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In the jungle outside Amazon Lily:

"Four Emperors Kaido and Fleet Admiral Sengoku are joining forces to fight!" The empress gazed at the image displayed on the curtain before her. Her finger trembled with a mix of shock and resentment. She then turned to her companions and inquired, "Big Sister Shakky, Rayleigh, do you believe that man can withstand the combined might of those two?"

A chill filled the air.

"Hancock, this isn't like you. Why the sudden interest in Buggyboy?" Shakky exhaled a plume of smoke, initially teasing Hancock before continuing, "It's a challenging scenario, you see. At present, it's arguable that no one in this world could endure a combination of both a Four Emperor and an Admiral-level force."

"But..." Hancock started to say.

Rayleigh interjected, "That guy, Buggy, he's different. He must be aware. If he truly believed he stood no chance against these two, he wouldn't be attempting to do this execution. However, from my perspective, the current Buggy isn't likely a match for these two powerhouses. A prolonged battle would inevitably lead to his defeat."

"Rayleigh! Can you be serious?" The empress appeared displeased. "And yet, you claim to know his intentions?"

Rayleigh took a sip before responding with a grin, "Sengoku has Kaido at his side, but who's to say Buggy can't have an ally too? Buggy isn't the sort to willingly meet his end. And even that fellow Gabban referred to Buggy as a 'captain.' Hancock, do you comprehend its implication?"

The empress' eyes brightened, and she queried, "Rayleigh, do you mean to suggest that he might have assistance?"

Rayleigh shook his head, his smile unwavering, as he stated firmly, "It's very possible. Have faith, Hancock."

"Rayleigh, you're speaking in riddles. Cease this!" The empress glared at Rayleigh, a tinge of embarrassment crossing her features. It seemed the newfound favor towards "Little Monkey" was rooted in his actions against the Celestial Dragons. Yet, Buggyboy's public execution of these Celestial Dragons relegated Hancock's appreciation to an afterthought. She was reluctant to admit it, though.

Shakky rested her chin on her hand and interjected, "Hancock, Kaido, and Sengoku have indeed formed an alliance, and they're on the move!"


The empress, who had been intently focused on Rayleigh, swiftly turned her gaze to the screen. Her expression underwent a sudden transformation, and she uttered a curse, "Those two shameless old coots! Are Marine Fleet Admiral and four Emperors stooping to collaborate? Shameless! Despicable old rogues!!!"

Shakky and Rayleigh dropped their playful demeanor, their gazes gravely fixed on the screen.

A minute prior, on Punk Hazard's Outer Islands,

"Raimei Hakke!!!"

"Buddha Shock!!!"

Sengoku and Kaido surged forward, launching a coordinated assault on Buggy atop the pyramid.

"Captain Buggy!"


"Lord Buggy!"

Witnessing this spectacle, the countenances of Robin, Shirahoshi, and Kalfia in the depths of Punk Hazard's inner island shifted drastically. Their gasps rang out involuntarily.

Even Bullet, entwined in combat with Aokiji in the distance, Enel clashing with Kizaru, and Gabban locked in battle with Akainu, all simultaneously diverted their attention to the unfolding scene. Shock registered on their faces.

Each of them understood that Buggy's resilience aside, confronting a single Four Emperor was already a remarkable feat. Yet, coupling this with Sengoku's above Admiral-level prowess, Buggy's odds of victory appeared exceedingly slim.

Not only did Gabban and his comrades hold this belief, but spectators watching the global live broadcast shared the same sentiment.

The Five Elders, the Redhead, Charlotte Linlin, and the Kings of the Underground World had all come to a unanimous conclusion.

Was it truly over for the Buggy Pirates?

Morgans' gaze remained fixed on Buggy. Yet, in his mind, Buggy's earlier declaration of his dream echoed, and a fiery proclamation surged within him:

"Clown Buggy! Is this truly the end for you? Where lies your dream? Or are you akin to Roger, merely a passing comet in these past eight hundred years? Show me, Buggy! How resolute are you in having me orchestrate this god-slaying spectacle on your behalf? Reveal yourself, Godslayer, Buggy!"

