Dev Update 06/06/2020 (Patreon)
Update time!
Holy shit, version 0.0.2 (tech demo) of Body Language is starting to roll out to those that expressed an interest in testing it! I've already gotten very helpful feedback from AWolfe (Thanks again man!) which is already incorporated into this build. I'm not publishing this build publicly since its still missing key features and content. It doesn't even have any sexual content in yet. I'll be using the feedback I get on this version as a "pulse check" to make sure the direction I started in makes sense and that the systems I built aren't horribly broken. If you're interested in helping to test this version, please let me know.
In preparation for this limited release, I've continued working on various small tasks. I added a system to the game that keeps track of events to make sure they don't run more than once if they shouldn't. I added a credits page. I fixed a bug in the save and load system and fixed a truckload of typos, both reported by AWolfe (did I mention thanks?).
So, what's next? While Phoenix is out of commission, I'll be using the art she already provided me to try my hand at 2D skeletal animation. I've wanted to get into that for a while now and I finally have the chance. This should allow me to move away from the linear animations used in Bell Master and towards more fluid looking animations. I'm still at the very beginning of this process, so results will likely be unimpressive at the start and (hopefully) get better with time. It's also possible that I decide it's better to get a real animator involved, but I'd like to take a stab at it first.
We're getting close to the point where the bulk of the tech work is done and the focus will shift to writing and content. Which is when version releases will become far more regular. The current roadmap has this happening around August. But the feedback from this version could still affect this. As usual, I'll keep you informed.
Whether you're quarantined, protesting, or none of the above, stay safe. And as always, have a great week!