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*Chelsea Richter, age 18
“Fuck it. Why not?”

My mom and I have had a rough year to say the least. We were sort of off and on when it came to my relationship growing up, and after feeling like I was finally really getting to know her, she dropped a bomb on me. Apparently, she had been wanting to talk about changing her status as a single woman for a while, but never actually did. What ended up REALLY happening was her trying to show me a makeup video on youtube when she suddenly got a naked picture from some dude and I saw the preview notification. As it turns out, she had been dating and even sleeping with this guy for a little over 2 months without using protection. Even worse, she never bothered telling the one person on this green Earth who could possibly be hurt or upset by that information. She says that she was going to going to tell me eventually, but I wasn’t taking that shit for a second. She harps on me all the time for the things I say I want to do but don’t, so I have no pity for her hurt feelings after my reaction. 

From there, we just didn’t get along anymore. It wasn’t even because she was dating or fucking around when she could get pregnant. It was that she was actively hiding it from me. I started avoiding her, which made her want to try harder to fix it, then that would annoy me, I’d get mad, and we’d start arguing. That is what would happen every single time we were alone together. At first I was because of the lying, but after a while the reason for my anger shifted to just not being able to get any peace from her. I don’t think she was trying to start anything really. I know she is just trying to apologize and make it better, but by the time we got to where we were, I was so furious with her for one thing or another all of the time that I started feeling like I didn’t know how to turn it off again.

I wanted to stop fighting. I didn’t want to be mad anymore. So when she asked me if I would go to the beach with her, I held back my emotions enough to say yes. On one hand, it felt like she was either bribing me with the trip or ignoring the state of our relationship due to my emotions towards her. On the other, I wanted to not be distant anymore and she was the only one making a real effort to bridge the gap.

The car ride was awkward and quiet, so she put on some music that turned out to be surprisingly good. I asked her what some of the songs were and she lit up like a light bulb. It was really sweet and almost made me cry because I knew that all she wanted was to be able to talk again, and just that little thing erased the sad, pleading scowl she wore nearly every day since our first fight. It was a welcome change of scenery.

The beach itself turned out to be surprisingly fun. We did some body surfing and I got to try on my new bikini, which was nice. My boobs had been growing like crazy and my last two piece now barely covered my 34Cs when at the beginning of the year I was an A cup and it would have been way too big. I definitely got a good lot of stares from guys as we passed, though I am not at all complaining about that. At first I thought my mom was going to be pissed when she saw me talking to some of them, but she just smiled at me like she would do whenever she realized how grown up I was. I turned back and saw for too, shocked at how little attention I had been paying to her all year. She’d cut her hair shorter than usual. I felt like I knew that, but I couldn’t remember ever processing it mentally. That and she’d gotten FAT. She had been curvy all my life, but seeing her now made me realize just how much weight she’d gained since she started dating Jeff.

She was pretty, really. And it made me miss my mom.

*Olivia Richter, age 33

“You’re really beautiful, Chelsea.”

I had a good day. I don’t know how I did it or what changed in my daughter all of the sudden, but I got her to agree to go do something with me. We’d been fighting about my new boyfriend and the fact that I wasn’t on birth control when we started having sex. I tried to find an excuse for not telling her about it when I wanted to, but she just tore me apart. She called me a hypocrite, an idiot, a liar….and she was right. The only reason I had for not telling her was that I was scared, but that wouldn’t mean anything if I ended up telling her that I was having completely unprotected sex because it felt better and I thought the risk was hot. She was shrieking about “what if you got pregnant?” and “Why am I having to be the one to lecture YOU about this?” all night after she found out. I felt like such an idiot for having to be yelled at about the dangers of unprotected sex by my daughter instead of the other way around. From there, anytime I tried to talk to her, we would end up fighting about something. And that sucked.

But by some miracle, she gave me a chance this time. We had an awesome day too. Everything just went smoothly after we started sharing music and stuff in the car. We ended up collecting shells and playing in the water, but while she was burying my legs in sand that she’d shaped to be a mermaid tail, I watched the heads of every hot blooded male crank sideways to stare at my teenage daughter. Some of it might have been me since my boobs get gigantic any time I gain a little weight, but I guarantee that 90% of those eyes were glued to Chelsea. 

What’s crazy though is that after a while, she started to see it too and started flaunting her body more. She must have “casually” flipped her hair back or leaned over 30 times each when we were on the boardwalk, the slutty little thot. It worked too. She got like 5 numbers before the end of the day, but for whatever reason didn’t think I knew what’d happened when she came back blushing like a tomato whenever a boy tried talking to her alone.

I had a bit of a mom moment about it. Weird as it was, I couldn’t help but see my baby girl as a grown woman; showing off her body to men, standing up to and even fighting me, and only months away from graduating high school. She was all grown up and my little, tiny baby who used to chew on my hair and couldn’t sleep unless I patted her butt for hours was gone. No more Blues Clues or Paw Patrol. No more field trips or Girl Scout meetings. No more falling asleep watching movies on the couch together.
My baby was big now. She was smart and brave and BEAUTIFUL. I even told her as much after she looked like she was afraid I’d caught her sneaking off to flirt for the 10th time that day. 

I was so happy that we could have a happy day together. 

…..And I began to worry about how much time we had left before these kinds of days stopped for good.



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