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(Slight trigger warning towards the end: allusion to eating disorder/anorexia)

With the second semester classes underway and her upcoming meeting the Advisory Board looming nearer and nearer, Emily had been doing everything she could to increase her academic performance with rigorous study. Of course, her idea of academic excellence involved enthusiastically committing to learning and trying the techniques she’d been shown in Fellatio 101 and Erotics 200. Everything she picked up was put to use sooner than later considering how often Malcolm had been stopping by the house to discuss upcoming meetings and to take stock of how the sorority was doing under Emily’s leadership. In truth, everyone knew that the two of them had been fucking like rabbits for the last few weeks, and they were hardly subtle about it. Even if any one of them could legitimately turn a blind eye to the way Emily was constantly grinding her ass on his lap or the goofy, nerdy grin he had every time she was doing it, it was nigh impossible to not hear her moaning and crying out, often times loudly playing along with whatever roleplay fantasy they happened to be acting out that night. Or morning. Or afternoon before 2pm.


Tori was most impressed with the house leader’s tsundere Samus Aran portrayal and Kayli was a fan of the Mercy cosplay Malcolm put together for her, the most popular by far was when they were serenaded by the dulcet, melodious, feather light voice she put on during her night as Princess Peach. While she was panting over the size of Malcolm’s “mushroom,” the ladies of ββψ couldn’t stop cackling in the common area, desperately trying not to be heard, and well aware of the irony of being the ones who felt the need to keep quiet. Eventually they broke, unable to hold it together when they heard that same falsetto moaning the words “AM I A PRETTY PRINCESS DADDY? MMMMPH IT WHEN YOU POUND MY PEACH!~!” The girls erupted in laughter and the noises did immediately stop, and then slowly start up again, albeit much, much quieter.

In the morning, a bold Sophie snarked “Morning, Princess” over her coffee in a dry tone, smirking all the way to her ear.

Emily however didn’t seem perturbed at all. She simply smiled an exaggerated smile, rolling her finger around in a dimple that formed on her cheek when she showed her teeth. As she peppily turned back towards the fridge, she cooed out a musical “hellooooo~” in her Princess Peach voice, once again causing the room to explode in laughter.

“HURRY UP BITCHES, WE GOT PLACES TO BE! WHOOOO!” Emily whooped authoritatively into the common area, plenty loud enough for the rest of the house to get the message. She turned to Kate and made a pouty face with her lip.

“You sure you can’t come?” Emily asked with genuine, but not especially intense disappointment.

“Nope. Sorry babes, I have to go check in with CC at 4:15.” Kate sighed brattily, cocking her softer, more slender hip to one side and slumping her head to the other as if she were passed out for a second.

“What? That’s so fucking stupid oh my god. I can’t believe they still have you doing that shit. It’s already been like…what, a month already? Month and a half?” Emily gossiped bitchily, rolling her eyes as she did.

“Yup.” Tara replied, huffing a quick sigh as she said it. “For the next two months, making a total of three, I have to report to the Corrections Office so that I can sit through a bunch of classes to help me be more “Plastic Positive.” She said, complete with finger quotes to accompany her statement. She hefted her silicone enhanced breasts in both hands, feeling a slight rush of sexual pleasure surge through her body as she did, causing her to unconsciously arch her back and sticking her equally modified ass out as she let out a sharp and breathy moan.

“Honestly? I’m actually just like REALLY glad you’re enjoying yourself. I know after I got mine done it was suuuuuper embarrassing to have to like, walk back to class and have everyone know that I broke, you know?” Emily gushed, periodically stroking and lifting her own fake boobs for emphasis though like Kate, she too was almost completely oblivious to the fact she was doing it.

Katie scoffed, grinning. “Fuck that,” she laughed. “I fucking LOVE my new body like…I feel hot as fuck and I want EVERYONE to see. I spent years trying to keep fit and all that hoping I’d like…build the curves up, you know? But once the school offered to help, I was like ‘fuck yeah, I’ll take a free boob job!’” Katie said, obviously proud of her new assets.


