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Glasses clinked and trays rattled as the virtually all-female house staff bustled about the main hall, pushing carts or setting tables for the big event. The Ashford family rarely threw parties like this, but if the rumors were true, all the commotion was because of some huge breakthrough job opportunity for Lucille and her father. More accurately, it was for Lucille THROUGH her connection to her father, as whatever bigwig asshole they’d caught the eye of was almost certainly after Gideon’s money, Lucille’s body, or both. As the gardener, none of the indoor events really had anything to do with Carlos outside of setting up exterior decorations from time to time or making sure the yard looked extra spotless, but today Gideon had summoned him directly to his office. Of course, being the busy man he was, Gideon wasn’t in his office and Carlos was sent on a wild goose chase all throughout the manor looking for him.

“Chu wanted to see me boss?” He asked politely with his hands gently folded behind his back.

“I do. Thank you for coming.” Gideon replied with a handsome smile on his face.

Carlos didn’t really know how to respond to the offered gratitude. It wasn’t like he had a choice of whether to show up or not. He’d seen house staff be fired on the spot before for taking too long to respond to a summons, so he made sure to be available as quickly as possible, even despite his difficulty finding the man of the house.

“Carlos, first let me apologize for the state of the house and my availability. I understand you had quite the runaround trying to locate me, and I want you to know that the effort you put into your expedience despite this has not gone unnoticed.” Gideon said, his features displaying what Carlos could only describe as what looked like genuine gratitude.

“In fact, your adherence to duty has been something I’ve been paying attention to for quite some time. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you have jumped to help at every opportunity. I am aware that you’ve grown into your new role quite well here with my help, but I assure you, the virtue of hard work and the willingness to do it is not a gift that you received from yours truly. No.

But more to the point….I am in need of your help.

Later tonight, I am throwing a party here at the manor, during which I will be having a very important meeting with a very important group of people. I need you to make sure that this night goes off without a hitch. I need tables cleaned, drinks filled, and every person attended to. For that, I will need someone I can trust to fully manage the rest of the staff. Granted, a gardener alone isn’t going to command the respect needed to get the job done.”

Carlos listened intently as Gideon spoke, eager to hear what was coming. The flashing of Gideon’s ring had caught his eye and brought on a mild headache, but he was nonetheless enraptured by what sounded like a coming promotion.

“That is why I’m elevating you to the position of butler to the Ashford family. You will receive a significant bump in pay as well as greater authority over the rest of the staff. You answer only to me and my girls now. Otherwise, you’re the boss.”


“Another drink, ladies?” Carlos asked cheerily while holding a tray of margaritas and other cocktails.

He wore a big smile and acted like he was just trying to be helpful but everyone on the staff knew that he was just trying to get a bunch of rich bimbos drunk in hopes of charming them into sex later. The staff girls all knew that their boss was a total pig, but despite their disgust with him, had to admit that the fat sleaze did have some amount of swagger to him. He’d already convinced several of the newer girls to sleep with him and was constantly on the prowl for more. Rumor had it that even Mrs. Ashford herself had taken him for a ride on occasion behind her husband’s back, though it was uncertain as to whether or not Mr. Ashford really didn’t know all along.


The ladies took their drinks and joked with the older man, laughing at his quips while the mostly hispanic staff girls rolled their eyes. It amazed them that the posh partygoers really couldn’t see what a slimy creep Carlos was, but even then they knew that if he didn’t get one of them on his dick by the end of the night, he had plenty of young employees who would gladly fuck him be it out of raw attraction or an attempt to promote higher in the house.

“Mind handing one of those over to me, Carlos?” Came a soft, elegant voice.

“But of course, ma’am,” Carlos said, smiling with a bow at the sight of his beloved Arabella.

The two had a strange sort of closeness that most considered suspicious, but no one was ever bold enough to make an accusation or attempt to tell Gideon even in secret that they believed something was up.

Arabella had chosen a slinky, elegant black dress for the night, complimented by furs that adorned her arms and kept her extremities warm even in the cool night air. If she was even a day over 30, she didn’t look it, as multiple plastic surgeries kept Mrs. Ashford on a competitive level of beauty that rivaled even her daughter’s. Her skin was smooth and she always showed off her famous Ashford cleavage as she strolled around the house in various states of dress, if any at all. The lucky few who managed to be in the room when she happened to walk into the kitchen completely naked were expressly admonished not to look at her, but to see such a curvaceous and beautiful woman strutting around naked with her ass jiggling and nipples hard as diamonds wasn’t something they could just easily ignore.

