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“Whoooo!!! We made it! Last stop till Coachella, bitches!!!” Josh shouted enthusiastically as the guys both nearly jumped out of the car and ran to the trunk, high fiving each other once they met in the back.

Both of the girls had originally wanted to just chill at the hotel and rest before the festival, but the guys insisted on taking a day to hit the beach while they had the chance. They’d packed for a beach trip potential beach trip in the beginning, so it wasn’t a big deal when Josh just sort of decided that it was happening on a whim. Still, Jupiter wished that she’d had more time to relax before spending a whole week getting hammered and partying every night.

Having appointed herself as the most spiritual and self aware member of the group, she felt that it was just as important to take down time and relax, allowing themselves time to heal from their journey and mentally recover instead of going to the festival already burnt out from the trip. Still though, she rationalized that she DID want to hit the beach at some point and that there really wasn’t a much better opportunity than when they were literally driving right past it on the road to the Palm Springs resort. Even if she didn’t spend a day getting her yoga in and napping, she figured that she had all week in between festival weekends to find some restorative downtime.

Abbi just sort of rolled with it, per usual. Despite being enrolled in a fairly prestigious university, the curvaceous blonde really wasn’t all that bright when it came to thinking for herself. Sure her grades were okay, but that was more a matter of her doing her homework than actual practical intelligence. It was compliance.

She usually just did what she was told wherever she went and it had become something of a point of irritation for Jupiter to watch. While she had put forth the idea to go to the resort and find something to do there, Abbi simply stated that she didn’t have a preference. That was the real issue. Jupiter didn’t care if Abbi wanted to go to the beach or the fashion district or to a fucking Dave and Busters for all she cared. What really bothered her was that Abbi literally never had an opinion on anything, which constantly led to their two frat bro boyfriends to outvote and overrule them at every opportunity. Worse still, it worked out for her.

Jupiter laid down her towel and watched, probably scowling harder than she’d wanted to at the guys as they immediately fucked off to go throw a frisbee around as if they didn’t already do that twice a week in their Ultimate Frisbee league at school.


All the while, they flirted and scoped out any girls that happened by. Josh and Brad were both hot and not only did they know it, their girls knew it too. While Jupiter was already open to the idea of ethical non-monogamy after learning about it through her many psychology course in school and the growing polyamory culture, Abbi simply stated that she didn’t care if they weren’t exclusive.  Josh and Jupiter had slept with several other people including but not limited to Brad and Abbi themselves since their relationship began. But while the latter two partners just didn’t give a shit outside of Brad’s penchant for jealousy and need to out-compete other suitors, Jupiter made Brad sit down for a lengthy discussion of feelings, goals, and sexual preferences every single time either of them were interested in someone outside of their primary dynamic. It annoyed Jupiter that Abbi was so blasé about how she and boyfriend were fucking virtually anyone they were into on a whim, and even more frustrated with how being around Brad make Josh completely forget about her for the sake of babe hunting.


Sighing, Jupiter reached into her beach bag and pulled out her lucky coin. She vaguely remembered finding it one day in the college locker room as she was changing for freshman volleyball practice one day. With a toss of the coin, it’d landed face up on luminous purple letters that read “Happiness” in the light. Afterward, she’d won the game with the final point and declared the coin to be a magical token sent by the universe to aid her in her time of need.  She pawed at it, feeling the slight ridges of the lettering under her fingers as she looked over at who it was the boys had settled on staring at.

After prancing off to play in the water without even so much as getting her hair wet, Abbi had gathered the attention of virtually every guy on the beach including some dude with a camera. Jupiter knew she was good looking, but without Abbi’s blonde hair and much larger chest, she had become used to playing second fiddle to her roommate, best friend, and sorority sister.


The clicking of man’s camera was so loud that she could almost hear it from where she was sitting, and it had been clicking nearly non stop, the photographer absolutely enthralled by every hair flip and playful splash. Maybe, Jupiter thought, it wasn’t just her looks. Or rather, it definitely was, but it seemed there might be more to Abbi’s superior popularity and sex appeal than tits and yellow hair.

What if, she thought, that bubbly, devil-may-care attitude was what was really attracting everyone to her? What if the reason she always came out on top of the secret popularity contests that Jupiter KNEW both of them had without actually telling the other was because of the very airheaded willingness to be told what to do and eagerly comply was the X-factor. It was true that Abbi was nearly always smiling and rarely bothered by things. Even then, whenever she did have some minor concern like her drink being empty or not getting her way in school, there was always some idiotic guy rushing up with a steel hard-on and a solution.

Jupiter rolled her eyes.

“How annoying.” She said aloud. The realization had set in that if she were just dumber and more easygoing, she’d not only be more popular, but less upset by things on the regular. “Not that bigger boobs wouldn’t hurt either”, she thought, shaking her head with a tight lipped gave.

“I’d be happier if I was just too hot and stupid to give a shit.” She said.

In that moment, a vibrant blast of purple light flared out in all directions, seeping through her fingers from the coin in her hand before fading into the sunny scenery. Jupiter finished tying her bikini straps and hefted her tanned, tawny boobs up and down a few times in order to get them to sit comfortably before getting up.

With a thick-hipped sway, Jupiter sauntered over to where Abbi and the boys were all hanging out, eager to get in on some of the steamy beach photoshoot action. She tapped the photographer on the shoulder and smiled seductively at the sight of his jaw dropping and eyes shooting up and down over her body.


“Hey babe.” She said, a slutty valley girl rasp lingering in her voice. “You got room for another hot bitch, or did you waste all your memory before you got to the good stuff?”

The photographer just stared and watched as Abbi and Jupiter both walked up to each other with an evil twinkle in their eyes. The boys had already begun whooping as they pulled each other into a salty, wet embrace and looked at the camera together, hand in hand before turning and passionately making out with each other. For Brad and Josh, this kind of activity was pretty normal, but no one else had been prepared to see Abbi’s hands sink into Jupiter’s plush ass cheeks, nor were they ready for Jupiter to squeeze Abbi’s tits together through her bra, both women moaning in sexual pleasure as their kissing went from passionate to ferocious and horny.

“Mmmm….” Jupiter purred. “I may need to borrow you when we get back to the room.”

“Yeah, I think that sounds good.” Abbi giggled in response before turning to the onlookers and shaking her finger at them.

“No boys allowed~.”



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