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Autumn In Nemophila Kingdom

A week after that, an official letter arrived from House Neumann.

I was summoned by Ojii-san and made my way to the saloon with Okaa-san.

"Ooh, Tsukuyomi. Something like this has arrived from Marquis Neumann, you know"

"Yes. What would it be?"

"Un. It says to let Sword Saint Stellaria, serve as Tsukuyomi's chamberlain for the rest of her life"

"Tsukuyomi. Did you do House Neumann some kind of a favour?"

"I don't know if you can call it 'favour', but I was consulted by Stellaria on her mother's sickness. After examining it in the shrine, it was a serious illness Tsukikage-nee-sama couldn't treat, and it was a condition where she would lose her life at that rate. Over there, I healed it using my ability"

"Aah, that is why huh. Marquis Neumann, he is a man of principle. Once he makes up his mind as such, it is difficult to overturn it. Well, take her"

"Eh? Take her? is it?"

"Umu. It is not like he is saying to make her your bride. He is just saying to use her as your chamberlain"

"It is like a slave if you put it in another way......"

"Well, it's the same huh"

"Okaa-sama! Is it alright to allow something like this?"

"Tsukuyomi. I said it, didn't I. Stellaria is already a captive of Tsukuyomi. It looks like the person herself also wishes to be your chamberlain after all"

"N-, no way......"

"Is it useless even if I say no then?"

"If Tsukuyomi says that, Stellaria will probably think she got rejected"

Are you......serious. In this world......what am I supposed to do.

"Th-, then, what will happen to her job from here on out?"

"Until Tsukuyomi comes of age, we will have her work as the Royal Palace Chivalric Order's knight as she has until now. We will make her escort Tsukuyomi all the time, and outside her duty hours, she will take care of things around Tsukuyomi"

"Yeah. I guess you can just think of her as Tsukuyomi's personal escort?"

"Escort, is it?"

"Eeh, until now, Stellaria and Veronica were assigned as the escorts, right? You can probably just think of it as the time of that simply becoming longer. Besides, I planned to assign somebody as your escort if you come to go to school after all, and if you are to travel around the world after coming of age, as expected, you will need an escort, right? You can just think of it as your personal escort got decided now"

"That is true huh. I can just think of her as somebody who is simply escorting me, without being overly conscious about it, right?"

"Yeah. But it's fine even if you impregnate her"

"I will not impregnate her!"

"Well, not with the current Tsukuyomi"



He's treating it as somebody else's business and having fun laughing at me from the bottom of his heart!

Today, I'll be visiting House Laurel with Okaa-san. The members are the same as before. But Nina isn't accompanying us, and Stellaria will simultaneously be the escort and the maid in her place.

Stellaria ended up being with me pretty much all the time, except during her Chivalric Order's job. Her constantly looking out for and escorting me is a given, and she also takes care of things around me.

There weren't any issues since she's a capable person, and she didn't particularly cling to me either. So much so that I breathed a sigh of relief, wondering if I was the one being too uptight.

I teleported the entire ship with Teleportation since I'd already grasped the location of House Laurel. Since we informed them of our arrival time this time around, we departed and teleported at that time.

Although we arrived at the main entrance out of nowhere, House Laurel's people were already waiting for us en masse because we specified the time. It looks like Marquis Laurel's parents are around as well this time around.

"Armeria-sama. Tsukuyomi-sama. Thank you for coming today. Over here are my parents, Otto Laurel and Greta Berger Laurel"

"I am Armeria Nemophila. Over here is my son, Tsukuyomi"

"If it isn't Armeria-sama and Tsukuyomi-sama. I have heard that somebody of my House, has caused you a great deal of trouble and insolence previously. For you to show your magnanimity, and on top of that, to show your concern for our House's succession; how could I ever express my gratitude"

"Otto-sama. Everything I did, I did because I was concerned about my friend, Anna. Don't worry about it"

"Thank you"

"Now then, please come on in"

We were brought to the reception room. While having some tea, I check out Laura, Eliza, and Anna's basal body temperature chart.

"Marquis Laurel. Regarding the order, is it alright to look at the basal body temperature chart and proceed from the Madam who will ovulate first from here on out? Or shall we go in the order of age?"

