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"What does it mean?"

"It seems that if you choose to give up these five rewards, you can start a lottery to win an even bigger power!"

"That sounds a bit unreliable! Big brother, Tsunade you mustn't ever try this."

"Why Tobirama, don't you trust my luck?"

"Indeed, after all, who knows what rewards will be drawn again?"

As they looked at the new reward mechanism displayed on the light curtain, the people engaged in discussions. At this moment, Ryan was lost in thought while gazing at the five previously presented rewards.

To be honest, the five rewards, except for Ryan, who knew the power of time-related stands. Anything else wasn't of significant concern to him. The other four options held little importance for the current situation Ryan was in.

As for JOJO stands, gaining a platinum star or the world would undoubtedly be a significant enhancement for someone of Ryan's caliber, granting the power to suspend time. However, the current rewards were all subject to randomness. The selection of Zanpakuto's abilities and the abilities of the Stands were both determined by chance, which made Ryan even more hesitant to make a choice. There are 7 to 8 time-related stands after all.

"Ryan, what do you think?"

"I believe it's wiser to play it safe; choose three of them."

"What's your opinion?"

Comparing the unknown rewards, Tobirama, and the others couldn't help but voice their thoughts to persuade Ryan. After all, although the current rewards were also random, they were at least visible in the end. Opting to redraw could result in unpredictable abilities, which might not be as good as the initial five.

Hashirama, standing beside Tobirama, held a different perspective. "Draw directly!"

"Why overthink it? Just go for it!" agreed Uchiha Madara.

Tsunade's eyes seemed to sparkle. "What are you waiting for?! Gacha it already!!!"

The method of gambling your rewards with uncertainty instantly captivated Hashirama and Tsunade. Consequently, some individuals were trying to sway Ryan to choose three, while others were convinced to directly take a chance and draw again. Meanwhile, Ryan himself was carefully weighing the pros and cons before making his decision.

Finally, he chose to take a chance!

"Since the chat group has introduced this new mechanism," Ryan thought aloud, "it can't be too extreme. I choose to draw again!"

"Three Chances to Choose! Go for it, all in!!"

Upon hearing Ryan's choice, everyone's hearts seemed to leap into their throats. All eyes were fixed on the light curtains, and Hashirama and Tsunade were especially eager to witness what treasures would be revealed this time.

【Fourth Hokage Ryan has chosen to forfeit three selection chances!】

【This reward will be redrawn!】

[The drawing prize pool will be selected from the second-level world and the third-level world.]

【The rewards are currently being drawn.】

【Please wait!】

As they read the text displayed on the light curtain, an air of tension enveloped everyone, including Ryan. All were closely following the changes in the light curtain.

Ryan, in particular, was the most anxious. After all, his potential rewards were at stake this time. Having relinquished three selection opportunities, the outcome was critical. If the skill drawn turned out to be undesirable, it wouldn't necessarily mean losing everything.

As time continued its steady march,

All those who could have exchanged a few words were left momentarily speechless.

Every individual was gripped by anticipation, eagerly awaiting the shifting of the light curtain.

They were eager to witness the kind of ability Ryan could potentially acquire.

And then, at last,

A change shimmered across the light curtain.


"Look at it!"

With an exclamation of surprise,

The eyes of everyone widened as they fixed their gaze upon the light curtain.

The reward draw was complete.

[Perfect Body Limit Breaker: You will progressively grow stronger each day, yet remain unaltered at your core.]

As they beheld the rewards displayed on the light curtain,

A collective astonishment swept over the group.

Ryan, too, absorbed the introduction of the reward. His entire being was suddenly consumed with exhilaration. Unexpectedly, this time, he had procured an augmented version of Saitama's ability from "One Punch Man,"

Saitama had transcended his limits through daily exercise. The level of Saitama is too mysterious. Even before his training, he killed a Crab man a tiger-level monster. Comparable to Some A-level heroes.

And now,

What Ryan had obtained could be deemed an enhanced manifestation of Saitama's limiter.

Never had he anticipated such an ability existing within the second-tier and third-tier world reward pools.

"This ability radiates immense strength!"

"Indeed, I'm growing more powerful with each passing day!"

"Undoubtedly, Being Lazy is a form of art!"

Observers on the sidelines also gazed upon this newfound ability. Casting envious glances in Ryan's direction. At this juncture, Hashirama, Madara, and others focused intensely on the description of this newfound power.

A sense of dread filled their eyes.

Though others remained unaware. Hashirama, Tobirama, Madara, and others grasped the sinister implications of this ability.

Especially the detail within the introduction, promising increased strength each day. If there were no inherent bounds to this newfound power.

In essence, from the moment Ryan possessed this ability, his strength would continually surge! Growing stronger!

