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So that there is no confusion, I will continue with the praxis as ayuer but with only one change.

1.- I send an email with the link in the cloud to everyone.

2.- As I know that the email with the link does not reach everyone (and I don't know why, google stuff and other emails and other nations), I will publish another link with the encrypted image on Patreon, only one this time, in the 7z version, so that those who have iOS will not have problems.

Two forms of the same image of The Mansion.



I just wish you made your art free for non-patrons when they're all complete...some people (like me) can't afford to pay the extra fee per month. And eventually there will come a time where you don't reply to requests anymore...


Hi Jay, my plan right now is, to post two old comics on DA, each week one image from each comic.

Mr Potestas

To add on to this, I think this is too much effort for both you and your fans. As I've said elsewhere, I almost never get to your notifications and emails within two days. *Everyone's* work will eventually leak out into cyberspace, legally or no, including images that were "encrypted." How you were doing this before is the best way for your fans to access your work legally.


Yes it is too much effort, but it is my only income right now, that's why I give you the link in duplicate, of the publications and the one I send by email. I will also publish a compilation of everything I have published from the 15th of each month to the 14th of the following month. Even more, I send again and again an email to the Patreon support, who answer me with a copy and paste of a template, and they don't even care if they have answered my question or not, let alone answer my replies, implying that they simply ignore the problem, since it seems that it is something that has been going on for a long time and so far, they have only complicated the publication mode for the creators. They know how to filter what is published here, because I sent them the link where, which they have ignored, since they have not even replied to the mail I sent them. It might interest you that, since Patreon hasn't cared about this, I'm going to create subscription folders in DeviantArt and maybe close my Patreon creator account.