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*Olivia Collins, age 50

“Yes Chelsea, I’m CERTAIN I can tell. ”


Sometimes I look around at my life and I am stunned to see where I am. I remember every bit of the events that have passed and I am still surprised to see my home. My husband. My life. My daughters. My GRANDDAUGHTER.
In many ways I still feel young. I’m energetic and far more fit than I was at was at 25 or 30 years old. I’ve lost weight and kept it off, I go on dates with a loving, good looking guy, and I even get to dress up and have the odd bit of fun with younger men when the mood takes me. I still work. My job pays me well, even though I don’t actually need the extra income. But still, it’s nice to have the extra spending money for shopping trips or to put into savings for Alice and Tori when they need it. 

Chelsea is amazing. I am so proud of the person she’s become, even if we fight over parenting styles a little. She wants to do things a certain way, but that way seems to be to spoil her daughter and bond through shopping or parties or whatever. I warn her that that’s just going to create an insufferable brat, but she just gets offended and assumes I was calling *her* a brat. ….Which to be fair, I was. My statements aren’t meant as hypocritical attacks on my own daughter, but as cautionary tales to prevent Chelsea from going through what I endured from her, and to spare Victoria from the effects of a carefree upbringing free of consequences.

Like I said, Chelsea has become a wonderful, successful woman in her own right. That being said, she was a nightmare of a teenager. She was vain, bratty, bitchy, and entitled but got away with it because I just wanted her to like me when she was going through her rebellious goth phase. Then after years of trashing me for being fat, she got teen pregnant and blew up. Even after she slimmed back down she couldn’t keep the weight off and now she’s just as big as ever but doesn’t seem to really care so long as Orin still finds her attractive. Makes me wonder how Victoria responds to it given that she’s the spitting image of her mom at that age.

I tell her all the time to lay down some boundaries or she’s going to regret it. I can already see how Victoria acts around her boyfriend when they think no one’s looking. Little lip bites and mysteriously well-timed trips to the bathroom, not to mention the fact that she’s in a skirt every time he’s around. Chelsea insists that I’m just being paranoid, but not only do I remember being like that, I remember HER being the exact same way. She’s just so dead set on proving that she’s a good parent in her own right that she’s ignoring the obvious signs that her daughter is getting fucked constantly right under her nose. I tell her “If you don’t stop fighting me and start watching your kid better, you’re gonna be rooming with a pregnant teenager who thinks the world revolves around her.”

Of course, she can’t hear that as long as I’m the one saying it.

Who knows, maybe I *am* just being paranoid.

*Victoria Richter, age 17

“Wanna take a walk with me?”


So I’ve been a naughty girl. I’ve been dating this super hot guy from my school named Noah and he’s just the absolute best. He’s super cool and he’s just SUPER fucking into me and keeps buying me gifts and stuff. My mom and Stepdad let him come over all the time and he’s really good with spending time with my family and stuff. Even my grandma likes him. Only thing is, he’s like super fucking horny like all the time, which is perfect because so I’m I, but we obviously can’t do anything when everyone is around.
At first we’d just kinda meet each other for little bits of time in the hall and have some super quick fun before anyone finds out, but that got too risky. I guess my mom heard from my grandma that we were leaving together too often and got suspicious, so whenever one of us goes to the bathroom of if I go to my room, she waddles around the house pretending to be busy so she can see what we’re both doing. That worked for probably like a week before we just started cutting classes at school and just going to our little secret spots no one ever goes. There’s an old staircase, a baseball dugout that’s always locked and can’t be seen from the main field, and if we’re really worried, we can just hop the fence and go out to the hills behind the school and satisfy each other. I gotta say, for all the shit they give us and the amount of effort they put into trying to convince us that sex is bad…I’m really, really addicted to getting laid.
We also found this old abandoned house in my neighborhood. The first time we went there we really were just exploring and stuff because we both like spooky shit and it looked cool, but once we realized that we now had a totally private place to have sex, we started putting blankets and pillows and shit in there. As long as we don’t get any grungy hobos invading our spot, we’re in the clear. I mean, it’s not like my mom or Orin can really do anything about it. If either of them even try to follow us, we’ll be able to see them and we’ll just walk past the place instead of going in and it’ll be fine.
Like, I know mom is just trying to make sure that I don’t end up like her, but I’ve already taken her lessons to heart. First off, Noah is an amazing guy, unlike my dad. She’s always harping on me to male sure that I’ve found “the right one” before having sex, I just think she assumed it would take longer and now she’s getting suspicious that I’m up to something. Which I am, but she doesn’t like…KNOW know that. And even if she did find out, I *KNOW* that Noah is my future husband whether she believes it or not. It’s not her call.
Plus, it’s not like I’m doing what she did either. Even when we have sex I never let Noah cum inside me so I can’t get pregnant when we go out on our walks. I’m being careful, I’m playing it safe and smart. Honestly, I think that’s better than just not doing anything at all because it shows that I’m being conscious of my actions. And that’s only for a few more months and then I turn 18 and she can’t say anything anyways. Plus, ever since I turned 16 my chest has just like exploded in size, so not only do I get the good sex, Noah gets to have his fun with a big tiddy goth bimbo.
Life is perfect.

*Chelsea Lau, age 38

“Okay…Here we go…….Hey babe? I need to talk to you.”


Life with Orin has been the best time of my life. I love my husband and my daughter and I wish these days could last forever. I just have been worried about the future. My mom keeps telling me to watch out because I’m spoiling Tori too much and she thinks that she’s running off to have sex with her boyfriend every time she leaves the room. At first I bitched her out and told her that I trust my daughter and my parenting, but then I realized that that was probably exactly what *she* thought before I showed up teen pregnant on her doorstep only a couple months after moving out.

That and something seems….off. It can’t be as easy as it looks. I *have* noticed that they ho off to different parts of the house at weirdly close times and come back together, so I started moving around to keep an eye on them and I never see them doing anything weird. They go on walks together around the neighborhood and the neighbors even mention saying hi to them, so I don’t really know what could be happening there. It’s not like they have anywhere to go unless they’re hiding in the bushes on the side of the road and getting it on. I just….I’m suspicious.

Then there’s….the other thing: I’m pregnant. 

It’s a good thing. It’s just…..I didn’t expect it to be so quick after going off of birth control, and I DEFINITELY didn’t think I was going to have another kid after Chelsea. The thing is that Orin doesn’t have any kids, and I want to have one WITH him. We’re married and all that, but I just felt like we never got to have that final connection and I hate that the only person I have that with is my worthless runaway ex, who last I heard got fired from the vet’s office for doing coke and having sex with one of the techs.
At first he was concerned about our age, but I told him that my parents basically did the same exact thing in almost this same exact situation. It was a convincing enough argument and I ended up convincing him to agree to me going off birth control, but I thought it would take longer than two weeks for it to happen. Now I have to go deliver my hubby the good news and I can’t get myself to do it.

I look in the mirror and all I see is Olivia Richter staring back at me. I’ve gained back almost every pound I lost. I’m a fat  blonde while my hot goth daughter struts around, practically shoving her tits in everyone’s faces. I don’t know how to feel. It feels like I’m being punished for being the way Tori is now by having to deal with it like some kind of dark prophecy. I’ve been slacking as a parent, but now I have to make it my mission to help her turn out right and avoid making the same mistakes I did.

……Which is exactly what my mom said.


How? After all I did. After all my fighting. All my running and all the effort to avoid it, I still ended up here. I devoted my entire life to being my own person and carving my own path. All of that.

And I still turned into my mother. 

I’m still mommy’s doll.



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