Just as Katie finished, Malcolm had walked in from outside, motioning to Emily to hurry up as everyone else was already in the van. Emily winked and began walking away as she whispered to Katie that she “may just have some company on the way to Corrections soon,” motioning towards the door where the van sat in view, running with both Tori and Sophie calling out for their friend to get in.

“Oh thank GAWD.” The redhead mouthed silently to Emily who only opened her eyes widely and shot her friend an intense stare while nodding seriously before waving herself off and running to the van.

When they were first introduced to each other at the beginning of the school year, the girls received the keys to their freshly built sorority house as well as another key that fit into the ignition of a black Mercedes Sprinter with the Greek symbols that identified their freshly minted sorority professionally emblazoned on the side. Beneath the symbols were the words of the house motto: “Pride Within, Beauty Without.”

The girls drove down the street and onto the school campus proper and piled out in the pool parking lot. Being so close to the admissions office, Malcolm shot Emily a knowing look and explained that he was going to run into the office to take care of something before he joined them, and to start without him. Tori and Sophie went on ahead first with towels and a pair of heavy ice chests full of liquor and ice, towels draped over their shoulders as their thick, curvaceous bodies wobbled and rippled as they walked. E

“Ugh.” Emily grunted as she watched the spectacle.

Kayli looked over at them too, groaning with concern. “Ohhhhh, girls, noooo. My GOD, I didn’t even realize how bad it’d gotten….”

“Welp. I did.” Emily said, rolling her eyes again as she grabbed a baby blue towel with a pink rim running along the outside edges.

Emily and Kayli both opted to sunbathe and tan before getting into the water while Sophie and Tori somewhat unsuccessfully flirted with a group of guys that were there just before them. While the men not completely uninterested, the two curvy girls were having a bit of a hard time trying to entice them with their huge natural breasts and vapid conversation about the most recent football game. They babbled on about their favorite players and asked the guys if they played themselves, remarking on their fit, muscular bodies as they did so. Their question however was met with awkward glances and the admission that they were only freshmen and were still not quite ready to join any sports teams, opting instead to “just focus on school for now.” Despite the reception being lukewarm at best, Tori and Sophie were still able to garner some appreciative looks from the guys before they gave up the chase and waded back into the water, which did make them feel better, even if only a little. Sophie looked annoyed at the interaction, the anger obvious behind her sharp facial features while Tori seemed genuinely a little down about the subtle rejection, both of them having had a greater frequency of similar letdowns in recent weeks. Emily watched attentively from behind the safety of her sunglasses and waited for Malcolm to return before making her move.

As her dweeby administrator boyfriends meandered towards her carrying a flat, black square, Emily looked over to Kayli and nodded. The lustrous brunette stood up, her blonde highlights complimenting her own plastic-surgery enhanced body as she sauntered over to the same group of boys that her housemates had just failed to fully impress enough to take home for the night. Unlike the other two however, Kayli’s approach had every one of their eyes glued to her firm, round orbs and wide, padded hips and straining to make out what lay beneath her Native-American inspired bikini. She tossed her hair glamorously over her shoulder and smiled as she noticed, her teeth glistening brightly as she subtly posed back and forth for them before asking them to help her with a special function for her sorority.


While the poolgoers were eagerly following the culture-appropriating bombshell, Emily and Malcolm had set up their own little station with the former posturing like some sort of glamorous reality tv judge as Malcolm stood by with his work tablet.

“Beta Beta Psi! Get your asses over here! All hands on deck, bitches!” Emily called out, prompting Sophie and Tori to shoot each other surprised glances on the way over to the rallying point. As they approached, they observed not only Kayli leading the same group of four muscled studs they had just failed to impress as well as a black digital scale placed neatly on the ground.

“Good aftnernoon everyone! My name is Emily Knight and I am the president of the ββψ house here on campus. It’s my job to spearhead a schoolwide initiative called Better, Brighter, Whiter, which is designed to make everyone here at Bright U feel as comfortable and included as they possibly can.” Emily said, feeling an intense and devious energy well in her abdomen, imbuing her with a sort of malicious confidence that left her feeling slightly breathless and very horny.

