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*Olivia Collins, age 38

“I want more. The fun, the excitement. I want it all.”


Life is strange.

I spent so long taking care of my daughter that I had forgotten to care about who I was. Then when she grew up, I spent so much time competing with her that I forgot to live for myself. Now my first baby is all grown up and moved out and I’m not entirely sure what to do with myself.

For a long time I was just sort of lost. I felt depressed and lonely and felt like I had nothing to do with myself. Sure, Greg was there and he has always been nothing but amazing to me, but I realized that all I was doing was waking up, going to work, coming home, and watching tv. I started stress eating again knowing that I had a propensity to put on weight quickly but that was about the time Greg stepped in and stopped me before I fell down that old rabbit hole. What surprised me was that instead of lecturing me or demanding that I think of my figure, he sat me down and we had several nights of long talks about what was going on with me and why I was feeling the way I was feeling.

When I was ready, Greg decided to step up and take me shopping for new outfits and things to make me feel pretty again and not just some dowdy old housewife who had a baby way too late. We hired a nanny who has been just amazing to have around. It’s funny because I saw the nanny, Angelica holding baby Alice and I felt super jealous because seeing them together reminded me of when I first held Chelsea. I spoke to Greg about it and he reminded me that Alice was MY baby, and that I could literally do that any time I wanted. In the meantime, he had decided to take me out on more dates now that we were both free enough to live the way we want. The future used to be something I dreaded, but now I’m nothing but optimistic.

*Chelsea Richter, age 24

“Good job, Tori! Good helping!”


Living on my own has been amazing. Like don’t get me wrong, living with my parents was a pretty cushy gig, but honestly, I think it was a little too cushy to be good for me. My mom insisted on babying me all the time and refused to let me take care of my own daughter, and then got upset when I wasn’t doing anything with my life. I gained like a million pounds and turned into a tv zombie, then when they didn’t like who I was, we started fighting. I mean, I get it. Really, I do. I defo wasn’t doing what I needed to be doing, but they still don’t recognize the part they played in that.

To be honest, I focus on that too often and I know it. I’ve been going to a therapist on the weekends and getting my head straight. Apparently spending your entire life getting dumped, abandoned, and competing with everyone around you isn’t the best for your mental health.

I’ve been working figurative my ass off at Melodia to make money and I gotta say…I love it. Yeah, it’s work and I have to juggle that and Tori, but it’s really not that bad since the other girls have a little daycare center in the back of the store since most of them have kids too. It’s kinda perfect.

I think the best thing about it is that I finally have something to DO with myself. Instead of sitting at home and playing with the baby or just watching tv, I have an actual occupation that keeps me busy and allows me some sort of goal for the month. The pay is decent, but not anything like what my mom makes. Even so, it gives me more than enough to get by.

On the homefront, I have been working my LITERAL ass off either at home or by jogging around my neighborhood. At first it was death. What people don’t tell you about exercise while fat is that everything pulls when you move and you have to push all that weight every time you need to breathe. I used to be really fit and worked out all the time, but I was a teenager with a magic metabolism. Now I watch what I eat and exercise whenever I can and frankly, I haven’t been hating the results so far. Goodbye belly, I won’t miss you when you’re gone!


But the best thing in my whole life is my daughter Victoria. She is so interested in everything and despite her primary method of entertainment being “I think I’ll put this in my mouth” she is always running around trying to help me do whatever it is I’m doing. I love her so much.

I wonder if I was ever like this with *my* mom…

*Olivia Collins, age 40

“Like what you see?”

Greg has been treating me to a significantly more…luxurious lifestyle than I’ve ever been used to. With both of our incomes at a record high after his big promotion he decided to treat me to some cosmetic surgery as his way of easing me back into feeling more confident in my appearance. I suppose most women would have been more hesitant to take him up on the offer but I am just now really getting to go out and enjoy the world but it’s taken until middle age to do it. I still look good for a 40 year old woman, but I notice the crow’s feet starting to creep in more and more and my boobs, while gigantic, are beginning to sag in a way that I am less then happy about.

