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Hey guys, 

Quick update regarding the usual content update for this month. 

This update will focus purely on changes to the combat system and other mechanics. There’s also a ton of UI changes and some new character art but there won’t be any story updates.

There are a couple reasons I've decided to do this but the main reason is a personal circumstance that has made it extremely difficult to write for UB this month. 

The last thing I want to do is rush story or bog it down with my own emotional stuff. So for the good of UB I’m going to stick to coding for this release.

It’s still a couple weeks from my normal release but I wanted to give you guys a heads up before your Patreon subscriptions renewed. 

I appreciate all the support you’ve given me / the project and I’m going to continue to make sure the game is the best it can be.

Here's some teasers on stuff in the works (nothing finalized / stuff might change)

Ok Bai,

-  Bytez



Hey take your time. It's better to delay it and have a good story line than to rush it and have a bad story line


Housekeeping updates are just as important. Nothing wrong with taking a small break to do them. Hope everything is ok though. We appreciate everything you do.


Hey, don't worry about it Bytez. Take your time. The last thing anyone wants to see is a rushed release because you felt as though you were obligated to provide it, when you couldn't deliver your full attention. I hope everything is ok with you though. :)

jovuan Jackson

Hope you fix the battle system and the hole love heart mechanic thing to.