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Mornings were always a favorite time for Miri ever since she was a kid. In grade school, she was always excited to wake up and go to school to see her friends, or to hurry over to the cafeteria before class to pick up a few snacks in high school. As an adult, she still enjoyed the drowsy feeling of a lazy morning wake up without obligation. At around 10PM every day, the cozy young woman would open her eyes and check the time before consciously allowing herself to snooze or haul herself out of bed to eat.

Her appetite was also something she considered advantageous to her happiness, as food was a constant comfort when she stressed, a fun activity when she was happy, and an enjoyable filler for everything in between, be it boredom or school work.

Her new apartment had also allowed her more freedom to do what she wanted, and she chose to take things slow and simple, despite her mom's insistence that she try to get more of an education to be able to support herself instead of relying on a marriage to bring in income like Lori had.

Miri knew she had a point, having grown up seeing her dad working to keep everything afloat while his wife and daughter lazed around the house, unable to really bring in any worthwhile money. So now she lived off of college grants and student loans while she tried to figure out what to major in; opting to just try out general ed courses until she found something that she was good at that wouldn't take up too much of her time. This semester would be 6 units split between English 101 and basic Journalism: just enough for a basic Pell grant to keep her afloat so long as she was able to pass.

"Shouldn't be too hard," she thought out loud as she shuffled through the house to get to a pile of clothes on her bed.

She'd never been especially academically inclined, but she knew how to do her homework when she had to, and that was usually enough for a solid B in most classes, even if she didn't remember a lick of it afterward.

Finding the pile on her all-but-abandoned bed, she picked up a massive pair of stretched out, lacy panties and threw them in the corner, followed by a pair of stretchy black sweatpants and a t-shirt.


By this point, the days were hot and clothing was increasingly a chore for both Tawny and Miri. The two jointly decided that neither really cared if the other didn't bother with them so long as they weren't naked when company came over or they had to leave the house, causing both women to simply give up on clothes and walk around the apartment in just their underwear.

"Not today though..." Miri grunted to herself as she bounced and wiggled to pull a sexy red pair of panties over her enormously dimpled butt, causing her waterbed of a belly to flop up and down as she did so, finally letting her fat hips expand into the sides of the garment. She huffed for a second to catch her breath before lifting the saggy apron of her belly and stuffing it into the once-tight waistband.

Panting slightly, she patted herself on the back for having the cleverness to simply let the elastic snap from both poor washing habits and the sheer size of her body, preventing her from needing to buy new clothes as often.

"Liiife haaacks~" she sing-songed, pulling a matching but far less forgiving bra into her back fat in an attempt to close it before pulling on her shirt, feeling it pull tight and stretch to accommodate a woman many hundreds of pounds into morbid obesity.

Waddling to the door, she lazily slid her feet into a pair of flats while simultaneously reaching onto the newly bought "snack shelf" that cluttered up the entrance for a couple chocolate muffins and a full box of rice krispy treats for the road, knowing full well that her first stop was going to be the mall area to get breakfast.

"Going out!" She called to a still passed out Tawny, who only half responded to her, mumbling "Yeah" before falling back into her tv show in a gaudy green loveseat she'd picked up from Mirabel's for sleeping in.


The flabby blonde's messy hair was sticky with honey glaze that had clung to her cheek the night before during one of her usual binge-meals. Her calves had maintained a level of husky tone, but her hips remained somewhat narrow, allowing her belly to flood her lap with her saggy, stretched marked breasts oozing onto it.

Careless and forgetful, Miri didn't even think to lock the front door as she stepped outside, bracing for the intense heat from behind her large and dark sunglasses, looking down at her weed-filled patio garden and the single potted cactus that sat in the dry dirt near the door; a single purple flower protruding from the top.

Miri and her mom had always tended a garden together when she was little, but soon ended up doing the work herself as Lori grew lazier and less fit. Eventually the heat and constant standing and kneeling made the garden a chore, prompting her to just have the young, energetic daughter plant the seeds and prune the roses, much to the latter's complaint. Eventually, Miri recalled, the garden work became noticeably harder and harder, and she kept finding herself out of breath and fatigued.

