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Mako rolled over in bed and checked her phone with bleary eyes only to be immediately blinded by the light of the screen.

“Ack.” She groaned dryly, her voice lacking any tone of cuteness or seduction.

She squinted around her abnormally dark room and found it to be just like it was when she entered the dollhouse in her dream. Or whatever that was. She really couldn’t tell how real or unreal each of her little “lessons” actually were, but with the way her appearance and now even her bedroom décor had morphed into dark, elegant, gothic facsimiles of themselves it was hard to argue that they were just dreams or hallucinations. Mako sat up in bed, feeling the increased heft of her chest. A tiny upward curl formed on her lips as she re-realized that for all the fear and supernatural bullshit she’d been dealing with in the past week, she still woke up each time with bigger tits and a hotter body each time.

“Hard to hate that too much..” She said, her eyes adjusting to the light of her phone.

She had a notification on her phone about an email from Bright University titled “Spooky Doll.” Mako reasoned that she should have been much more wary than she was. On one hand, Bright was just the super preppy rich school on the other side of town. On the other, she knew full well that the haunted school she and Maya had fucked around with that fateful night was the burnt down or abandoned remains of the old Bright University campus. She opened the email and began reading.

“Dear Mako, with finals just around the corner we want to remind you to take time and relax before your last class starts up again on Monday.

There will be no lessons this Saturday or Sunday, so enjoy your weekend!

-Terri Han”


Mako was more surprised at her own lack of a reaction than the email itself. She knew that this was some sort of ghostly, haunted bullshit but after the events of the last week it seemed almost normal. To her, it felt like working for NASA or in the White House. To anyone who wasn’t already used to it, it seemed like a crazy, unreal and important thing but to the perky goth it was nothing more than an email telling her that she could actually enjoy her weekend instead of walking in the cold to go get a lesson on how fuckable she was. She shrugged and decided to go out and enjoy her day off.


The weather was warm for the time of year. Just slightly overcast and pleasant enough to show a little skin, Mako reasoned as she strode up the college sidewalk, basking in the attention from the other students as they walked by with their necks craned like they were trying to get a better look at a car accident on the side of the road. There wasn’t much to her outfit. She’d put on a little lipstick and some eyeshadow but for the most part felt that her outfit was fairly simple. Just a simple black tanktop and a skirt with a collar and some necklaces, but with her figure and pretty face it must have been quite the attraction to be garnering so many appreciative stares. Even so, Mako made sure to shoot a couple pouty-lipped smiles at the more attractive guys and girls that ogled her as she passed by. As she passed by the library she saw several flyers for a Fall Social in the cafeteria. It was a little pedestrian, she figured, but it could be a good amount of fun to go. Hell, she might even find someone to hold her attention there.

The pale Asian’s hips began to sway sensually as she wandered, fantasizing about meeting up with a cool, clever conversationalist. Maybe some dark and depressed edgy boy with big thoughts on politics and poetry. Or if not that, perhaps she would end up getting tipsy with a tarted up cheerleader in a sexy cat costume and get to corrupt her by pulling her into a closet to make out. She confidently stopped to read the details before folding one up and lacking pockets, put it in her bra.


“Welp. Looks like I found what I’m going to be doing with my night.” She mused out loud in a softer, sexier voice than she ever remembered having.

Another perk of the “lessons” she reasoned.

Mako licked her glossy, red lips as she walked, imagining picking out a buff jock at the party and seducing him into taking her to his room and fucking her brains out. Or maybe she’d luck into one of those weirdly hot poly couples and have her fun with them. She grinned widely, displaying her teeth in a sort of mock-smile that made her devious intentions playfully obvious.

“Besides….It’s not like anyone’s going to turn down a Spooky Doll like me~” She said aloud, wiggling her hips and feeling the weight and jiggle of her thighs.

Instantly, the world began spinning. Her breath caught in her chest and her pussy tightened against her will as her breasts ached pleasurably. For a second, she felt like her entire body was having an orgasm all at once, and then just like that, it was gone.