"Eeh, the order of whoever is earlier is fine. I think it is better the earlier it is after all"

"Yeah. Though I say the order of ovulation or the order of age, there is no guarantee that they will be able to get pregnant according to that order. The mental aspect plays a huge role in whether they conceive or not as well after all"

"Then, if we go with whose ovulation comes earlier, Anna will be in 4 days, Eliza-sama will be in 7 days, and Laura-sama will be in 12 days"

"Anna's is right around the corner huh"

"Eeh, so we will get prepared right away"

I, as always, explained everything, such as the procedure, the things to take note of, and the insertion of the green jelly.

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Is that 'Otherworld's jelly' safe?"

"Yes. My Chichiue's five wives and the two Nemophila Royal Family's Queens have already used this jelly and have gotten pregnant. Also, all five of Chichiue's wives conceived boys. Oh yeah, the oldest one was a 35-year-old Okaa-sama"

"My! All five wives conceiving boys! Furthermore, getting pregnant at 35 years old, is it!"

"Exactly. So there is no need for Laura-sama and Eliza-sama to worry about anything"

"Thank you! Tsukuyoi-sama!"

"You can thank me after you conceive a boy"

I teleported to House Laurel alone early in the morning 3 days later and went to confirm Anna's ovulation.

I suddenly appear in House Laurel's saloon in the morning. I have a maid on standby as previously arranged, and I visit Anna's room to examine her. I say, 「see you again in 2 hours」, and disappear when she hasn't ovulated.

I repeated that, and after dinner that day, I confirmed her ovulation. It's the same procedure as always from there. I insert the green jelly, call Marquis Laurel, and my role is over. I repeated the same thing for Eliza and Laurel as well.

The family planning of the three was completed in the span of 9 days this time around. It's decided that I'll come to take a look at the result in 5 weeks.

My swordsmanship training became a one-on-one with Stellaria. I thought the training would be rather harsh since Stellaria is the Sword Saint, but it wasn't Spartan.

She took my body's growth rate into consideration, and by no means did she push me unreasonably hard. I was stopped when I tried to overreach. I was reminded again that, as I thought, people with innate talent sure are different.

And since she summarised and taught me the know-how, it even gave the illusion that I got good somehow, that my growth was quick.

The training with Stellaria was fun. I was slightly embarrassed when I was told afterwards that, before they knew it, the people around couldn't enter our two-person world. But if you think about it calmly, I think Stellaria and I only look like parent and child though.

Maybe it's because she's always with me, Kohaku had taken a liking to Stellaria as well before I knew it.

It seems that he's either staying with Stellaria or playing with Forlan when I go to House Laurel or the shrine.

Nevertheless, winter in the Nemophila Kingdom has a lot of snow, and the scope we can move about in ends up shrinking. During February, both Ar and Sonia pretty much just go around in the indoor horse-riding ground.

The day I go to examine House Laurel's family planning's result is here.

Okaa-san wanted to go as well, so we flew on the ship accompanied by Mira and Stellaria.

Assembled in House Laurel's saloon were not just the family members but all the servants as well.

I, as always, informed them of what to take note of in the case that they were pregnant and asked them to behave calmly.

I take a look at the three of them in order. The result is that all three of them were pregnant.

"Congratulations! All three of you are pregnant"


Apart from the three wives, the family members and the servants cheered all at once. The three wives were all tearing up in joy at the same time.

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Armeria-sama. Thank you very much"

"How do we ever repay this favour"

"There is no need for thanks. Please cherish your wives and children from here on out as well. Hereafter, I will come to perform a checkup every month. Everybody, please keep warm and rest quietly"

"We will be counting on you"

We left House Laurel and came back to the castle with Teleportation. We returned to the room, and it was tea time with Okaa-san.

"Tsukuyomi, it was arduous this time around huh. But, as usual, everybody managed to conceive a child huh"

"Yeah. What a relief"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Thank you very much, for saving my older sister"

"Mira. How great huh. I'm also glad that I got to see Anna's blissful-looking face"

"Yes. Armeria-sama. But why did they manage to conceive that easily?"