At this moment, it appeared that a consensus had been reached by all, asserting Buggy's defeat.

However, the ensuing second ushered in a scene that sent shockwaves through everyone present.

Buggy, perched atop the pyramid, vanished in an instant, replaced by a "rotating" silhouette.

"Shaving Flash—"

In the subsequent heartbeat, he darted past Sengoku's golden Buddha, his voice reverberating across the sky via the speakerphone den den mushi concealed on his body:

"Sengoku, where do you set your sights? Hah!"


Sengoku, taken aback, turned a partial glance and found Buggy's form materializing behind him, accompanied by a downward, claw-like motion of his hands. The sheer velocity and agility of this movement prompted a gasp of alarm from Sengoku:

"Six Forms!? At this level of mastery? When did you attain it?"

"Sengoku, relish the impact's torment as well!"

Buggy's grin widened, hands sweeping through the air as he called out to Sengoku's rear shield:

"Rokushiki, Six King Spears!"

In the ensuing heartbeat, a shockwave imbued with Conqueror's Haki and Emission morphed into a colossal beam of light that struck Sengoku's back.


Subsequently, this shockwave penetrated Sengoku's golden Buddha form, erupting from his chest before fiercely colliding with the outer island's shore, its force undiminished.


Golden sands scattered, and an immense crater, spanning a hundred meters, gouged the beach.


Simultaneously, Sengoku spewed forth a mouthful of blood, his colossal golden Buddha frame crashing into the sizable pit with a resounding thud.

It had to be conceded, Buggy's surprise assault had proven its efficacy!

This underscored the disparity in intelligence.

Had Sengoku possessed knowledge of Buggy's profound mastery of the six styles, he would have refrained from assuming the unwieldy form of the golden Buddha in their confrontation.

Mastering the six styles, combined with the ability to predict the future through Observation and the use of Conqueror's Haki, facilitated the success of this ambush.

Alas, this stratagem only yielded temporary incapacitation of Sengoku; it held no potential to secure his defeat.

The subsequent course of action demanded a resolute engagement, a confrontation of sheer will. Sengoku's extensive combat experience rendered a second surprise attack by Buggy implausible!

And Buggy, having triumphed in his initial strike, dare not lapse into complacency, as a formidable assault loomed ominously above his head!

A Thunderous Kanabo Club, infused with Tyranny and Advanced Haki. Should it connect, Buggy would undoubtedly endure a severe blow.

Yet, it was evident that Buggy had not foreseen this imminent danger. Hence, following the triumphant execution of the "Six Kings Gun," Buggy's form pirouetted through the air.

Hushed anticipation gripped the atmosphere.

Buggy's high-speed rotation honed his focus to a razor's edge. Without a moment's hesitation, he unleashed a kick, countering Kaido's Raimei Hakke. In tandem, he christened the move on the fly and bellowed:

"Emission Tekkai- Tempest Kick!"

Instantly, a Tempest Kick fused with Emission, the impact of Ba Chan, met Kaido's mace midair.


Rumbles resonated.


The formidable shockwave surged, tugging at their hair and cloaks, churning the heavens' clouds, it's echoing boom reverberating through the sky.

Utter astonishment gripped onlookers. Most astonishingly, Buggy's consecutive blows, following his strike against Sengoku, managed to stand toe-to-toe with Kaido.

This awe-inspiring combat acumen and strength elicited gasps from viewers across the globe, captivated by the live broadcast.

Collective breaths were held as shock sunk in.

Kaido himself widened his eyes in astonishment before erupting into boisterous laughter.

"Unbelievable reflexes! Godslayer Buggy, you possess the might of a true monster! Who could have foreseen that even as Sengoku and I join forces, you remain undeterred?"


The collision forced a retreat of hundreds of meters, Kaido settling on the distant earth while Buggy hovered in the air, a grin tracing his lips as he peered downward.

"Let's not kid ourselves—someone as monstrous as you labeling me a monster. I was nearly pummeled into oblivion by you two! Four Emperors and a Marine Fleet Admiral—that's a truly hair-raising combination."