Looking back, the pale Asian shook her head in amusement at her own tactlessness when she finally spat out the words "What the hell? Why am I having such a hard time with this?"

Lori had raised her eyebrows and laughed then too, calling out to her daughter from her shaded chair-swing, "You got fat! I told you once your appetite kicked in you'd have to slow down!"

The adult Miri rolled her eyes at the thought of her 17 year old self fuming with embarrassment trying to find a way to say that it was something else. She was going to blame the heat as she stood up in defiance, ready to make her comeback, but had to admit defeat when she felt her tank top riding up over her stomach, producing a liquid soft and undeniably fat belly roll.


"Well then I guess I need to go back on my diet." She griped, only prodding her mom further.

"Oh please. You're never gonna work that off. Besides you actually look healthy for once. Try to love yourself a little."

Feeling her wobbling, fat body as she meandered slowly to the car, Miri wished she'd taken that advice sooner before she tried to starve herself down to 1500 calories a day and crying over her hunger pangs as she did.

Miri slumped heavily into the car, waves of belly fat rushing up to her chin as she sat all the way back, her seat as far from the wheel as she could get it. Grateful for the rest and to be off her feet, she drove slowly down the street.

She half expected to see Megan trotting her bony ass up the street this early in the morning, casually wondering what had become of her diet efforts since she and Tawny had stopped talking to the grumpy redhead.

"Probably relapsed already." She said out loud, cattily projecting her own memories of failed regimens onto her former friend with only a small grin forming on her face, creating cute dimples in her incredibly round cheeks.

As she approached the mall, she took extra time to drive around the parking lot, hoping to find a closer parking space to avoid a long walk to the cafe entrance.

After a moderate success, Miri forced herself out of the car and up the courtyard where a large-bellied, but strong looking custodian waved at her, a friendly smile on his face. The plush Korean smiled back through ruby red lips, pleased at the minor flirtation as she stepped into the restaurant, her mouth watering at the wave of grease and meat smell that hit her once she had crossed the threshold.

The place was packed, as was the norm, and Miri took her place in line, not even needing to look at the menu to know what she wanted.

She smiled at an unusually fat little girl as she stared back from behind the tanned, fleshy arm of a woman in shorts and a black t-shirt with the words "Daisy Flowers" written in alternating pink and yellow lettering, the "o" taking the shape of a cartoon daisy. She easily weighed 250+ pounds with her doughy daughter stuffing her face with greasy fries at their table.


Looking up, she noticed that the woman who was most likely the girl's mother also had jet black hair and different, but still distinctly Asian features. As the two women's eyes met, the mom laughed and looked down at her daughter and said "She looks just like mom, huh?"

The little girl shook her head no and buried her face in her mother's leg, much to the amusement of the elder two.

"She's so cute!" Miri squealed

"Yeah, she's my little piglet. This is her favorite place to come on the weekends." The mother babbled.

"Oh my gosh, yes she is! How old is she?" Miri asked, distracted momentarily from food."

"She's 6. 7 in October." The mom replied as if she'd done it a thousand times.

"Oh wow," Miri gawked.

"She so big!"

The woman laughed.

"Haha, yeah. She's a lil chunky butt like me. Eats a lot too, but hey, gotta start em early or they get feisty later when it comes to body acceptance."

"Yeah," Miri said, noting a theme to her day already.

"I was just thinking about how I was before I started eating more. No fun."

At that, Miri was called to order and greeted by a very chipped Monica, who had become accustomed to seeing Miri during her frequent visits.

Miri had noticed Monica's gain unfold too, noting that she had fattened up at about the same rate she did as a teen. Except that while Miri had become bottom heavy and pear shaped, Monica had ballooned into a greasy-looking chica whose entire body was engulfed by a sloppy belly that hung down to her knees, severely restricting the perpetually winded girl's movements. Like Miri, her bloated face had gained several thick chins and puffed up cheeks that gave her an obscenely round face. She was already bigger than Miri was, and her weight had settled in much more difficult places, making the Asian girl think she'd be one to benefit from a little weight loss.


