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Kelsey strode down the street and took in the scenic tranquility of the Ansley Park post-suburb area. The entire city was arranged in a sort of radial concentric design that her friend and liaison Ahanu had described as “Basically the circles of Bimbo Hell.” While the waifish punk didn’t necessarily think it was THAT bad, she was well aware that the local culture was impressively, oppressively preppy and bright. The bigger city buildings and shopping centers were mainly situated in the center of town along with the local university, and sunny parks, playgrounds, and community centers full of kids cropped up around it. Further outward were bright neighborhoods where rich parents sent their spoiled and fairly misogynistic kids to their choice of private school, each claiming to be better than the others. Finally, Kelsey walked the last ring all by her lonesome. It was a quiet and peaceful place with few people around save for the odd group of college girls running around the outer ring for exercise.


Kelsey had come to Ansley Park after a bright-faced scout had visited her high school and spoke with her during a big future planning event. Despite her punkish demeanor, Kelsey’d graduated valedictorian of her class with well over the number of credits required to pass. This had several of the talent scouts at the event trying to snatch her up for their school due to either her involvement in the track team or the music program, but it was the David Grant Women’s Academy representative that had piqued her interest. Hers was a scholarship offer that seemed to be more tailored to Kelsey’s academics with a focus on what she was going to do AFTER college and not just what she was going to do for the school while she was there. DGWA offered job placement programs for after she’d completed her courses and afforded her networking options that would get her on with her life whereas others just wanted her because she could run, play the cello, and did her homework on time.

There was another offer that stood out, but not for an especially good reason. At one point a charming little airhead in what almost looked like a professional outfit tried to goad her into taking a full ride to Bright University, but given the recent publicity about infringement of women’s rights coupled with the MASSIVE baby boom over at that school, Kelsey decided that anywhere else was a better option so long as her career goals had nothing to do with a penis.


Ansley Park was a nice enough place in it’s own right, and despite being overpopulated with pastel wearing socialite mommies, there were plenty of girls who weren’t all too different from herself. Her new friend and town liaison Ahanu for instance was one such girl that broke the mold by being one of the few thin women with the bravery to wear something other than pink or baby blue. She was a Dakota Native American too, straight off of the reservation and thus did have a bit of a not surprising distrust for the local conservatives.


At one point Ahanu had been tasked with giving Kelsey a generalized tour of the town and show her around campus and while the two got along fairly well in the beginning, things soured a little once the locals were brought up. Ahanu had absolutely nothing nice to say about the women who lived in the area, several times specifically telling her new friend not to even speak with them. It was an awkward moment and just got worse as two such denizens approached them on the street only for Ahanu to refer to them as “the local cattle” and vehemently forbid social interaction with them.

Claire Grant and her assistant Marina were apparently out on a morning walk when they ran into the younger girls and tried to say hello. They were definitely impressive to look at, as Claire looked no older than 25 but had the figure of a literal fertility goddess complete with massive, drooping udders for breasts that sat atop a monstrously fat and pregnant belly. Her face was pretty slim for the most part, but Kelsey wondered how much of that was due to plastic surgery.


Marina was the smaller of the two and looked more openly smug, but she too was beautiful in her own way. She was chubby with a small but visible pregnant belly of her own and long, dark, luxurious hair that cascaded over her shoulders. The real eye catcher however was the largest, plumpest, fattest, widest, cushiest thighs that Kelsey had ever seen on a woman, especially one that looked otherwise pretty normal. They were smooth and shapely, but quivered and shook, sloshing wildly in her yoga pants with every step.


The two of them had some quick and passive aggressive banter that tilted the perception scale towards Ahanu a little, but she was just as rude to them as they were to her. They gushed about the joys of motherhood and advocated for the choice to choose to be a wife and caretaker, then invited the two of them to a garden party later on. Kelsey knew that it was a power play to get her to join their group instead of hanging with Ahanu, or snag them both if they could, but all in all they didn’t seem too awful, and the pinky brunette had never cottoned to people telling her who she could and couldn’t hang out with. In the end she took the invitation and pretended to throw it away just to get her new liaison off her back about it. If she could, she wanted to make her own assessments and decisions without having to pick a side first.

In truth, she still hadn’t decided if she was going to actually go yet. She’d taken the walk to clear her head and enjoy the sights all by her lonesome before making the decision.

