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Hi guys, here's the next release! 


Important Notes

  • This release will break your saves. You need to start a new game!
  • Android build is still being built and will be up shortly.


  • I fixed the combat... I think? Let me know.
  • Added experience / leveling system
  • Added stats system
  • Added random dungeon example in HUB world
  • Added Duke (the dragon) character sprites
  • New spells for Gear and Rein upon leveling them to level 2.
  • Stats window in Hub world
  • New main menu music custom made for Uncommon Breed done by Samy.
  • New GUI stuff by Taikah (combat, mouse icon, ect...)

I Fixed the Combat?

I did some work on how the turn system worked which allowed me to display a visible queue for the turn order. 

The order of turns is based on the speed stat which can be seen in the character stats window. 


I added a stats system that affects combat. Leveling increases stats. Experience is gained through combat. At the moment you can only look at this window in the HUB world but I'm going to change that later. Moreover, this window and the system will see improvements in the future.

Speed: determines turn order

HP: Total Health

Attack: Increases damage done

Defense: Reduces damage taken

(Intellect will be implemented later and increase healing)

Love points are still a separate system and still effect spells the way they did previously.

Dungeon System

There's now a random dungeon system in the HUB world. Completing dungeons / fights give experience which will level up the party. The dungeon system as it is now is very beta and will change.  I'd like to add loot, bosses, and other cool stuff in the future.  

The map looks a bit broken for now  (it's pseudo randomly generated). I'll fix it up in the future (wanted to get stuff out to you guys now).


Sorry for being so quiet recently. Some personal stuff has had me in a funk but I'm getting better. 

Have an almost naked Duke as a gesture of appreciation and apology to you :3

Ok, Bye!

- Bytez



Max Freeman

Is this just another drawback?

Max Freeman

Like before or are you going to continue the story this time?


This one doesn't continue the story. Check out my previous post <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/22334296">https://www.patreon.com/posts/22334296</a>

Frank Weber

if i recall correctly, Rein never leaves home without Liebe on him and was taught by Lehrer how to use it, did i get that right?


Looks awesome dude :) Good work


I'm playing on MAC and found out that mouse cursor are inaccurate. Please Check it.

BadTech Games

Really loving the new interface, I always struggled to see how much HP Grizz had in battle, that's no longer an issue. Thank you for this. While Duke looks very pretty now (seriously, that's gorgeous work), I still have to beat his pansy ass down for laying hands on my kitten. I hope you understand, On a more serious note, the welcome addition of the turn order and extra skills makes battle too easy in comparison to the old system, will you be bumping up the battle difficulty again later? Other than that, looking very nice and excited to see where it goes from here. Keep up the great work!


Yeah, I thought it was a tad easy too but the random dungeons do get pretty crazy lol. I'm definitely gonna polish and balance stuff more in the future.


The attack option button's hot areas have their upper-left corners in the center of the graphic, at least under osx, so that you must click the lower right quadrant of the button. I also got frequent freezes when returning from the inn via the beer mug in the corner.<br><br>The battles are pretty easy now, and the one-eyed bear and lion are probably about right-- I lost one player.


The improvements were quite nice! The change to the UI made things a bit more clean. I also really like that new skills were implemented into the game. The lack of options before kind of made the game a bit...sloggish, so this was a great change of pace. The implementation of stats also reduced my worry that skills that don't use love points would become useless later. The addition of dungeons/quest also made the hub-world actually matter, which was nice. Before it was just kinda there and didn't add any functionality at all. I do have to say though that the game's loading seems to be somewhat....unstable. It often feels like the game doesn't want to, or just gets confused as to what it's doing. It's not a huge deal now, but I feel like it MAY get worse when more content is added. Then again I'm not a programmer, so...?

jovuan Jackson

It's hard to get gear's affection I'm ending getting Julians instead


I dont know if this is actually a problem or if anyone else is experiencing this but when I go to the bar to talk with everyone it let's me ask one of the options and then it just says bye whenever I try to talk to then again even when I unlock new chat options.


Hello, New here trying the game, but when o finish the First example of battle, it's like the game stops and dont Go away... Already uninstall It and tryied again, but no answer ☹️

Shane Ferguson

I had that problem too on my computer. However I can't seem to get the android version to work for me at all.