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Introducing the HIGHLY untested android version! 

Please keep in mind I didn't intend on releasing this for mobile this early but I fiddled around with it a bit and it works! I ran through it a few times and saw a couple things I need to fix (text scaling for mobile, buttons, ect...) but I didn't want the mobile users to feel left out :]

Things to remember:

Your choices matter! Currently, you need a perfect score with any given character to activate their Love Point effect in combat! If you don't see any during the combat scene then you probably didn't say the right things!There will be bugs!I made the storytelling/combat systems so I 100% expect to find bugs in the alpha! Please let me know what you find.This is a demo!I will be adding more as time progresses! I wanted to give you guys something for supporting me. Rather than waiting until I had X amount of content ready I decided to release what I have available. :] 


  •  The play button is currently disabled due to a bug. Please use the New Game and Load buttons to play!
  • I wasn't able to test if the game worked on Mac (I don't own one) but I'm including the build anyway. If you have a Mac and it worked let me know. I'm going to look into testing OSX with a virtual machine soon.
  • Android version is highly untested and ported over in an hour.



jovuan Jackson

but really you didn't have to release it to early we android users wouldn't mind waiting for a little bit longer but thank you


No problem. It’s pretty cool having my own game on my phone so thanks for the motivation!