Kizaru chimed in with a disdainful snort.

Sengoku, upon rising, expelled a froth of blood from his mouth. The immense golden Buddha form receded, his appearance morphing into that of his human frame adorned with a golden aura.

Locking eyes onto Buggy, Sengoku thundered:

"Buggy! disclose the origin of your mastery over the Six Forms.

Even if you've imbibed the teachings of Rob Lucci and his ilk, harnessing such potent mastery over the six styles is beyond reach their reach.

To truly grasp the essence of these forms, is even more implausible!

Mastery of this level demands considerable time and dedication. How have you achieved it? Speak, Buggy!"

While the urge to respond with "I just learned it" tickled Buggy's thoughts, he dismissed the notion. After all, Sengoku would scarcely believe such an explanation.

"Is a single hand adequate to encapsulate the Six Styles?" Buggy cast a bemused glance at Sengoku and continued:

"Hasn't Sengoku discerned the crux of the Six Forms? Impossible, impossible—Marine's Fleet Admiral has yet to fathom the essence of the Six Forms."

"Buggy! You rascal!"

Sengoku's cheeks flamed, his enraged roar resounding, "Do you take the Six Forms' essence so lightly? Beyond Garp and Zephyr, no soul within Marine has unearthed the essence."

Abruptly, Sengoku faltered, his eyes bulging as he bellowed in fury, "Blast it all! Could it be Zephyr? That degenerate taught these techniques to pirates after all!"

Zephyr: "?"

At this juncture, within the confines of the New World's Neo Marine Base,

The Neo Marines gathered to witness the live broadcast and found themselves flabbergasted. He, who occupied the apex position, shared in their dumbfounded state.

However, he harbored a perplexing notion—he speculated that he might have played a role in instructing Buggy. Given the vast number of students he had educated, if Buggy hadn't openly divulged his true identity as an apprentice, Fa might have never unraveled the truth.

Thus, confronted by a sea of inquisitive gazes, Zephyr thundered, "I certainly did not impart any teachings to this so-called Godslayer Buggy! Do not misconstrue my sentiments, alright? Sengoku, you scoundrel, do you intend to vilify my reputation at this very juncture? Humph! Upon battle's culmination, I shall lead the new Marine cohort to assail and dismantle this Buggy pirate faction!"

Upon hearing this, the assemblage of Neo Marine personnel hurriedly closed in on Zephyr, fervently entwining arms and legs to placate him. "Teacher, please refrain yourself!"

Simultaneously, in the midst of the unfolding drama...

BUggy cast his gaze upon Sengoku, grappling momentarily with bewilderment. Yet, Sengoku's unspoken admission concerning Zephyr's remarks seemed to confirm the latter's declaration.

Since a misunderstanding had taken root...

So be it. Buggy exhaled a resigned sigh and uttered:

"Indeed, it aligns with expectations—The Resourceful General Sengoku! Are your deductions truly this accurate? Yes, it was Zephyr who imparted his wisdom to me."

Within the Neo Marine Base...

The assemblage of students and Marines erupted with exclamations, "Teacher, you can't feign ignorance about transmitting the essence of the six forms to such a fiery individual!"

Zephyr's brows furrowed in response.

For this celestial shower of undeserved blame, acceptance was his sole recourse.

"Godslayer: Buggy!!! I am poised to end you!"

With each passing moment, Zephyr's anger swelled, his furious roar resonating, as if he were on the brink of launching himself forth.

"Teacher! Please desist!"

A horde of new Marines surged forward, enfolding Zephyr in a collective embrace of limbs.

A jest, of course!

The might of the Buggy Pirates, not to mention the recently established Neo Marines, meant that even if they marshaled their strength, toppling a formidable pirate entity like Buggy's proved a nigh insurmountable feat.

Currently, their purpose primarily revolved around delivering sustenance.

Though their intentions leaned towards reprimanding the pirates, perishing in vain held no allure!

Furthermore, a paramount realization dawned upon them:

Buggy's earlier pronouncement had left them awe-struck. Though the full implications remained elusive, one certainty prevailed—the man who styled himself as Godslayer harbored the world's loftiest ambition!

