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First alpha release, WOO! (1920x1080  for best resolution)

Things to remember:

Your choices matter! 

Currently, you need a perfect score with any given character to activate their Love Point effect in combat! If you don't see any during the combat scene then you probably didn't say the right things!

There will be bugs!

I made the storytelling/combat systems so I 100% expect to find bugs in the alpha! Please let me know what you find.

This is a demo!

I will be adding more as time progresses! I wanted to give you guys something for supporting me. Rather than waiting until I had X amount of content ready I decided to release what I have available. :] 


  •  The play button is currently disabled due to a bug. Please use the New Game and Load buttons to play!
  • I wasn't able to test if the game worked on Mac (I don't own one) but I'm including the build anyway. If you have a Mac and it worked let me know. I'm going to look into testing OSX with a virtual machine soon.



jovuan Jackson

Shame I don't have those at least not right now I'll wait for it to be on android


It came out really nice :D I'm really pumped for the turn based battling! The music is really nice and fitting with the scenes as well. Can't wait ^_^


Also I'm excited to see more of these hunks :3


Hey! I'm glad you liked it. I'm super excited to develop the characters and add more. This party seems like it could use a healer... ;)


I can't be certain, but I'm pretty sure the enemy is only set to be beaten if Gear's big bomb goes off. I looked to me like I'd killed him (red bar depleted) just using Gear's normal attack, cause he kept failing the tinkering check, but he attacked again instead of the fight ending.


Hi, what operating system are you playing on? There should be health numbers beside each portrait ( I’m thinking I’ll make these bigger). If you happen to replay the fight can you let me know if it does indeed hit 0 hp and the fight doesn’t end? Thanks!


Is Grizz the shopkeeper? Also is there a chance to get intimate with all of them or just the keeper?


Oh man, I need to work on my advertising if that's not clear. All of the characters will be datable. If there are non-datable characters then I'll avoid putting them in any videos/pics/gifs. You're making me think I should list the datable characters somewhere. The shopkeeper hasn't been released yet :]