A quick run to the counter was all the interaction the two had time for, with Miri ordering two extra large chili cheese fries, a shake, a soda, and a breakfast burrito.

She grabbed her receipt and sat down to wait, she looked over at the door just in time for her heart to skip a beat.

As if on cue, a thin redhead in jogging shorts and tank top walked in, oblivious to Miri's presence.

She stared at the girl for as long as she could as she tried to confirm that this girl was Megan, who was obsessed with weight loss, walking into the same local diner that her super chubby former roommate went to eat.

Staring unintentionally at Megan's waistline the captivated girl did indeed notice that the fitness freak had not only starved away her rock hard abs, but did indeed appear to have relapsed, as evidenced by a skinny-fat puffiness on the front of her stomach, creating a doughy 4-square around her slightly deepened belly button.


"Ohhhhh myyyy goddddd." Miri whispered to herself, turning away, wide eyed and slightly nervous.

Unable to resist looking again, she popped her head back over the booth and whispered to herself in disbelief and delight, "Oh Meg you gained SO much weight....I guess dieting really wasn't for you after all."

She watched as Megan stood in front of the counter, her lower back showing signs of forming creases and her sides appearing to levitate lightly over the top of her shorts, giving her an admittedly sexy looking muffintop.

She appeared completely oblivious to the way her shirt rode up as she leaned over the counter, looking intently at the menu and talking casually with the incredibly super sized Monica as if they were old friends.

"Well that explains that," Miri said flatly, remarking on how familiar a failing fitness nut seemed to be with the workers at a greasy diner.

Miri turned back and played on her phone while absentmindedly sipping from alternating shake and soda straws, only briefly taking note of a mushy-bodied Arabic girl with dark makeup, hoop earrings and stretchy black clothes chatting happily with a much, much fatter white man around the same age, presumably her boyfriend. He wore a red t-shirt that rode up on his impressively round stomach and showcased a pair of heavy looking breasts that were a commonality among the town's men. He greedily stuffed his face and nodded periodically to show his girlfriend that he was listening, if not a bit distracted.

Already accustomed to seeing people well past twice the weight of a mainstream fashion model, Miri thought nothing of the size of the average patrons and returned to her phone, telling Lori that she was getting breakfast before coming over. Especially since leaving home and moving to her new apartment in her new town where any adult person under 200 pounds was nearly unheard of, the wobbling, flabby beauty found fat to be comfortably normal.

Finally, Miri heard her number called out over the collectively loud mumblings and she heaved herself from the bench to get her order, noting with mixed nervousness and excitement that Megan was still leaning against the front counter.

She waddled thickly up to the crew member, a tubby Hispanic man with round cheeks and bright green eyes, pretending not to see Megan as the failed runner took notice and turned towards her.

"Oh, Miri, hey!" She peeped, looking flush from either nerves or embarrassment.

"Oh hey, what's up? It's good to see you!" Miri chimed back, her voice dripping with obvious sugar-coated fakeness.

"Uhh, not too much..." she trailed off, twirling a strand of hair that had become noticeably longer since Miri had first met her several months prior.

"Just figured I'd grab something quick while I was out..."

Again she paused, trying and failing to look Miri in the eye before recouping her fake smile at the sight of Miri's gigantic pile of food.

"But hey! Wanna sit with me while we eat? I feel kinda bad about being upset before and miss hanging out with you!"

It wasn't entirely a lie, but Megan was more interested in teasing than catching up, eyeballing the enormous girl in front of her.

"Oh sure!" Miri replied, equally eager to see Megan completely ruin her diet.

The two sat down at a booth and made small talk as a hungry Miri dove into her food messily. The thinner of the pair ate at a moderate, slow pace as she chattered on about the closeness of school and trying to improve herself; a statement that caused Miri's eyebrow to quirk.

"You know..." she began.

"I'm so glad we could be friends again. That diet craze was really ruining a good thing."

Megan paused, failing to hold back an offended grimace.

"Wait, what?" She asked.

