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Calliope had been sitting in the bleachers by herself when she noticed Jennifer Munley and the tennis club regulars setting up to play right near her during 6thperiod PE. While most of the student body had been relatively kind or at least aloof towards the new girl from the midwest, they also hadn’t made any serious efforts to befriend her and vice versa. She went through her classes and did her work instead of chatting the day away, which put her fairly far ahead the average student academically. She enjoyed most of her classes quietly, with Honors being a favorite mainly because the other kids were quiet as well. That and the teacher seemed very eager to be her friend, which was nice.


If anything, there were two periods that Calliope dreaded more than any of the others. One was PE, which was pretty normal given that the majority of her “physical education” was just learning to wear sweatpants and sit in the bleachers after walking a mile around the track. The other and less common of the two was lunch. Both periods had several things in common: They both involved being outside, they both involved being surrounded by people, and she had both with a senior named Jennifer Munley.

While most students left Callie alone, Jennifer Munley made it a point to go out of her way to interact with her. At first it was simple questions about what she was doing and why she wasn’t talking to anyone, but that rapidly devolved into being teased for being a loner and being pushed to interact with people she didn’t want to speak with at Jennifer’s behest. Her favorite game was to find the most obnoxious, ugly, usually male weirdo or dork she could find and call them over to talk to Calliope under the guise of trying to help them make friends by introducing each other. Then she and her rich, popular friends would sit around on the bleachers or lunch tables outside and watch the awkwardness unfold. Other times Jennifer would grab her by the hand and pull her over to where she and her crew were sitting to bombard her with invasive and almost always humiliating questions that were clearly designed to mock and make fun of her.

Calliope did her best to ignore the group of older girls by doing her homework but before long, she began to notice that a suspicious number of serves just happened to rocket into the bleachers near where she was sitting.

“Oops! Sorry!” Jennifer would call out each time, a broad smile on her face showing a clear lack of remorse along with a set of flawlessly white teeth.

(Fucking bitch)

Callie closed her eyes and began breathing slowly.

(Are you seriously going to let her do this to you?)

Another ball whizzed by, this time so close that it flipped her hair backwards causing the girls on the tennis court to laugh deeply at the near miss.

“Whoops! Sorry Cally-ope! Hope we didn’t scare you too bad! We’re just really off today!” Jennifer called out as her friends continued to giggle and whisper to each other.

Calliope did her very best to calmly open her eyes and get back to finishing her math homework before it ate into her time later.

(You know, you could probably kick her ass if you actually worked out sometime. Or like…cut off a chunk of her hair when she’s not looking or something. It’d be pretty easy since she only notices you when you make yourself a victim)

The timid blonde steeled her resolve and sighed deeply. After a couple deep, blank-faced breaths, she clicked her mechanical pencil and moved to resume writing. Calliope set her pencil on the page, using her history book as an improvised writing surface and returned to her Geometry homework just in time for a tennis ball to fly right into her pencil, followed by her chest, briefly knocking the wind out of her.

She looked down at her hand and found that her pencil had been decently broken to the point of uselessness and that the sudden impact had levered the graphite edge into her worksheet, tearing it upward from a hole gouged into the center-right of the page.


Between the voice in her head and the quintet of seniors both cackling their asses off at her misery Calliope could neither ignore or drown them out anymore. She felt her lips furrow as a lump formed in her throat and hot tears welled up in her eyes.

“Oh my god, you’re so mean! You made her cry!” Said one of Jennifer’s friends, playfully chiding the tennis star through a wide, unserious smile that only played at pity.

“Oh no, poor baby! Here, let’s go make it better.” Jennifer said, grinning as she began to saunter over to where Calliope sat.

Jennifer was clad in the all-white school tennis uniform that showed off her thick and impressively muscular legs as well as a bit of midriff that as part of any other outfit would have gotten her sent to the nurse’s office to change. Her slim, toned waist gave her wide hips a generous sway, swishing her short skirt as she walked, her sandy blonde hair falling gently over her slightly sweat-dampened skin. Everything about Jennifer made Calliope nervous. Her looks especially not only made the younger girl insecure about her own appearance, but it made her harder to hate too. It was difficult to despise someone you wanted to look like.


(Her? Hah. She’s nothing special. Find her weakness and all of that fake shit will crumble)

“Hey Cally-ope! I am SO SORRY about the ball thing. I didn’t expect to hit it that hard and it just….kinda flew over here.” Jennifer said enthusiastically.