“My first order of business is not only to ensure the beautification and appeal of our campus and it’s students, but to also make sure that my house is seen as a positive force for beauty and comfort. I can’t help but notice that you four gentlemen may have had a slightly awkward interaction with a couple of my sorority sisters and though I have my suspicions as to what happened, I’d like to hear from you guys first hand as to what went wrong.” She said, prompting the men to line up and state their perceptions regarding the incident one by one.

“These are my beloved sisters Sophia Lumis and Victoria Bishop. I have become aware that their attempt at getting you guys to join them for a swim didn’t go the way they would have like. In no uncertain terms, please tell me in one self-contained sentence what about them disinterested you?” Emily said, hitting both Tori and Sophie with a wave of nauseous nervousness.

One man stepped forward. “My name is Troy and uh…I don’t mind hanging out, but they seemed like they wanted more than that and they’re just not my type.”

“May I ask why not?” Emily chirped, a happy smile belying the potent venom in her voice.

“…They’re a little on the heavier side.” He admitted, eliciting a furrowed pout from Tori and a judgemental eyebrow raise from Sophie.


“I see…” Emilie said as she looked over to Malcolm who nodded and made a note on his tablet. “Next. Now you.”

A shy looking blonde stepped forward and said “Hey guys, I’m Devon…and uhh….I just wanna say that it really wasn’t anything personal. Like, I definitely am all about like the whole body positive movement and a woman’s right to love herself and everything, but…I dunno. I think it’s like Troy said: they seemed to be more interested in dating than swimming and their individual aesthetic is just…not quite my type? I mean-“

“Devon, you’re cute but you’re killing me here. I asked for sentence and now you’re giving me a book report. If they’re too fat for you, say they’re too fat.” Emily interrupted, the her diamond encrusted bikini tightly hugging her generously plastic figure.


“….They’re…..Too fat for me. Sorry.” Devon relented guiltily

“No need to be sorry babe, you’re just being honest. Next?”

“Too fat.” Said a rugged looking brunette with an attractive amount of scruff on his chiseled face.

Emilie looked over to a dashing hispanic boy with impeccably suave hair that fell into perfect heart-shaped bangs. It was a shame about his ethnicity, she thought. He would have made a very attractive blonde. “You?”

“Too fat.” He shrugged casually with a slightly accented voice that made Emily groan slightly through a reduced smile, mentally redacting her earlier thoughts on his attractiveness.

“I see! Well, it seems that we have a unanimous and unbiased opinion, ladies.” Emily said through a catty, superior smile.

“As you know, it’s my job to ensure the comfort and inclusion of everyone here at Bright, and while I do believe in individual freedoms, I also have to take into account the perceptions and personal values of people OUTSIDE of our group, regardless of my personal opinions of my friends and sisters. As such, Katie, Kayli, Malcolm, and myself have all expressed concern regarding the health and well being of our two more ‘curvaceous’ housemates to no avail. We are concerned not only about your health and well being, but about what your lazy attitudes and appearances say about our sorority and even more importantly, Bright University itself. You have either missed or ignored our attempts to help motivate you to take better care of yourselves and as such, I have no choice to put you both up to be evaluated for Course Correction.” Emily said, keeping her authoritative composure even as she watched the emotions swell within her two increasingly upset sisters.

“However, I am not a monster. Remember that this is being done out of love and we are willing to give you both a chance to plead your case and defend yourselves. Mr. Dell?” Emily said, gesturing to Malcolm.

“Sorry about this ladies, but when I call you forward, please explain the reason for being overweight and then step on the scale. Failure to do so or comply with the instructions given afterward will result in your immediate expulsion from ββψ House and the termination of any related financial aid Which, unless either of you have found a wealthy benefactor recently without my knowledge…is all of it.” Malcolm said to the collective grimaces of both groups.

“Victoria. Step forward.” He commanded in an almost ritualistic tone that made Emily bite her lip sexily in his direction.

“Speak in your own defense. Keep it brief.”

Tori nervously stood before him and took several deep breaths with her eyes closed to keep from crying before she began.

