took some time away from writing tasks to play around with the idea of adding subtle animations to the games backgrounds using shaders. I like to keep these very minimal to avoid distracting from the more important elements on the screen. I think this one turned out rather well.


That’s it for this week. Next version of Body Language is currently scheduled for the first week of March. I’ll update on this as development continues. Thanks for your continued support.

Have a great week!


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