Calliope rolled her eyes and tried not to groan. “Please just leave me alone.”

She knew that that wasn’t going to be enough to get them to go away, and trying to get up and run would just get her surrounded and increase the potential for a physical altercation she couldn’t win.

“Actually! I wanted to tell you that I actually have a surprise for you! I know that you’ve been having a hard time making friends and stuff so we wanted to make sure that you had a chance to shine and let everyone see how cool you are!” Jennifer said.

Calliope looked up, suddenly alarmed, irritated, and dreading what her smiling bully was going to say next.

“…What?” She said, more of an angry statement than an actual question.

“Well….I’m the head of the ASB club and we were looking forward to doing something fun for the next pep rally to get students excited and stuff….so we decided to do a student talent show!” Jennifer half-squealed in delight.

Calliope was beginning to suspect where this was going but needed to verify anyways.

“…And what….does this have to do with me?” She grumbled.

“Well, we decided that YOU are going to be our headliner! We figured that if you had the top spot to show off your special talents then everyone would flock to you. You could be the most popular girl in school! Aren’t you excited?!” Jennifer gushed, much to the horror of Calliope and the mischievous delight of her friends.

“Look, she’s too stunned to speak!” Said Amanda, one of Jennifer’s cronies.

“Oh my god I’m sooooooo jealous!” Crooned Liz-Beth Tannis.

Calliope simply stood, frozen in place, staring incredulously at Jennifer without a clue in the world as to what she should do. Conveniently, the electronic bell toned over the loudspeakers signaling the end of class, sparing Calliope the indignity of being forced to respond.

“Well, I gotta go get ready for actual tennis practice, but I am DYING to see what you come up with! Toodles!” Jennifer chirped, then skipped off to practice leaving Calliope alone with her torn homework page, ruined pencil, and burning, teary eyes.

(You’re seriously such a fucking loser)

“Shut uuuup.” Calliope growled, trudging home from school with her humiliation still fresh on her mind.

As terrible as Jennifer and her bitch squad was they were far from Callie’s biggest concern. Ever since she and her mom had moved to California she’d been hearing whispers coming from under her bed. At first she was certain she was imagining them but they never stopped even as days and nights went by. She eventually tried to talk to them, asking if they were spirits that hadn’t passed on. The response was curt to say the least. Instead of a quiet, undiscernible whisper, it grew in volume and clarity and became a clear voice. It told her she was worthless and ugly and teased her for liking to read. It pressed her to diet despite not being fat by any means, declaring that ALL hot girls should always be watching their weight. She fought it valiantly but it continued to berate her in the night, demanding her attention. Then when she left her room the next day she would simply sort of…forget it existed. When she returned home and walked back into her room however, the memory of the experiences would come flooding back like a torrent of bitchy, catty water to her mind.

For a while she tried to simply appease it. She began limiting her caloric intake and making efforts to go outside and at least walk around outside in hopes of making it go away. No such thing happened. Instead, she began to hear it further and further away from her room and even remember it for longer before it slipped her mind. It was true that she seemed to be gaining some confidence and took better care of herself, but with those good feelings, the voice became more invasive. It followed her nearly everywhere now, taunting and belittling her while pushing her towards unreasonable actions and rewarding her with an increasingly powerful rush of pleasure every time she heeded it even slightly. At first she could block it out by closing her eyes and focusing her mind, but after a moment of weakness during an excursion to the corner store, her ability to block it out had completely disappeared.

(Have a treat, you deserve it) It would say, pushing her to indulge in food and candy more often, especially after her mom began harping on her about her diet.

(You should wear your new clothes more often. Those old rags are disgusting)

It pushed her to dress up and show off, even while degrading and insulting her for not being pretty enough. Whenever she did, even by happenstance, she felt an electric pulse that seemingly dumped endorphins into her brain and sent her into increasingly amorous fits.

She’d watched herself change in the mirror. Her face became clearer and smoother. Her chest and hips began to grow. She felt the warm heat of arousal growing whenever she admired herself in the mirror and had to force herself to stop looking against the irritated taunts coming from the voice, now omnipresent wherever she be.

She opened the door to her house, still steaming from Jennifer’s attack and terrified of what she was going to do about the talent show that she had no interest in being a part of. She wanted to just drop out and refuse to go. Maybe she’d pretend to be sick or something.

(You know what you should do?) The voice echoed in her head as if a teen girl were right behind her.

