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As long as Miri could remember, her biggest fear was her mother’s criticism. Despite her constant, overly pleasant smile, Miri’s mom Lori always seemed to have something to say about everyone she ran across. Sometimes it was subtle, like vaguely hinting at the disapproval of the amount of money one of Miri’s old boyfriends had made. Other times it was very clear, like whenever it had to do with Miri’s life.


Despite being a petite, pretty Korean girl with lightly tanned skin and beautiful green eyes, Lori always had something to harp on. When Miri’s dad, an older but fairly fit man in his 50’s was home for the week, Miri would hear quips from her mother about the length of her outfits, or the way she was walking or whether or not the lifestyle Miri lived was “a healthy one.”
This of course became much less subtle whenever her dad would leave for work for the weekend, staying in the city some hundred miles away, leaving the two women alone together for a few days. While both of them let loose and didn’t mind walking around in their underwear at home, it gave Lori much more to pick and jab at.
As a teenager, blunt one-liners like “Exercise,” and “ you eat too much” became common, and over the next few years, , their effects became apparent on the tiny girl. Miri became accustomed to exercising and toning to stay fit and keep her mother off her back, and eating less and less in order to maintain an acceptable figure that did in fact garner her lots of male attention. By age 20, the 5-foot-three, 120 pound Asian had reached a toned, but waifish 100 pounds with nearly wide, boney hips that accentuated her small but very well rounded butt, but left her with nearly no chest to speak of beyond tiny preteen breasts that were barely visible without a pushup bra and visible ribs and collarbones.
She’d become a rail-thin princess who did well in school and dressed her tiny body well in tight, dark clothes with midriff revealing tops, but still her mother always found something to point out that need ‘fixing.’ Lori herself was also quite thin and fit, but was taller and often made the excuse that being older made her exempt from any such criticism.


“And that is precisely why I’m leaving,” Miri thought as she stepped out of her parent’s car to her new apartment doorstep. Her dad and Lori got out and waved her off as her mother warned her to focus on school instead of partying and to not “Let her or her apartment go to pot.” Miri entered her freshly moved into home, and for the first time ever, went to sleep without anyone to tell her what to do or how to be.

Every morning, as was her now usual routine, Miri woke up extra early to do her morning stretches and go for a jog. She ate only the smallest bits of granola and yogurt to avoid starting her day on a full stomach, and trotted lightly down the street in her tight, black jogging pants and revealing crop top, her long raven hair pulled into a sporty ponytail. It had been a week and a half since Miri had moved into town, and she hadn’t really made the time to associate with anyone other than her friends online whom had offered to be her “New Girl In Town Liasons” to the college they would all be attending. Tawny and Megan were very nice and approachable, but still largely a mystery to Miri whom had never seen their faces or heard their voices, but rather had quiet correspondence online. Miri however was putting together a slightly grim mental image of the two however, as the longer she stayed in town, the more she noticed the trend of appearance among just about everyone she saw.

Everyone in town seemed to be overweight. The men all had bellies and chunky bodies, some round and protruding forward, others wide and soft, sagging over their jeans at a multitude of sizes ranging from chubby to outright huge.


The same could not be said for the women however. All the women were not just fat, but very noticeably obese. Miri hadn’t seen one woman in the entirety of the town who didn’t appear to be at least 200 pounds, sporting large bouncing breasts, wide asses stuffed into tight jeans or dresses, and huge, unapologetically visible bellies that caused their shirts to ride up, allowing them to sag down over the legs of anyone who hadn’t opted to pull their pants up over the bottom of their flabby stomach.


Miri wasn’t entirely too shocked, having grown up knowing plenty of fat people, but was admittedly surprised at the lack of shame exhibited by so many massive women, just walking about the town and going about their business as if they weren’t fat at all. Some could be seen in dance studio mirrors twirling or at the park playing with dogs and jumping around. The food didn’t seem to be out of place either, as Miri was still able to eat the same light meals she always had and hadn’t gained an ounce in her 11 days eating the local fare.

Miri’s suspicions were confirmed on the Monday of her second week when her morning jog was made with the extra special purpose of going to the local campus to meet Tawny and Megan. Both girls followed the local trend of fatness with blonde, curly-haired Tawny appearing to spill out of her extra large tube top at both ends, and Megan having turned around just in time for Miri to see her pixie cut red hair and enormously squishy back rolls just before she bent over to pick something she’d dropped off the floor, causing her pants to tighten and slip down revealing the top of her underwear from over the lip her stretched out jeans.

“Heyyyy!” Tawny called as she observed the svelte, tanned Asian girl trotting up to the benches where she’d been waiting.


The three exchanged hugs and pleasantries before going onto the tour of the school campus with all of them chatting away like old friends.