“Okay…ummm…” She said in a shakey voice. “I…I don’t know…what it is. Ever since I came here I’ve had this feeling like something wasn’t right with me. I try to exercise. I do. But for whatever reason I just keep gaining more and more weight! No matter how much I run or go to the gym or swim, it just keeps pouring on! I don’t think I’m really eating that much. You’ve SEEN how active I am! But something is….just wrong with me? I feel like I am being sabotaged.” Tori said, tears now streaming gently down her pretty face as she covered her plump waist with her hands.

“Sabotaged how?” Malcom asked clinically. “By Sophie?”

Tori’s eyes went wide in fear. “No! Not at all! She even agreed with me! We both feel like we’re being like….affected? It’s like no matter what we do, we turn out a way we’re not supposed to be like we’re being conditioned or like…altered somehow?” Tori gushed desperately, oblivious to Sophie’s increasing rage towards her friend throwing her under the bus despite not meaning to.

“Interesting. And when would you say you feel most ‘affected?’” Malcolm asked.

“I dunno. I feel it most whenever I’m asked for my mantra or when I’m just kinda like…thinking about it. Like what it means and why it’s mine, you know?” Tori said.

“And how would you describe that feeling? Is it like a sensation or…?” Malcolm continued, jotting down notes as she spoke.

“Yeah, it’s like a warm buzzing or something. It’s hard to describe.” Tori said shyly, still managing to contain her tears for the most part.

“Step on the scale, please.” Malcolm commanded politely

The chubby blonde stepped onto the black square and closed her eyes, tilting her head upward as she felt it sink under her weight.

“Miss Bishop, you weigh one hundred and eighty-seven pounds. While that is far from good, I find you to be within range to benefit from help and accommodation. I have indeed noticed your weight gain despite your high level activity and want to give you a second chance to get yourself in order before drastic measures are taken.” He said, putting down his stylus and looking up to smile kindly at the shaken blonde. “This time with help. Would you kindly join your sisters over there please?”

Tori joyously stepped off the scale, both hands pressed to her face as she ran to Emily and Kayli in tears. Both girls embraced her warmly and kissed her head as she buried herself in them.

“We won’t abandon you, babe. Let’s get you better, okay?” Emily said, an aura of legitimate warmth and care flowing from her shining eyes and gentle smile.

“Sophia. Step forward please.” Malcolm said, breaking the light cheers and applause for Tori into silent anticipation of Sophie’s fate. “Please explain why you have allowed yourself to become overweight despite the attempts from your sisters as well as myself to help you be healthy and beautiful.” Malcolm said in an indistinguishable but somehow less understanding tone compared to the one he used with Tori.

“I don’t know what you want me to say.” The overly buxom woman said, an irritated, scowling composure adorning her mixed-Latin features in a way that wasn’t especially doing her any favors.

“Miss Lumis, I am aware that you are trying to put forward an air of confidence and assertiveness, but I’m afraid it’s coming off as bratty and immature.” Malcolm said, once again writing away on his tablet.

“Mind looking at me while you insult me to my face, Malcolm?” Sophie challenged, prompting a signature sigh and eye roll from Emily as well as several “Ooooooh”s from the others.

“Mind not being a bitch while I, a man, am talking to you?” Malcolm retorted darkly and with a snappiness that made the purple haired brat’s breath catch in her throat. “Does that sound reasonable to you? Hm? Laura?”

Sophie felt her cheeks flush and a wave of hot stress trickle down her back at the public mention of her less than glamorous birth name. She trembled with equal parts fear and rage, both inconsolably angry and terrified of losing her place at Bright.

“….Yes sir. I apologize.” She said stoically, her own hot tears welling up in her eyes.

“Good. So. Would I be correct in assuming that Miss Bishop’s testimony was accurate and that you believe that there is an evil conspiracy that is forcing you to overeat and avoid exercise?” Malcolm asked dryly.

Sophie shook her head and pursed her lips hopelessly. “You know I do.” She said as a burning tear ran down her face.

“Ahh yes. The Pinkening. The evil aura that magically turns girls into girly girls. Is that correct?” Asked the stone-faced and suddenly terrifying administrator.

“Yes sir.”