“Holy- What the fuck?” She said, panting. “Fuck me…”

Mako looked around and saw the students still ambling around or casually chatting each other up like nothing was going on around them. She walked past them, hurriedly trying to get….somewhere. She pulled on the cups of her corseted top back over her boobs before her fat nipples fell out in public. It would have been a tiny bit sexy to be exposed in the open air, but there was nothing cute about having her boobs pinned by underwire as she inelegantly tried to stuff a pinched nipple back into her clothes in the middle of a quad. She knew her shirts were getting tight, but now even her favorite crop tops were struggling to contain her very near EE cup tits. Still, she didn’t mind putting on a show for the interested passers by.



“Finals.” Maya thought.

What the fuck could finals mean? Maybe the finalization of her transformation? Or was it just an end to all the craziness involved with trying to play Scooby Doo in a haunted, burnt down college?

Secondarily, she rolled her eyes at the title of the email as she stared at it again in her inbox, deciding whether or not to just delete it.

“Big Busty Bitch” it read.

She’d already read it so it sat in regular font, but compared to the venerable sea of clothing ads and Duolingo prompts, it still stood out.

Maya’s lessons had made an impact on her, sure, but she didn’t know how she felt about it being addressed to her that way. She’d become thicker for certain, but she wasn’t as busty as Mako was judging by her sudden, constant social media posts. What used to be a place they swapped memes all day long had become a blatant advertisement for her instagram and tiktok accounts. For the past several hours, Mako had posted selfie after selfie and video after video showing off her “ootd” or just taking pics of her cleavage and making cutesy faces at the camera.

On her end, Maya felt confident but more irritable. What she’d gained in boobs came at the cost of a fatter waistline and a rounder face. A part of her knew that she would have been appalled to see herself this way a week ago, but for some reason she just couldn’t bring herself to mind too much. It was the principal of the thing. Mako, for all her bitching and moaning about not wanting to go to the campus, was now enjoying some very obvious benefits of whatever lessons she had endured while there.

“Hypocrite.” She sneered, rolling her eyes as she threw her phone onto her bed. “Well she’s not gonna be the only one having fun.”

Maya threw on a black skirt and a top that showed plenty of cleavage, making sure to pull it down a bit to show off her obvious assets. She may have been less skinny and glamorous than Mako was, but her new boobs looked to be just as large and would attract tons of attention from guys. With some slight effort, she found the clasp on her choker and latched it, reveling in the slight pressure against her newly padded neck.


Maya spritzed the air with perfume and then briskly walked through it, getting just enough of the diluted scent on her as necessary to be fragrant but not overpowering. She pulled her hair back into a headband and winked at the mirror. As much as Maya detested watching Mako slut around on the interwebs, she couldn’t resist the temptation to pose and flirt with herself in the mirror, pursing her lips into soft kisses or running the tips of her fingers gently across the tops of her creamy soft cleavage.

“Yes. I think this will do nicely.” She said, grinning at her tarted up reflection. For a second, her eyes cast down to her buttery, plump midriff and her smile receded. Doubt turned to insecurity and suddenly Maya felt like she didn’t really have the body to be trying to compete with someone as hot as her would-be friend. But the cold and dismal feelings soon turned to resentment as memories of all the days and times they’d spent together came rushing back. She felt angry. Furious that after everything they’d been through, Mako could just leave her high and dry to go become the kind of person who used to bully and laugh at them. Maya’s emotions began to boil. She stuck out her chest and reached for tubes of lipstick and eyeliner with newfound spite for her new position as the forgettable fat friend.

 “Fine. You want a Big, Busty Bitch? That’s what you’re gonna get.”

In that moment, the world around her grew hot. Maya feverishly applied her dark makeup with dizzy fervor. Her breaths became ragged from both arousal and fury. Her thighs grew hot and her nipples seethed and hardened in her shirt. Then suddenly, as quick as it had come on, the feeling was gone and Maya was left breathless. She looked down and could see the slightest ripple pulsing through her big, fat tits with every pounding beat of her heart.

Maya stood up and felt the weight of her sagging belly droop into the waistband of her skirt as she did. The slight dig of her fishnets into her soft thighs made her feel sensual and sexy, especially with the slight billow of her chubby legs over the garters that held them up. Even if she didn’t have much in the way of an ass and thighs, her heavy teardrop tits would be far too captivating for any lucky man to be able to resist.


With renewed confidence, Maya opened the front door and stepped outside, surprised as a paper that had been stuck in the door fell to the ground.

“Hm….” She said, reading the photocopied page. “Fall Social doesn’t sound like the WORST place to get laid.. “




Great addition!