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A week had passed since Megan's blowup and Tawny and Miri's failed attempt at exercising. Because   of the sour note that the two friends had left on, neither Tawny nor Megan had spoken to each other since the incident, and much to Miri's general comfort, allowed the massive blonde to stay at her place without feeling any obligation to go back home.

In actuality, Tawny had never actually asked if she could stay, but instead kept crashing on the couch next to Miri during their long tv binges or immediately after; halfway through their extensive discussions about which character was going to do what or who was going to die next. It was these same conversations that gave Tawny a feeling of slight superiority, as her ideas were consistent fan theories about the unfolding of the plot or some subtle action that would later be revealed to have a drastic consequence. Miri however seemed to be stuck on which characters were going to hook up or who was going to show up and find their man with another woman, seeming to be more into the dramatic aspects than the deep and well-thought out storylines that her friend puzzled over. Not that either of them minded though. The two were rapidly edging Megan out of the trio and becoming very best friends.

Around 2pm, a very groggy Miri was woken up from her couch-based slumber by an empty soda bottle hurled at her from across the room.

"Oi! Lardass. Your phone's buzzing off the damn hook. Turn it off, yeah?" Megan scolded from the overpacked and cluttered kitchen.

Her eyes only half open, Miri checked her phone, squinting at the bright screen and ignoring the string of drool hanging from her lip until she felt the cold liquid fall against the large blubbery roll of fat that hung from her chin and billowed out even further than her jawline whenever she tilted her head downward.

"It's my mom." She slurred as she attempted to shake off the drowsiness of 13 hours of sleep.

"She wants me to come over to her place sometime this week."

Miri watched as Tawny waddled out of the kitchen with a bag of donuts and a plate stacked with three large and very greasy burritos. She was somewhat impressed at how much weight she'd put on since meeting someone even fatter than she was only a few months earlier, noting the large belly apron she'd developed as it flowed into an otherwise loose-fitting, but stretched out tee.
Massive gains were nothing new to Miri, having seen them all her life as  her friends and family grew from bony teens and trim wives to sedentary fatties and morbidly obese couch potatoes. To her, it was just something to be expected, even if she herself was a little fatter than most. Tawny's growth was an unavoidable inevitability that neither really tried to circumvent.


"Damn girl, you're getting fat as fuck." She chided nonchalantly as her friend plopped onto the sinking couch, a wave of belly and breast fat surging up towards her face as she did before settling forward and off to the sides.
The massive Korean lifted her heavy arms to make room for Tawny's belly as it filled what was left of the couch and squishing warmly against the other girl's even bigger pool of jiggling flesh. This too was something both women had gotten used to, as when both of them sat down at the same time, there was no longer any room left on the couch and they frequently spilled onto each other's husky arms.
Both had thick hands and plump, sausage fingers and enormously flabby arms the size of a chubby girl's thigh, and the two consistently prodded each other at any noticeable growth.

Responding to the statement, Tawny shrugged, "Yeah."
She paused to shove a burrito into her mouth before continuing as she chewed.
"Yeah, I'm catching that lately. My belly's finally catching up to me. Now I have somewhere to rest these fucking cow udders." She looked down at her breasts, which had finally succumbed to their own weight and sagged onto her stomach, losing their previously rounded shape in favor of gushing flatly forward and no longer jiggling as much as they did bounce as waves flowed through them.

"You gonna go?" She asked, barely paying attention to Miri as she reached greedily into a box of moon pies.

"Huh? Where?" Miri asked, trying to open several packages at a time.

"Your mom's place, dumbshit." The blonde replied, rolling her eyes.

Miri shrugged.
"Sure, I guess. If she wants."

"Do you even wanna go?" Tawny asked.

Miri fed herself sloppily with one hand as she lifted her shirt up and kneaded and rubbed her ghostly pale belly.
"I dunno. Like, if she wants me to go, I'll go. Unless you want me to stay or whatever."

"Miri Seok, I swear you just get dumber and dumber the more you sit here. All that submissive woman soap opera shit is getting into your head. You don't have to just do whatever you think other people want." Tawny advised with slight frustration as she finished wolfing down her first burrito.

Miri shrugged again, as was her usual, lazy response to things she didn't want to think about. She realized long ago that dwelling on things was just frustrating and depressing, and arguing was almost never worth it when it came to bossy people like Tawny or her mom.
"I like making people happy. I'll do whatever. Doesn't matter to me."

Tawny continued munching as she shifted gears, deciding to hold back her feelings about her friend's lack of spine.
"You guys cool now? I thought your history was kinda shit."

"Nah. We're alright. She's just like me actually. Well, me now. Past me was a bitchy little shit." Miri answered before chugging an off brand 3-liter of Mountain Dew.

"Oh yeah?" Tawny asked, barely paying attention to anything but the tv as they both sat in the dark apartment.

"Yeahhh....I was crazy about trying to- I was Meg basically. All I cared about was getting my hipbones to stick out and kept giving her shit for being a big girl even though she tried to warn me that it's hereditary and I was gonna be about her size when I got older." Miri reflected, quirking her lip on one side, forming deep dimples in her fat cheek.


"Yeah, well. Fat happens. No use trying to change it. Or get mad either. Sorry love, but with as much fighting education as you did, it's no wonder you turned out to be such a ditz. Least you're not a bitch anymore." Tawny said, casually slipping catty insults in where she could, as if looking for an excuse to say them.

"Yeah, but I'm smart in my own way. I cook. I read. And I'm happy."
Miri said, smiling proudly at herself.

"And you know what?" She continued, "I think I will go. Wanna come?"

Tawny scrunched up her double-chinned face and shook her head and said, "I'm good. Have fun though. Try not to spend too much on food when you guys go out. That shit's expensive and we have rent on the first."

"We? You live here now?" Miri smirked.

"If it's cool with you. I haven't left in a week and I sure as hell don't wanna deal with Meg." Tawny brooded.

"I'll bet not. Especially since you've gained even more since little miss thinspo saw you last. Those clothes aren't gonna last much longer." Miri laughed, running a finger along the bulge of fat that squeezed out from under Tawny's strained sleeve.

"For fucking real!" The flabby blonde complained.
"I swear I just went shopping last month!"

"Why don't you ask your grandma for some outfits?" Miri suggested.

"Cuz nan's clothes are too small for me and I can't keep asking her to alter them for me when I get bigger." Tawny whined, legitimately sad at her decreasing comfortable wardrobe.

"Hey, if we're gonna be living together, you can wear some of mine." Miri said, tugging at the stretched out tent of a shirt she wore, causing crumbs to fall and cream from her fingers to smear a bit.
"Plus, my dresses are roomy enough so that if you get to my size, you'll be good. I'll ask my mom too, since she probably has some lying around too. I'm only a few sizes bigger than her anyways so it won't be too big of a jump from you to her to me." Miri offered helpfully.

"Alright." Tawny conceded, her shirt riding high and painfully tight over unbuttoned and unzipped jeans that barely concealed a pair of panties that bulged forward into the open space as a squishy pillow of fat filled them out.
"That sounds good. Now shut up for a bit. I wanna watch this."

Miri shrugged, and fell back asleep. Before long she had completely passed out, her massive figure displayed belly down and hanging off the couch in the most inelegant of ways. Tawny rolled her eyes as she looked back at her friend who was now almost completely slumped off the front of the cushion and snoring loudly with her face mashed against the couch.

"Jesus." Tawny said, grinning. "What a fucking pig."




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