As a matter of fact, Zephyr had reached a parallel conclusion.

Otherwise, how could he attribute his own thwarted aspirations to a mere coterie of ragtag ne'er-do-wells?

Throughout his lifetime, Zephyr had crossed paths with innumerable pirates, not even the famed Roger Pirates evoked such a sensation within him.

The Buggy pirate troupe captivated his intrigue.

He yearned to observe the unfolding of this god-slaying individual's aspirations. The realization of his dreams held profound implications.

As Zephyr pondered these thoughts, Buggy's voice resounded from the live broadcast screen, denouncing Sengoku with palpable disdain, "Sengoku, are you the sole bearer of Zephyr's legacy?

A Marine Admiral's Family, his beloved's family cruelly snuffed by 'pirates,' even in the sanctity of their abode behind Marine's defenses! It matters little if the Marines fail to account for this transgression. Yet, post-retirement, he impudently acquiesced to the task of educating the 470th generation of Marine protégés.

A retired Marine Admiral, no less!

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Marine even saw fit to appoint him as Principal. Granted, "Without him, there would be no Six Styles of Mine," but has anyone contemplated the fate of the pirate who severed Zephyr's arm after suffering that same fate?"

Edward Weevil might assume the mantle of a Shichibukai in the near future. Sengoku, you Marines are truly remarkable! Frankly speaking, the life of a pirate doesn't sit well with me. How could I not harbor a grudge against you, the Marine? Tsk, tsk, tsk, aren't you all just bullying the innocent? Those with integrity seem to be in the crosshairs of the Marine's artillery."


World Government?

I couldn't care less!"

Buggy's words had the precision of a surgeon's scalpel, seemingly piercing straight into Sengoku's heart.

Well, not just Sengoku.

Aokiji, Kizaru, Akainu, and even Fujitora—each was briefly derailed by Buggy's words during the skirmish, and consequently, found themselves at the mercy of their adversaries.

Yet, in the aftermath of their clashes, their gaze shifted collectively to Sengoku.

How had this revelation escaped their notice?

Sengoku's countenance turned pallid. Trembling, he pointed accusingly at Buggy and bellowed:

"How do you know this? I haven't disseminated this information yet!"

His voice trembled as he contemplated in dread.

Damn it, could the traitor be among the Five Elders?

How else could Buggy possibly have knowledge of this as-yet-unannounced development?


High above, Kaido continued his leisurely consumption of melons. He opted to withhold his assault momentarily, hoping to savor the spectacle of Buggy's next revelation.


Sengoku's roar reverberated, "Regardless, today you shall fall by my hand!"

Undoubtedly, Sengoku was incensed with Buggy.

This marked the second such confrontation!

His concern loomed that should he refrain from intervention again, Buggy might very well experience another outburst of blood-spewing.

Determinedly, he clenched his teeth, surged forth from his position, streaked through the air, and surged toward Buggy in the blink of an eye.

"Worororo, are you running low on steam? I'll deal with you first, Godslayer-Buggy!"

Kaido's grin was wolfish as he eagerly leaped into the fray without the slightest compunction.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

For instance, three torrents of Conqueror's Haki collided, their harmonics resonating throughout the heavens. The surging Haki turmoil generated a maelstrom of energy, causing the overcast firmament to quiver anew.

Following a prolonged exchange with Kaido, Sengoku had been pushed to his limits. Similarly, Buggy found himself struggling at this juncture, especially following the combined onslaught from Kaido and Sengoku that had drawn blood from the corner of his mouth.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Yet another collision ensued. Kaido's Thunderous Konabo club sent Buggy hurtling hundreds of meters away, his form suspended over the boundless expanse.

Just as the spectators believed Buggy's resolve was about to wane, he raised his hand to brush the blood from his lip, smirking as he retorted:

"Oi, Dragon, you better show up soon, or I might just get thrashed to death by these two shameless old-timers!"

This utterance left the world aghast, a collective gasp sweeping across the audience.


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