I’m already approved and will getting the procedure soon. I spoke with Chelsea over the phone about it and she was more supportive than I expected. She told me that it was about time I got to enjoy myself and that there was nothing wrong with changing my body however I want. Before she would have scrunched up her nose and bitched me out for clinging to my fading beauty and trying to act younger than I am. I think now that she’s older she’s not looking at me through the lens of stay at home mom from the perspective of sexy young daughter. I imagine that with Tori starting up kindergarten she’s becoming more aware of what it means to get older and is more sympathetic given the amount of effort she puts into her own appearance. I’m proud of her.

I’ve started going to dance clubs with Greg and wearing more daring outfits when I do. He loves treating me like his trophy wife and I love the feeling that I am getting my edge back after 25 years of devoting myself to being as wholesome a mom as possible because I thought I was in love at 14. Now I feel like the belle of the ball when I go out in my dark, sexy outfits and get to dance to music that *I* like and even flirt a little with the guys brave enough to ask me out onto the floor or to buy me a drink. Greg doesn’t mind the attention I get at all despite my constant worrying that he’ll think I’m unfaithful but….nope. If anything, watching me get hit on just makes him want me more later.


I definitely do NOT mind this.

*Chelsea Richter, age 26

“/incoherent sobbing”

I’m not ready. My little girl has gone off to school for the first time and I’ve been broken down over it ever since. I know it’s stupid and that this is the goal of parenting a little girl, but still. For so long she was just my tiny baby and now I don’t have one anymore because she’s growing up. I don’t know why it’s this hard for me; it’s ridiculous. For the longest time it was just her and me. Mommy and baby taking on the world together. But now she’s gone off to school to make friends and stuff while I……Occupy myself elsewhere…

The truth is that I’m not exactly alone through all of this. Like at all.

I’ve started finding some free time in between work and Tori, so I’ve been dating around a bit. I hadn’t been with anyone since Pheonix fucked me over and left me with no job and a baby, so I’ve been playing it safe for now. Mom is always happy to watch Tori when I go out anyways, so I don’t feel too bad about getting a little action myself. At first it was a little rough to find someone who didn’t mind me having a kid, but lo and behold, the smaller my waistline becomes, the more willing men are to come over and play. I’m really not looking for anything long term at all so the guys come and go and they’re never allowed in the house when Tori’s there. Maybe one day I’ll let someone stay the night and meet her, but until that day comes, ya girl is staying more or less single. Sex is great, but I won’t do anything to put my daughter at risk. 

Still.....It's definitely been fun to be able to appreciate my new and improved figure with someone willing yo appreciate it...


Speaking of looking hot and getting laid, apparently my mom is getting a facelift and some other cosmetic surgery done. She deserves it after all she’s done but I can’t help but feel like she and Greg have some kinda kinky bimbo cougar fetish thing going on. It’s SUPER not my business, but still. Kinda weird thinking about my mom going around and hoeing it up around town with my stepdad watching as she gets hit on.

At the same time….It’s not like I can talk with how many guys I bring home a month. Guess it just goes to show that I have a long time to play before I need to really settle down.

*Olivia Collins, age 42

“Hah! me? Tame? Oh baby boy, I’d love to see you try..”

It turns out that I’ve got a bit more of a mean streak in me than I thought. It all started one night after I had gone to a fancy, more upscale party with Greg and this one man would not take no for an answer. He must have been about 25 but was absolutely glued to either me or my boobs, I couldn’t tell which. I must have made every excuse in the book to get this kid to give up the ghost, but he just tried to smooth talk his way around every last bit of it. Admittedly it was cute and I was VERY flattered, but at the end of the day I was married and told him as such.


I met up with Greg later that evening and explained what had happened and that I made sure to turn the guy down, but instead of really reacting, Greg was just quiet for a while. The rest of the car ride home was awkward and I was worried that I had done something wrong, but the moment we got home he practically jumped me. He tore my clothes off before we even got out of the entrance and before I knew it, I was being thrown over the back of the couch and fucked like a whore. As much as I would have loved to have asked then what had gotten into him, I was too lost in the sexy brain fuzzies to even think straight, let alone carry on a serious interpersonal conversation. The only coherent thought that went through my brain at the time was that either I was very light, or Greg was a LOT stronger than I gave him credit for. Both were very hot.

