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Evan’s shoes clicked softly along the paved stone of Ibiza town as he searched high and low for something special he might offer his crush. Frankie’d been his best friend from the moment they’d met in college and for the longest time, Evan was almost certain that his attraction to the skinny boy was a mutual one. He thought that the trip to an exotic Spanish island would be just the thing to bring the two closer together but every time he tried to get Frankie’s attention, he seemed far off or lost in thought. Their friend Reggie had come along too, which was in some regards very nice. Reggie was fun and cute but seemed to be far more interested in flirting around with the locals than either of his friends.

It made sense, really, Evan thought. Reggie was close to both of them and even though his bisexuality would have allowed the two to be together, the likelihood of something going wrong would destroy the friend group. Evan wondered if Frankie too was just avoiding potential drama, but if that were the case, why bring them out to an island getaway with him?

Another thought dawned on the curly haired gay boy. Frankie had never had a girlfriend, it was true. But he’d also never once expressed interest in a man either. Was he straight? Was he asexual? Was he just shy? Evan sighed wistfully at the idea that the man he hoped would turn out to be the love of his life would never actually return or even notice his affections.


Still, he thought, there was plenty of alcohol to go around and they’d already planned on hitting the beach for one of the sundown parties that the tourists and even some locals would throw towards the end of the day. Who knew, he thought. Maybe a little liquor would loosen Frankie up enough to get close to him and maybe even loosen his lips about his real feelings.

Evan glanced down at his phone and sighed. 11:59 AM. The party wasn’t going to be until sundown, so he had at least even more hours to kill until then. Still, that didn’t mean he couldn’t hunt for something cute to wear in the meantime.

The numbers on the phone changed to 12:00 just as Eve stuffed it back in her pocket as best she could. She smiled giddily at the thought of all the guys that were going to be at the party later that night. As her heels clicked and clacked noisily across the pavement, Eve put an extra sway in her hips, hoping to entice a group of locals walking behind her. She looked back after a few seconds, smiling flirtatiously at the boys only to find them giving each other awkward and embarrassed looks. It was a typical reaction really, but Eve didn’t mind. Or rather, she couldn’t allow herself to get discouraged. Being a trans woman in America was already tough as it was. She’d hoped that being in a foreign country, especially a much less prude one, would allow her to find someone outside of her friend group who’d be interested in dating or at least sleeping with her easier. It was one thing to fool around with Fran or Reggie back home, but after years of her friends being her only on and off partners, she was looking for something new and exciting. It just so happened that a party on the beach sounded like the perfect opportunity to meet someone.


Eve returned to her hotel room and spent the day painting her nails with the other girls in preparation for the big night. They chatted and gossiped about the town and especially fun parts of the trip with each of them having their own priorities come out in their stories.

Reggie had joined a yoga class run by a hunky guy who seemed blissfully oblivious that she was trans, or even better, just didn’t mind it. The other women were delighted to have her there and even joined in on a video for her instagram. Reggie’s online persona Reggie Rocket was her main reason for coming along on the trip. As the most feminine looking, she had the easiest time passing as a cis woman and spent a good amount of time on her online presence. With both public and adult media being constantly uploaded to her various pages and accounts, it was her goal to hit 20k followers by the end of the trip by practically livestreaming everything she did with emphasis on any activity that allowed her to show off her sleek body. Or at very least lure in horny men before turning to reveal a long, thick cock bulge against her tight yoga pants or whatever other revealing outfit she decided to wear that day.

Fran was constantly on the lookout for someone to love her. After dodging her family’s orders to join the military, she’d run off on a trip to Spain to “see the world.” This of course was not entirely true, as every second of every day was spent flirting and asking men and women out on dates whenever possible. She always wore the flirtiest outfits she could and was for some reason especially fixated on relocating a “hot blonde chick” that she’d run into at a bar the first day. Apparently, it had been love at first sight since she was constantly building herself up for the encounter.

As for Eve, she was just there to get laid and she knew it. She practiced her various fake accents in an attempt to sound anything but American. Today, she thought she’d try marketing herself as an Englishwoman who had run away from her oppressive Jewish family after she’d come out to them. As she worked a massive glob of conditioner into her hair, she switched back and forth between posh and cockney dialects that were equally bad. Not that that mattered especially since she was proud of both, but the decision still needed to be made. In the end, she reasoned that the locals would probably be able to sniff out a fake Brit if she tried to sound rich, so she went with Cockney and spent nearly the rest of the night practicing her “wot”s and “innit”s.

The trio made their way down to the beach at sunset with Reggie leading the way with a confident stride.

“Alright bitches, I’m heading in. Don’t call me if I go missing tonight, okay?” She said, the slight deepness of her voice masked by a practiced raise in pitch.

Fran brushed her hair from her eyes and adjusted her shear blue top nervously.

“Yeah but like what if you’re actually in danger?” She asked. “Or like what if WE need you for something?”

“Well, if you need help, you can call each other, and if I need help then I guess I’ll just have to suffer until the cops find my phone GPS.” Reggie said, a sarcastic, flippant look on her face.


The three trans girls separated and went off in different directions, each looking for their own uniquely tailored version of what was more or less a variation of the same end. Reggie, true to her insta handle had rocketed off to join a group by a fire pit, dancing sensually to the squealing glee of a number of Spanish girls.

Eve was already making a fool of herself, holding court on some tragic backstory she’d concocted for herself. This time she was a British runaway and the victim of religious persecution for her gender identity as opposed to the Russian brothel madam story she had spun the last time they were at a party back home. Fran didn’t know what annoyed her most: The fact that she scapegoated Jewish people and pretended to be British for attention, or the fact that she actually WAS getting some attention. Especially since Eve’s parents were totally fine with her coming out as trans while Fran’s parents were decidedly not and actually DID chase her out of the house when she refused to join the military to “straighten out.”

Fran wandered around, taking it slow and feeling her way into which groups or people to engage with. While the other two were happy to just throw themselves at whoever would give them the time of day, she was determined to be more discerning in her choices. Only the right sort of people would be good enough for her tonight, she thought.

She’d been burned enough times before at gatherings like these and was resolved to make more informed choices of who to spend her time with. Or at least that’s what she told herself. In reality, she was just scanning the crowd for a glimpse of the girl she’d met at the bar. She couldn’t remember what they’d talked about; only that she’d greatly enjoyed herself before the other girls came in and ruined it by trying to hit on her or heckle her about where she got her outfit.

She strolled around the outside of the growing crowd for the better part of an hour before she gave up on finding the mysterious blonde in the crowd but it was honestly just as well. Once she’d stopped looking for a specific person that she’d had a brief connection with, she began to notice how many other appreciative glances she was receiving. A hot but drunk looking man in his late 20s waved at her, smiling broadly at Fran, beckoning her over to him. He was hot and didn’t seem to mind her somewhat masculine appearance in the least. Against her own will and in conflict with her original plan, Fran found herself smiling back at him.

“Well…It is always good to make NEW connections…” She thought out loud.


Maybe it was time to give up on the mystery girl and do what she came to do, she thought: let loose and have fun.




This is gonna be good