“So this is where Tee and I stay,” Megan said as if she were playing tour guide for the day, gesturing to the top floor of an apartment not too far from Miri’s own,

“Oh hey, that works out actually, I’m just a little ways up the road.” Miri replied excitedly, happy that she wouldn’t have to commute too far to have friends in her new life adventure.

“Yeah, we think we saw you moving in a couple weeks ago, but didn’t know it was you. You had your parents with you, yeah?” Tawny asked over her Frappuccino straw.

“Yeahhh….That was me and my parents. My Dad’s cool, but my mom is part of the reason I moved.” Miri stated flatly.

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Megan piped in.

Miri rolled her eyes and hesitated before speaking.
“So basically, my mom’s got a problem with like, everything. She’s always on me about how I act and look and stuff, and isn’t all that much nicer to people I know either. If she saw you two, the first thing you’d get is some snide comment about your weight.”

“Well that’s fucked up.” Megan said.

“Yeah,” Tawny added.
“It’s not like any of us can help it. Fat happens.”

Miri nodded at her friends’ perceived lack of offense to the notion that they might be too big for her mother to approve of them.

“Besides, I saw her when we walked by the first day you were here. It’s not like she’s all that skinny either.” Megan said nonchalantly.
Miri nearly choked with laughter at the notion that her mother was on the receiving end of the same treatment she’d given her own daughter for years. No matter how thin Miri was, she was never small enough for her mom. Hearing it come back on her was a genuine delight.

“Yeah, The only problem with that is that she’ll just make excuses saying that she’s older and can’t be expected to work as hard as me, so she will have her ‘motherly curves.’” Miri said, well-versed in her mother’s excuses.

“”I mean, that’s true. Fat happens to everyone. Girls get fat. That’s no reason to harp on people about it, let alone family.” Megan continued as if she were stating a fact to the wasp-waisted girl next to her.


Miri didn’t quite know how to take that. Fat didn’t ‘just happen.’ It didn’t happen to her mom, and it certainly didn’t happen to her, or even lots of people she knew, but she figured that those kinds of excuses were common among girls Megan’s size.

Tawny’s blue eyes shone cattily.
“Don’t listen to her, Miri. She’s just being nasty because she’s jealous. I mean, we tease each other, but it’s not meant like to hurt anyone’s feelings. She’s fatter than you already anyways, and let’s not pretend that any of us are skinny.”

That last part caught Miri in a poignant way. Her hand subconsciously started pinching at that last little bit of fat left on her hips before pinching into her concave stomach under her ribs. She’d tried so hard to lose it before leaving home, but her mom had still gotten her chance to point it out before leaving. Her exercises had built up her abs a bit, but without burning the fat away, the muscle just pushed the softness out the tiniest bit.

“You guys are hardcore,” said as she laughed off the thought.
“No one has ever dared to say my mom wasn’t skinny before”

“Dragon ladies are nasty, Mir.” Tawny continued.
“I hope that while you’re here you learn to stand up for yourself. Your chubbiness is no reason to be treated badly and you don’t deserve it.” Tawny said encouragingly, causing Miri to feel a little insecure at the familiar notion that she was “chubby.”

She tried to defend herself as best she could.
“Actually, I know I work hard. I’m thin, I’m pretty, and I plan on staying that way,” she said with moderate bravado, hoping to put forward the notion that she was in fact, skinny.

As usual, Megan responded over her with her consistent statement-of-fact tone.
“Miri. Fat happens. It’s okay. The skinny bodies we had at 16 are gone, and they’re not coming back. You look good with your curves so just chill, okay?”

“Yeah, you’re good, girl. When I feel insecure, I look in the mirror and let myself love my body. Tell yourself you’re pretty and that you love yourself. Fat happens. But we gotta get going, so we’ll see you in a couple days, yeah?” Tawny chimed in as the girls hugged and made their exit.

Miri said goodbye and walked home somewhat stunned by the ending of their encounter. She knew she wasn’t really all that chubby, but couldn’t help but knead the tiny layer of softness covering the barely visible outline of her ribs.
She reached her apartment and stared at herself in her black lingerie, noting the smooth contours of her fit body. Her stomach wasn’t as flat as it was when she was 16, no, but she could still see the clear pinch of her waist. And her thighs remained sleek and strong. The tiny jut of her hipbones pleased her, as she hadn’t quite lost that to the mound of squishy flesh that had puffed up over the last few years , creating a pillowy look to the abdominal muscles just under her belly button.
She had no reason to hate her body. She was sexy and fit, and definitely nowhere near as large as the girls in town or even the average woman worldwide. But still, that nagging feeling in the back of her head insisted that she do something about the things that made her feel insecure.

She looked into the mirror and posed a couple times before saying out loud
“I look pretty, and I love who I am.” She looked down at her lower stomach again.


“Fat happens, and that’s ok. I’ll just work it off later.”

Miri went to bed feeling proud of herself and her accomplishments in moving towards a happier life away from home.



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