After we’d finished and the subsequent fifteen minutes of huffing and puffing while staring at each other, I made the attempt to ask him what all that was about. He told me that the idea of his wife sleeping with other men got him especially hot, so he couldn’t resist. Curious and more than a little skeptical, I asked if he was into watching or something and he said no. Just that he liked having a slutty wife who fucked around with other men so long as there were rules in place. When I probed as to whether or not his fetish extended to him going around with other women as well, he shut up again. He acted shy and avoided the question a few times before guiltily admitting that he did fantasize about other girls as well, but rushed to assure me that he would never do that to me or go behind my back without me knowing.

I can’t honestly say which surprised me more: my lack of repulsion towards him wanting me to have sex with other men, or my lack of repulsion towards the idea of him doing the same.

We went to bed and didn’t say a word about it for probably two whole weeks. We skipped our regular date night a couple times, but then when another invite went out, we were faced with the dilemma of deciding what we were going to do with ourselves. I think to both of our surprise, we ended up in a weird, dangerous situation.

Now, twice a month, we take our wedding rings off when we go to parties and don’t contact each other until later the next afternoon unless it’s an emergency. Protection is a must, and we have to communicate extensively, but outside of that, our love life has never been more passionate OR romantic.

Have we become the rich swinger couple? Are we the couple sitting at the bar buying people drinks now?

I don’t know what to make of it myself, but here we are.

*Chelsea Richter, age 28

“Yes, Chelsea. You’ve got the job.”


I honestly can’t believe it. Well, I can really, but that’s not the point.

While supporting my own household hasn’t been too terribly difficult, I have to admit, I wasn’t making the progress in life that I thought I would. Melodia paid it’s clerks well and at first I was able to save up, but once I got a car, a few streaming subscriptions, and a new credit card on top of all the stuff Tori needed, I was just barely keeping my head above water for several years. It was one thing to have to buy diapers and baby food, but after that it was school supplies and new clothes every few months, plus the increase in regular food as the stuff I would normally eat just started vanishing from the fridge, the bills just started getting harder and harder to keep down.

I always loved working at the store, but after a while standing around and waiting to practically harass some poor woman to buy a bra that’s overpriced and not at all what she came in for began wearing on me. It also began wearing on my legs. I started taking overtime days and staying late to get a little bit more money, but what little I saved would end up going to an arguably necessary amenity like a movie trip or the odd trash burger or pizza when Tori and I were feeling down.

Poor baby had been practically living at my job with me, and by the time I get home, I’m too tired to really do anything with her but watch tv. We used to go out all the time and go shopping or to the park, but nowadays, I just don’t have the time.

But with my promotion to manager, I have a lot more money to work with considering the fact that the position came with a $5 raise. In the end, I’m getting almost another $700 per month to just do…whatever with. On top of that, the workload is more about the logistics of running the store, so I’ll be sitting down a lot more often instead of standing the whole time, showing off dresses and pacing the floor in pumps until my ankles feel like they’re going to shatter.

I’ll finally be able to spend some real time with my family at home.

…..As small as it is.

It’s been a good while since I’ve had one of my sexy dates. Not because I can’t get one, but rather because I just haven’t had the time and I don’t want to leave Tori high and dry while I go sleep around. And I could too. The last couple years have been absolutely incredible for my figure, even if I’m worn out by the end of the day. My legs are nice and toned from walking all the time and I genuinely haven’t been this thin OR athletic since before I got pregnant with Tori. Nothing wrong with strutting my stuff a little while I still got it.


I see my mom out having the time of her life now with Greg and I wonder if it isn’t time for me to find someone to settle down with.





The ups and downs, zigs and zags, of this story are just fantastic. Olivia and Chelsea have come such long ways, I can't wait to see where they end up

Colin Cooke

I'm not gonna lie I miss when Chelsea was fat. It felt like there was contrast. I literally cannot tell who's supposed to be who with the AI images. Plus doesn't help I really like wg and that got cut off right when it was getting good


Luckily, I numbered the pictures so you CAN tell who is who. I spend a lot of time working on these and not gonna lie, it super sucks when someone jumps up and complains when the story doesn't go their way. It doesn't feel good and it's not a good way to get me to change things. As for Chelsea looking like her mom...that's kinda the point.