Carlos, as usual, waited on her hand and foot while Arabella reveled in the attention. It wasn’t uncommon for her to have servants literally follow her around to carry things she was too lazy to hold herself or to throw away whatever empty can, bottle, or trash she may have had at the time. She never seemed to put the slightest amount of effort into virtually anything, but she was hot and rich, so that was simply a way she could simply afford to be. If anything, it inspired the rest of the staff to consider plastic surgery as well; an idea that Arabella generously encouraged and often times offered to fund.


“Thank you, darling.” She said before lifting the straw to her lips and sipping on it sensually.

“Mmm…Delicious, thank you.” She flirted, winking as she turned away, the wide globes of her ass bouncing in uneven rhythm for him to see. Carlos felt his cock harden as she walked away. He dared to hope that she might even call him away to attend her in her private study later on. Until then, he had plenty of beautiful guests in need of refreshments.


“So you see, by merging our two enterprises, we would no longer have to compete for space. Instead of opening an entirely new campus and having to hire qualified instructors for various subjects, you could simply allow my father to run the school as a Law and Business branch of your already prestigious university. It’s a total win-win situation.” Lucille babbled tipsily, but eloquently.

Like her mother, she too had chosen real fur to compliment her dress, but unlike Arabella, Lucille tended to gravitate towards white clothing, however well adorned. The two quibbled playfully about it often, with Lucille branding Arabella as looking like an evil stepmother while Arabella harped on her lack of color.

“Honestly, when you finally get married your wedding dress is going to look like just another outfit.” Arabella would say.

Not that it mattered to her. Lucille only wore the finest clothes and kept the highest standards of living. But while Arabella was content with slumming around the house and fucking the fat, Mexican butler for thrills, Lucille only allowed herself to be admired and never touched by those she deemed beneath her. White and gold were perfect symbols of her beauty and intelligence in her mind, but also of her ambition. Lucille wanted to marry rich as her mother did, and to be made as perfect and beautiful as possible. She had private instructors push her to completing several degrees and went under the knife even more than Arabella with regular lip fillers and touch ups to keep herself looking flawless.


She and Gideon had become heavily engaged in conversation with Armande Kreis, a representative of a rival conglomerate that was competing, and winning, against Gideon Ashford for a place in town to open up a new branch of their growing enterprise. It was Lucille who ended up submitting the idea of a mutually beneficial partnership in which the two ventures would be merged into one. This would give Armande and his people the expansion they wanted without competing for space or attendance while allowing Gideon to see his own goals of starting up a business school not only get off the ground but have the full backing of an Ivy League name.

“You know…” Armande said, swirling his aged whiskey in his glass before taking a sip and smirking at the stunning young woman.

“You actually remind me of one of our institution’s finest graduates. If we put you in charge of this merger and have you run it subordinate only to Mr. Ashford here, I could see the both of you doing wonderful things with it. What do you say, Gideon? Interested in a father-daughter partnership?”

Gideon smiled, his ring sitting flashily, but inert on his finger.

“As a matter of fact, I would love that. I’ve always wanted a family of my own that I could really see going places together with, and this is just the perfect opportunity. I of course would pour my heart and soul into the venture and ensure that the new environs meet your standards while keeping true to the mission statements and learning outcomes. I’m in if you are.” Gideon said, extending his hand.

“Absolutely.” Said Armande, taking it with a firm shake.


With the deal concluded favorably, the trio chatted and laughed together for a while, imbibing drinks and inevitably turning to the subject of Lucille’s incredible beauty before Armande’s own wife walked in and began nibbling on his ear as a greeting. She was a gorgeous bottle blonde and looked to be some manner of Asian, but she was so modified from head to toe herself that it was impossible to guess where she was from or what she must have looked like before the many surgeries she’d clearly undergone.


“Ahh, Gideon, Lucille, I’d like you to meet my wife Sachiko. She is a former student of the university herself, though admittedly not as….enterprising as you, Lucille.”

Lucille grinned, pleased and slightly, drunkenly turned on by the skinny Asian’s tiny body and massive, plastic tits.

“Lucy.” She said, holding out her hand delicately, feeling the refreshing cold of the other woman’s long, slender fingers and imagining what they would feel like inside of her.

“I Sucky-ko, prease to meet yoo.” She said, bowing slightly with a huge, bright smile and an intensely thick accent that muddled her pronunciation. It was clear that English was not her first language.

The woman seemed to be eyeing Lucille as well, the Ashford girl noticed. They both stared enthusiastically, drinking in each other’s features with bright eyes.

“I hope we can be..ah…Good furendo in thee fu-cha.” Sachiko nodded sharply, punctuating the sentence.

“Oh dear.” Lucy said, unable to hide her delight at the oversexualized trophy. “I think we’ll get along just fine.”