"Well you were always so fixated on trying to look like some nineties movie model that you couldn't really enjoy yourself. It's really nice to see you finally dropped it." Miri said, her mouth still partially full.

Megan stared at her food guiltily.

She let out a long sigh and said, "You know, it looked so much easier in magazines and online. No matter how hard I try, I keep falling off the horse. I still wanna get fit, but it's really tough."

The dark haired fatty smiled her practiced soft smile and consoled her. "Oh yeah, I know. Especially out here what with all the food and stuff. That's not something girls like us are gonna be able to resist."

Megan's grief over her meal was rapidly becoming less important than her hunger, and she dug into her burger heartily, savoring the taste of the sauces on her tongue. She sat up to avoid the slouched posture she took when feeling sad, aware of how it made her body look from an article online. She sucked in her puffy little tummy to disguise the bulge, but couldn't find a way to hide the spreading of her problem area thighs.


"Jesus, tell me about it. That and all the stores cater to larger sizes and push you to upsize when you eat. Then they're surprised when everyone is fat." Megan droned, her casual monotone returning.

"Well, I don't think anyone is really surprised to be honest. Fat happens whether you want it or not. Like...I mean you even put up a good fight, but even with the diets and exercise you've still put on what, ten pounds since you started?" Miri stated coolly, still delighted at the exposed, doughy pot belly Megan had sported while standing at the counter, waiting for fatty food.

"It's not that much honestly." Megan defended, biting again into her greasy cheeseburger before speaking again.

"I just haven't been able to stick to my diet and I'm still getting used to the workout routines, so sometimes I miss a few days."

"Oh. Pfft. Yeah. Since when have you actually eaten something that was even on the diet plan? And sure, exercise is tough, but you still need to actually do it more than once every two weeks. Twenty pounds may not seem like a lot compared to me or Tawny or half the people in town, but if you're trying to get into the whole fitness thing, you can't be scarfing down fast food every day."

Miri' stone was almost scolding and completely reminiscent of Lori's lectures to anyone who knew the older woman.

Megan became defensive, her squishy arms once again bringing the heavy entree to her mouth.

"Oh? So you're a fitness guru now?"

"Well obviously not, stupid, but I used to run in high school all the time." Miri replied.

"No offense, but that's really hard to imagine." Megan said, nodding her head sarcastically.

"And don't call me stupid either. You may have been able to run in high school, but at least I passed it."

The Asian woman shrugged off the jab. She'd come to terms with her life a long time back and settled into a more comfortable lifestyle that suited her.

"Yeah, that's what my mom says. She was almost as big as you by the time she graduated. Didn't do much good really, considering neither of you are really any further into getting a job than I am, so I figure I did ok."

"Oh wow, really?" Asked Megan.

She looked down at the thick roll of flab spilling onto her lap and took in the wideness how her thighs, trying to imagine a teenage version of Miri at 160 pounds.

"Was your dad an athlete or something? Or he's probably fat too huh?"

"Yeah, but he's not as big as my mom or me. He's probably gained some being around the house with just my mom, but he was still moving enough at work to slow it down." Miri responded casually, allowing the conversation to trail off.

Finishing her meal in record time, Miri stood up and said that she had to leave, not wanting to keep her parents waiting.

Megan also got up, her tanned, fat belly jiggling a bit as she adjusted he shorts to prevent them from riding up.

The two said their goodbyes with Miri walking to her car and Megan walking slowly up the street, her wide cellulite thighs pulsing side to side with every thick step she took. Miri shook her head as she watched her sort-of-friend plopping up the street with rolls of fat pressed over shamelessly revealing shorts and a small top that she apparently thought would fit a woman her size.





One of my favorite classics from you! Enjoyed the AI Renders! Will you do also your other unfinished old stories?


In fact, I will. This one in particular had bad pacing towards the end because tbh at the time I just wanted to be done with it, so I will be extending it a bit and giving it a different finish. As for the other stuff, I have several commissions where the commissioner just up and left in the middle so they ended up unfinished. Those ones will receive renders and be written to proper completion as well.