"Mira. By no means was it easy. It was possible only because there were Tsukuyomi's medical knowledge and See-Through-Vison ability"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Will I be blessed with a child as well?"

"Eh? Does Mira have a partner?"

"No, I do not have one currently. I wonder if I will be blessed with one one day?"

"Of course, if you get yourself a partner, I'm sure you will be blessed with one"

"I cannot imagine it with the current me"

"Yeah. You don't have to rush it, you know"

"But, Onee-sama married at 16 years old, and gave birth to Melissa at 18 years old"

"Mira. Both the age to get married and the age to conceive a child, vary from person to person. In my previous life's world, recently, women who get married in their 20s and give birth to a child are becoming lesser, and women marrying and giving birth in their 30s are increasing. What do you think is the reason for that?"

"I have no idea at all"

"One is because society and culture are maturing. When human society and culture mature, jobs increase and diversify, and fun hobbies also become plentiful. People come to want to enjoy life when that happens"

"If you get married and bear a child early, you will be cornered into child-raising. There are cases where you can no longer do the job you want or do the hobbies you enjoy when that happens. Because of that, people with the mindset that they will devote themselves to their jobs and indulge in their hobbies while they are young in their 10s and 20s, and after being satisfied to a certain extent, they will get married and raise a child, are increasing, you know"

"Is getting married early not a good thing?"

"No, by no means is that the case. There was the misconception in this world that you have to quickly get married and bear a child before 30 years old. I am simply pointing out that 'but that is not all there is to life'"

"Understood. You can choose either huh!"

"That's right"

"Another one is that people's income increases because jobs increase and diversify. If your income increases, you will be able to eat and fill your stomach with delicious things. The human body is able to store up plenty of nutrients when you do that. You will then be able to give birth even if you are in your 30s or 40s. It is precisely because they are capable of that, that the age of getting married and giving birth to a child is getting higher"

"Will this world become like that as well?"

"It definitely will. At the moment, we are printing and distributing the book I created around the world every month. It is taught to the children in schools as well. If that knowledge becomes well-known amongst everybody, the number of humans in this world will definitely increase, and the number of men will also increase"

"If that happens, jobs will increase, and hobbies will also become manifold. And then society and culture will mature. Human civilisation is something that goes down the same path for the most part"

"How far away is that?"

"Yeah. At the moment, children are already steadily being born. I suppose 15 to 20 years after these children become adults, this world will have also changed significantly"

"Tsukuyomi-sama will guide this world in the right direction huh"

"I do not think that I will be the one. That is something everybody in this world will have to decide for themselves"

"No! There is none other than Tsukuyomi-sama to guide this world!"

Stellaria is bawling while standing. Her tears are pouring down.


"I, am touched. I felt it ever since we first met, but Tsukuyomi-sama really is the Saviour-sama of this world"

"Well, well, Stellaria. Calm down"

Okaa-san wipes Stellaria's tears with her handkerchief.

"Ah! M-, my apologies. What have I......"

The always-calm Stellaria has gotten worked up like never before. I'm a bit surprised.

"Well then, Stellaria. Please support Tsukuyomi from here on out, alright"

"Yes. Armeria-sama. I will support and serve him, for the rest of my life"

Uーn. It sure is a bit overbearing huh.

It has been 5 months since Torenia-oba-san and Shion-oba-san got pregnant. It's about time we might be able to tell the gender. I decided to try taking a look after dinner.

"I will start examining from Torenia-oba-sama. Let's see. Erーm. Ah! It has it"

"Has it?"

"Yes. It is a boy. Congratulations!"

"Really! Thank you"

"Tsukuyomi. It is all thanks to you. Thanks"

"Well then, Shion-oba-sama. Let's have a look. Erーm. Oh! It has it! It is a boy!"

"Me too? Really! Thank you"

"Ooh, to think that they're both boys. Oh, God! Ah! It is all thanks to Tsukuyomi! Thank you very much!"

"Oji-sama. I am glad"

"I will come to perform a checkup once every two weeks from here on out"

"Yes. I am counting on you"

"I will be counting on you"

"Tsukuyomi. I'm glad. Really, thank you!"

"It is nothing, Okaa-sama"

An autumn that came later than usual then visited the northern Nemophila Kingdom.


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