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So I have been deathly sick for the last few days and haven't been able to get much writing done, but the next chapter of Voices is underway.

That being said, Yes Chelsea is winding down to a finish in the next few installments and I am kicking around ideas for the next Hottie tier story. 

Those of you who know my work from the days od Deviantart may remember a story collaboration I did with a guy named Broadwell called Stepfordized 2: The Milfening. The story involves a group of women moving to a place called Ansley Park and slowly changing from slender, edgy feminists into fat, big boobed, baby crazy bimbo mommies. 

Well I am considering making a sequel and posting it here as the next long form story.

What do you guys think?



Sorry to hear you've been sick! Hope you're on mend. That story premise sounds awesome. I'm trying to decide if having them transform uniformly (everyone becomes fat/booby/bimboy together) or in different sequences (one gets fat first then baby crazy, one goes bimbo-mode before she gets booby, etc.) sounds better... but either way it sounds like it'd be a great long form!