(You should totally enter the talent show and blow everyone’s fucking mind. Then you’ll actually be popular and force little miss Jenny to fuck off)

“Hey superstar!” Her mother called, beaming upon seeing her daughter who jumped in surprise.

Her mom had changed too. She was thinner and taking to a far more California chic sense of style than she ever had before. She had switched to contacts instead of her usual glasses and had begun exercising daily. Calliope wondered if something like the voice from under her bed was doing something to her as well, but never had the courage to speak up about it for fear of sounding crazy. She had also noticed that along with her change in appearance that Pruitt had become more harsh with her. Even though they remained close and loving, there was a different aura around her mother that no longer felt the same. She was less saccharine about things and treated Calliope more like an adult and confidant than a little girl, which should have been good, Callie thought. But Pruitt’s fixation on her appearance and insistence that her daughter do the same made Calliope ever the more suspicious.

“Hey mom. You look…nice.” She said, noting the odd combination of one of Pruitt’s old sweaters, now loosely hanging over her thinner body and a pair of tight and daring shorts that bordered on underwear.

Pruitt grinned and flipped her done up red hair. “Thanks! I feel like I’m SWIMMING in this sweater now but it’s great for my workouts! Guess how much weight I’ve lost.” She gushed eagerly.

Calliope looked around awkwardly. “Uhhh…I dunno. Fifteen pounds?”

“TWENTY FIVE! Oh my god I dunno what it is, but the weight is just falling off of me and it’s amazing.” She said, clearly eager to talk about her new figure. “Wanna see?”

“…Sure. Go for it.” Calliope shrugged.

Callie hadn’t expected her mom to pull her shirt up as far as she did but up it went, revealing not just a tighter but still plump belly, but a large pair of fat breasts behind a nude colored bra. Pruitt was glowing with delight.


“You look…amazing.” Callie admitted truthfully.

She was almost certain that something was going on now. Despite only living at the new house for a month and a half, Pruitt had somehow managed to drop about half a pound every day. Or had she? Calliope stood there, straining her brain to try and remember the actual progression of events. Had her mom’s weight loss actually been a gradual decline? The more she thought about it the more she became certain that she only remembered seeing the changes in quick bursts, but never thought too much about it. Indeed, she had become wary of the changes in appearance and behavior weeks ago, but for some reason she simply….

….Couldn’t remember afterward.

“Oh! But I got an email from the school today! You’re gonna be in a talent show?! Littleface that is SO AMAZING AND I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! What are you gonna do? Do you need help? I could help you if you want! We could do it together!” Pruitt gushed, pulling Callie from her thoughts once again and putting her on the spot.

“I…Uhm. I have…I’m just kinda working on something myself. It’s a surprise.” She lied, her feeling of guilt and nervousness instantly diminished by a not-unwelcome catch in her breath and a drowsy, liquid warmth in her skull.

“Oh! Well…Okay. But you know, if there’s anything I can do to help…” Pruitt said, clearly trying to stay positive but feeling dejected.

Callie tried to smile as reassuringly as she could. “It’s…I will. Thanks mom. When it’s done…I can show you too?” She said meekly.

Pruitt seemed to blush with pride as her lips soared back to the sides of her face.

“I would love that.” She said, glowing with adoration.

“Alright…Well….I gotta get up to my room and work on it. I love you, my mommy.” Callie said, smiling back at her beaming mother.

“I love you SO SO SO MANY.” Pruitt said.

(I can’t believe you said that. You don’t have any fucking talent)

Calliope closed the door and shut her eyes, trying to shut the voice out again.

(Are you actually gonna fucking try to do this?)

With a slow, irritated sigh, Calliope opened her eyes.

“You were the one who said I should kick ass and make Jennifer Munley look stupid.” She said, already pulling up dance routines on her phone, completely unsure of whether or not she even wanted to attempt such a thing but lacking in ideas.

(Ooh…Damn girl, fuck yeah)

Callie could feel the rush hit her again as sexual energy lit her body up like a light and made her desperate to start dancing or exercising or anything that involved movement. She moved in front of her phone and began following along with a youtube dance tutorial. Her skirt felt tight as she began to naturally sway her hips to the background music, causing her shirt to ride up uncharacteristically.


(Yaaaaaaaas bitch! Fucking get it!)

Calliope grinned smugly. She knew that she shouldn’t be going along with whatever apparition had been whispering in her ear, but the thought of outclassing Jennifer Munley and beating her at her own game was too exciting to let go.

“You know what? I think I will.”



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