“Miss Lumis, you do realize that women suddenly liking the color pink is not only more likely to be a case of repressed girls outgrowing their rebellious attempts to spite societal norms than it is some dark curse that transforms anarcho-feminists into valley girls right? Occam’s Razor. Are you familiar?”

“No sir.”

“I’ll keep it simple: it’s basically the idea that simple answers are most likely to be true, while complicated conspiracies are less likely to be true based on the number of qualifiers that need to exist before they can be accepted. You say The Pinkening turns women into Barbies, but I fail to see how this applies to you. You’re overweight, your hair is purple, your attendance is terrible, you drink too much, you eat out constantly, and frankly, you have a nasty attitude. What about that screams ‘bimbo trophy wife’ to you?” He asked, his stare boring through his glasses and into her.

“….I’m wearing pink….?” She offered weakly, now suddenly aware of how much taller he was than her.

“Yes, I see that. But that doesn’t make you fat, it just means you like the color pink. Nobody put you in that rather undersized bikini, Sophie. You bought it. With your own money. I was there.

Sophie stood, embarrassed to be feeling her large ass wobble wildly as she stood before a judging audience and her plump belly quivering with every shuddered breath.”

“Step on the scale please.”

Sophia sighed and stepped on the scale, hanging her head as she too closed her eyes in an attempt to spare herself from the initial shock of seeing her digital readout.

“Sophie.” Malcolm said solemnly. “You weigh two hundred and three pounds. I’m afraid that’s far too high for me, and apparently everyone else in attendance. I’m going to have to assign you Course Correction classes. It’s not as bad as it sounds, but changes are going to need to be made if you are going to be able to continue your academic career at Bright University. I’d like to say I’m sorry, but you did this. You. Not a magic pink cloud, not patriarchy-born devil magic. Your choices.”

Sophie sputtered for a moment before her indignant rage returned and she attempted to rebut her sentence.

“Are you fucking serious?! I’m only 16 pounds heavier than her and I have go get re-educated, but Tori gets a free pass and a hug?” She said, doing her absolute best not to shriek in anger. She looked to her house sisters for help, but received only catty glares from Kayli and Emily while Tori mouthed a sad and silent “sorry.”

I’m sorry Miss Lumis, but sixteen pounds of fat is not only a significant amount, but Tori is 5’7” and while you are coming up short at 5’2”. According to your BMI, she is merely overweight while you are medically obese.” Malcom said, taking off his glasses and cleaning them before looking back at her.

Sofia was devastated, but couldn’t exactly pinpoint why. She had always remembered being proud of her thick body and juicy curves, but the sound of someone telling her that she was obese caused a black hole of fear and misery that consumed every fiber of her being. Paralyzed, she stood there, able to do nothing but FEEL the hideously powerful slam of her heartbeat against her chest. Her throat dried even as tears gushed forth in silent streams. A pale of blistering cold crawled up her back and into her head, pulling on her mind, rolling her focus to the back of her skull, and taking her eyes with them. She fell.

Were it not for the frat boys sticking around as long as they did, Sophie would have probably broken her head open on the edge of the pool. Luckily she was caught before then. As she came to, Malcolm and Emily were both worriedly doting on her; pressuring her to drink water and applying ice packs made from towels and the ice from the coolers.

Sophia got up off the ground and turned to Malcolm who promptly asked if she was okay. In response, she turned to him with once again teary eyes.

“Please help me.” She sobbed. “I don’t want this to be happening to me. I don’t want to be this way. I don’t want be fat like this but I just keep growing and I’m scared that I’m never going to feel like I’m still ME ever again. Please, please help me.”

Malcolm flashed a warm smile and said “That’s why I came here. I’ve got you, alright?”

“Don’t worry babes, we’re gonna get you back the way you’re SUPPOSED to be.” Emily said with tears of her own burning in her eyes. She realized that what she said didn’t quite make sense. She hadn’t meant to say that she was *supposed* to be thin, but for whatever reason, that was what came out of her mouth. Emily had no idea why she was getting so emotional, but she knew that the two had never felt closer and reasoned that to be the source of the unreasonable amount of crying she was doing.

“I’m not gonna let this happen to you. Or Tori, or Kayli Or Katie either. We’re sisters, remember? We’ll fight it together.”



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