At the end of the street she spied a coffee shop that seemed to be a little crowded, but the siren song of a nice chai latte sounded heavenly. Kelsey walked into the trendily decorated shop only to find one of the seating areas swarming with mostly heavyset women all chattering excitedly around someone she couldn’t quite see. She walked up to the counter and stood in line, admiring the décor and trying not to pay attention to the snickering and wary glances in her direction from the patrons and even one of the female baristas that would look at her judgingly in between bouts of blending and mixing. Not that it mattered to Kelsey. She’d survived this kind of attention countless times from older women back home.

The real problem occurred when she ordered her drink and moved to pay, reaching into her purse and shuffling around for her wallet only to fail to find it. First came a feeling of immense dread, then that was immediately followed by the cold, stunned realization that she’d taken it out when she finished up her class registration at her new apartment. Her heart began to speed up as she saw that the already irritated barista had started on her drink early to save time only to stop and stare at her halfway through making it when she realized that the scrawny punk didn’t look like she could actually pay for it.

“Uhh…Uhm.” Kelsey stuttered.

She thought about apologizing and just running away, never to come back, but instead she caught sight of someone moving towards the counter.

“Don’t worry, that’s happened to me before!” Said a woman as she smiled cheerily and moved through the crowd even as they turned to stare at her. “I’ve got this. And whatever she’s having, double it. Ooh, and a dessert. You want a dessert?” She said and pulled out a credit card.

Kelsey simply nodded, more out of amazement than anything.

“Awesome. A brownie sound good?”

Kelsey nodded again.

“Awesome. Can I get three triple chocolate chunk fudge brownies with that for my new friend?” The woman asked, joviality radiating from her every action.

Kelsey felt her eyes go wide as the most massively obese woman she’d ever seen pulled two bar stools together and plopped down heavily onto them, panting slightly as she did. She wore a lavender dress that must have been upwards of a size 6XL, but still strained against the incredible size of her wobbling body. Her boobs were ridiculously large, not unlike Claires’s, but had a more tidal, sloshing kind of motion to them whereas Claire’s seemed heavy and firmer. She was blonde with a thick, jiggling neck that had been completely taken over by a ring of flab that nearly devoured her chin whenever she turned her head downward and a butt and belly so big they defied comprehension. She looked to be unironically what would have happened if both Claire and Marina fused into one enormous person with tits, ass, and belly for days if not WEEKS.


“New in town, right? You move here for college?” She asked, producing a bag of cookies from the store bakery before greedily but daintily stuffing her face with them.

“Uhh yeah. Um. I go to David Grant. Uh….Sorry. Kelsey.” The skinny girl stumbled, holding out her hand.

The woman grabbed it and smiled and Kelsey could feel that even her hands were impossibly soft and doughy.

“Katie. Or Curvy Kate as people know me around here.” She chuckled cutely with all the charm of a shy, fat mom. “You’re a freshman right? I mean…Look at you. Of course you are.”

Kelsey wasn’t sure to make of that statement, but she did confirm that it was correct.

“Yeah, um… I’ll be starting my first year in just under two weeks.” She said, her eyes nearly bulging out of her head at the size of the brownies in the box the barista handed to her. Kelsey nervously glanced up at the menu and saw that the calorie count next to the brownie was in the mid 500 range. Whoever this Katie was, she had practically bought Kelsey a whole cake to eat by herself. No wonder she was so huge.

“That’s so cool! I’m actually going to be one of your teachers this semester. All the first and second years have to take my 101 and 102 classes.” Katie smiled cheerily, almost blushing as she shrugged cutely.

“Oh! That IS cool. What uhh…What do you teach?” The tiny punk asked nervously despite being slightly charmed by the flowery marshmallow of a woman sitting next to her.

Katie smiled, causing her cheeks to dimple.

“Health and Nutrition.”




Great first chapter. I like the idea of Katie being a health and nutrition Teacher given who she originally was. Poor Kelsey doesn't know what's about to happen to her.


She really doesn't. But given the fact that her H&N teacher is a 600 pound soccer mom who just bought her a 1980 calorie SNACK, she may have some concerns lol


Oh man, I'm already hooked. Kelsey and Ahanu look amazing - I can't wait to see what happens. Vox, my deviantart-fu is weak, any chance you can share a link to the original story here? I'd love to catch-up.

