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(Not that one. The blue one is better)

“Shut the fuck up.” Pruitt snapped at the disembodied voice in her head.

A year ago she would have thought that very notion insane and a clear sign that someone should seek professional help as soon as they possibly could. Nowadays it was a normal part of her regular routine. Everywhere she went now there was a voice speaking to her. Tempting her. Pushing her to act in ways she normally wouldn’t and embody things she used to find unsavory at best. It was like a teenager in her ear constantly telling her to dress slutty, then rewarding her for doing so….And berating her if she didn’t.

(Fuck yas bitch. You’re gonna look soooo fuckable. It’s a shame your body still has a way to go)

Her compliments were always double edged too. Whenever Pruitt did something that a kind, reasonable person would do, the voice would bitch at her for being a fat, ugly prude or a stupid, boring bitch. Then when she let herself have a moment to indulge in any guilty pleasure or allow herself a small bit of vanity it was backhanded accolades and negging. Really any moment of pride she experienced was almost instantly ruined by the constant commentary that now followed her around wherever she went. The increased amount of talking she did had also not gone unnoticed. It had become more positive the thinner and more fashion conscious she became, but even then it was more statements of disappointment that she wasn’t just a little slimmer or that she could pull off an outfit if she were just a little younger looking.

(What the fuck. No. You’re not done. Get your basic, cellulite ridden ass back into the bathroom and put on some makeup before someone makes the mistake of looking at you too closely.)

Still, Pruitt thought, checking the mirror one more time and finding her look to be a little bland. She wasn’t necessarily wrong about everything either. The voice was constantly bitching, yes, but the things she said did sometimes make a lot of sense. As she applied a fresh coat of waterproof foundation, Pruitt thought back on how fat and awkward looking she’d been before moving out to California. It was no wonder she had so few friends and only a single relationship her whole life, and even that was an abusive one. Since getting a bit more into diet culture she’d found that it really wasn’t all that bad as long as one knew their limits and tailored their weight loss plans to their individual bodies. Stepping back, the curvy mom admired herself while doing a couple half-hearted poses in the mirror before deciding that some eyeliner and a bit of blush wouldn’t exactly detract from her beach day.

Towel in hand, Pruitt popped on her sunglasses and strode out to the car wearing only a pair of shorts over her bikini bottoms and the top that went with them. She locked the door and found Callie waiting outside in a pair of cutoff pink sweatpants and a midriff revealing t-shirt she’d cut up earlier in the week after yielding to Pruitt’s comments about her increasing weight. She’d done well to shed a few pounds, but Pruitt couldn’t help but think that both of them had a lot more work to do.


(Ugh she looks like shit. How the fuck are you gonna go to the beach in your workout clothes?)

“Hey Callie, are you sure you wanna go out in that?” Pruitt asked with a raised eyebrow. “You know we’re going to the beach, right? You sure you don’t wanna wear something a little lighter?”

(Probably trying to cover the flab on her thighs. At least you have an excuse but she’s just a couple donuts away from a free ticket to Tubsville)

Pruitt couldn’t help but snicker a little at the thought of a slim, but pudgy Calliope stuffing her face with donuts while a small, squishy belly roll sagged over her shorts shamelessly.

Callie for her part felt slightly insecure about the question. She hadn’t lost the weight she’d wanted to after her stunt at the store several weeks ago had made her aware of the importance of sticking to a diet. Even so, the fact that her mom was trying to police the way she dressed when they went out was irritating to her and right on cue, she began to feel a slightly pleasurable tingle run down her back.

(You gonna let her tell you what the fuck to do? It’s not like’s in a place to talk, like….Look at her. No one over 140 should be in a bikini)

Calliope shoved the thought from her mind over and over but the voice nagged at her to respond, the pressure growing more intense every teensy hair of a moment that she entertained the thought of telling her mom off.

(Fucking say something already!) She demanded, her voice rattling around in Callie’s skull.

The blonde teen sighed, perhaps more vigorously than she intended to. “No, MOM. This isn’t all I have. I’m wearing a swimsuit underneath, okay?”

Again, it was a bigger reaction than she’d intended, but the mounting frustration from both ends had become too much and the words simply came out.

(Ugghhh. You’re so fucking worthless. This is why everyone fucking bullies you. Your classmates, your mom….anyone else you wanna add to the list, you fucking doormat?)

Callie ignored the spectral bitch’s fuming and got in the car. She may not have been as mean or nasty as she’d been told to be, but she was still rubbing her thighs together as a static pleasure crackled down her spine and into her legs.