At that moment, Hashirama and others shied away from contemplating. The potentially staggering heights to which Ryan's strength could ascend.

"As one would expect from rewards within the second-tier and third-tier worlds,"

"Though this reward may not confer immediate strength, its potential is limitless,"

The words of Hashirama and his peers drove home the profound ramifications of this ability. It was only then that everyone fully recognized the chilling potential this ability held.

Ryan himself also regarded this ability with deep satisfaction.

However, Ryan's contentment was tinged with another concern. Saitama's ability had been estimated by someone in his previous life to rival the Super Saiyan 2 level in the Dragon Ball universe.

Consequently, the limit Saitama had shattered potentially equated to Super Saiyan 2. The flawless reward he had now attained. And to what extent could his own strength be elevated?

This reward, in turn, illuminated one crucial insight for Ryan. Namely, the Dragon Ball universe comprised various tiers.

This reality suggested that the Dragon Ball world he currently knew was the original rendition. The very world where Goku's adventures had begun. The chat group had positioned it between the first-tier and second-tier worlds. Akin to the hierarchy distinguishing the realms of Hokage. Where Shippuden and Boruto denote distinct levels.

With this realization, Ryan found himself slightly intrigued.

To what extent could one ascend in the Dragon Ball universe, a realm graced by the presence of Super Saiyans and super Saiyans Gods?

Having concluded Ryan's initial reward selection,

The stage was now set for the turn of the second-place recipient,

【Second Place: Parallel World, First Hokage Uchiha Madara World】

【Optional Rewards: Choose Two out of Three】

[Reward 1: Zanpakuto (random ability)]

【Reward 2: Kido's Encyclopedia】

[Reward 3: Perfect Super Divine Water (Stimulate your own potential and quickly improve your strength)]

Faced with the three rewards presented. Observing the outcomes for both Ryan and Uchiha Madara. A growing inclination stirred to follow suit for the other members.

However, upon realizing that investing in gambling meant drawing from the secondary world. Madara's urge to gamble waned.

Extracting abilities in the third-tier world isn't an option yet, making a prudent selection more appealing.

With these considerations in mind, Uchiha Madara weighed the pros and cons and promptly voiced his decision,

"I choose Zanpakuto and Perfect Super Divine Water!"

In comparison to Kido's Encyclopedia,

Madara's interest leaned towards the Perfect Super Divine Water; it might unveil unexpected advantages.

After all, he possessed an array of offensive means.

The Kido's Encyclopedia, though enticing, was merely a bonus.

【Selection Successful!】

【Congratulations on obtaining Zanpakuto and Perfect Super Divine Water!】

【Rewards will be distributed after the meeting concludes!】

Having settled on his choices,

All eyes shifted to Glasses Tsunade.

Unexpectedly, The third place was claimed by Shinobi Tsunade's world.

[Third Place: Ninja Road, Fifth Hokage, Tsunade World]

【Optional Rewards: Choose One out of Two】

[Reward 1: Zanpakuto (random ability)]

[Reward 2: Perfect Super Divine Water (Stimulate your own potential and quickly improve your strength)]

Facing the two options, Tsunade promptly selected Zanpakuto without hesitation.

As for the lottery aspect, Tsunade's personality in this world diverged, and Adventurous actions were foreign to her demeanor.

Moreover, lacking substantial offensive abilities, Tsunade, known for her glasses, directly opted for Zanpakuto.

【Selection Successful!】

【Congratulations on obtaining Zanpakuto!】

【Rewards will be distributed after the meeting concludes!】

Having completed the initial three selections,

The guaranteed rewards for the remaining participants were unveiled on the light curtain.

【In Accordance with Ranking】

【Fourth Place: First Hokage Senju Hashirama World】

【Fifth Place: Second Hokage Senju Tobirama World】

【Sixth Place: Fifth Hokage Tsunade World】

【Seventh Place: Tsukyomi World, Fifth Hokage Uchiha Obito World】

【Eighth Place: Sixth Hokage Kakashi World】

[Ninth Place: The Original 5.5-Hokage Uchiha Sasuke World]

【10th Place: Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato World】

【Eleventh Place: Former Third Hokage Kakashi World】

[All the above worlds receive guaranteed rewards: super magic water (use causes intense pain, but no fatality, stimulates partial potential)]

Regarding these guaranteed bonuses,

No one exhibited surprise; the rewards gradually diminished beyond the top three placements, an expected outcome.

Painful as it may be the absence of peril made the discomfort bearable. Since when do the likes of Uchiha who change their eyes like a light bulb afraid of pain?

With the announcement of all rewards. A familiar prompt resounded within the chat group:

A sense of astonishment swept over everyone.

Conversations hushed.

[Ding! Chat group member count: 11/10.]

[Activate the Multiverse Travel Function!]