The pair hopped out of the car and giddily squealed at the sight of the beach. Neither of them had ever seen the ocean before and the sheer vastness of it overshadowed everything else in that moment. An unusually cool breeze blew on them as they trudged excitedly through the sand. About halfway to the water, both of them had found that walking on the beach in flip flops wasn’t going entirely too well, as anything other than an exaggerated duck walk would result in their shoes shoveling up rough granules of sand and forcing it uncomfortably under their feet. Giving up the ghost, they opted instead to forgo the shoes and walk barefoot. Pruitt sighed happily as she felt the warm sand running between her toes, taking in the briny smell of the ocean.

Before long they had settled on a reasonably secluded area to set up. While it was far from isolated, they managed to avoid the colossal crowds of people all running and splashing and walking their dogs all in the same area. Pruitt stripped down to her bikini and couldn’t help but run her hand up her freshly shaved legs, bending down and caressing them all the way up under the showy guise of a stretch. She became loosely aware of a few male passers by and her brain began buzzing with an almost numb, melting sensation as she came up with an idea that she’d already convinced herself was nothing but innocent fun.


“Hey Callie! Let’s do a photoshoot! If you take some pictures of me, I’ll take some of you!” She said, already running out to pose for several shots.

(Do it)

Calliope didn’t know what to do. Normally she tried to avoid doing whatever the voice told her, but she was not really in a position to tell her mom no.

(You know she’s just showing off. You may as well do it)

Callie picked up her phone and began snapping away, taking as many flattering photos of her mom as she could while trying to ignore the way she seemed to be teasing outward and playing to the people walking by.

(That should be you. You’re so much fucking hotter than her and you know it)

It was a difficult thing to not think about while snapping pictures, but with every humored thought, her brain vibrated with dopamine, rewarding her for the brief flashes of cattiness at the way Pruitt’s thighs wobbled or the smooth, puffy coating of fat that made her belly look round. While she *was* pretty and definitely had the edge when it came to bust size, Callie was sure that her thinner body was far more eye catching than her mom’s.

(Yaaaas! Show her the fuck up. Hurry up and you might get one of those guys over there to come over)

“Okay! Your turn, little!” Pruitt cheered joyously as she jogged over to see the pictures.

“Could you like...not call me that right now?” Callie blurted out. She fully had the urge to throw her hand up over her mouth and apologize, but for whatever reason she just….never did.

“Oh. Uhm..Okay. That’s no problem I guess.” Pruitt said. She was obviously hurt by the request but went along with it anyways. Calliope wanted to cry and take it back. To explain once and for all that she’d been hearing things and changing as a result. That she was afraid of whatever this weird, ghostly thing was doing to her. But she didn’t. Instead she felt her abdomen tense amorously. She knew she shouldn’t feel so powerful or turned on by breaking her mother’s heart, but she simply couldn’t help it. The emotions never came.

“I mean not like all the time I guess, but like, when we’re in public maybe stop talking to me like I’m two?” She asked and stripped down to her own striped bikini, watching for her mom’s reaction to her newly skinnier body.

Even as Pruitt was upset about being told not to call her daughter by her pet name anymore, she felt the feeling rapidly dissipate, replaced with a numb chill at the sight of Callie’s body and the knowing grin she sported. She began kneeling and biting her lip sexually, making love to the camera and grabbing the attention of several beachgoers.


(There are totally a bunch of guys staring at your ass right now)

Callie could feel her control waning just as Pruitt found herself getting turned on by the overtly sexual display her daughter was putting on. She knew it was wrong, but couldn’t bring herself to stop it or even look away.

(Fuck, she really DOES look good skinny) the voice said as Pruitt sat, helpless to do anything than take more pictures. She could almost see Callie’s thighs shrinking in on themselves while her small breasts looked slightly larger with every pose.

Callie was in ecstasy. She could feel it happening. More and more she felt sexier, egged on by the knowledge that more and more guys were stopping to watch her shake, pose, and stretch for their entertainment. With every twist she felt the fabric of her bikini bottoms narrowing until they were fully riding up into her small, curvy ass cheeks. She was soaking wet and adoring every second of it, trying to give the onlookers a better view of her pert butt regardless of whether or not they were with their girlfriends and completely unfazed by the fact that her own mother was documenting it on her phone until Pruitt gasped in surprise at an incoming call and had to take a break.

She said it was only a spam caller, but it had startled her enough to make her yelp, she said. It was an obvious ploy to get away from the subject of what had just happened now that the spell was broken, but Callie was happy for it. She knew she should have felt mortified by the realization that she’d gone into full whore mode on the beach, but she was still riding the residual buzz and couldn’t get herself to even think past the drowsy, horny happiness. Then, just as quickly as the feeling came on, both of them had forgotten it, instead waving to all the men as they walked past them and into the surf.

…..Both of them grinning to themselves at the fact that they could still feel eyes on them.




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