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Alicia (Sex With The Princess)

"Ah, it disappeared?"

The light dot on the radar ended up disappearing. What?

"It is malfunctioning?"

"......which means this device is behaving incorrectly, right? There is the possibility that something ended up responding due to the carriage's self-propulsion though"

"But, there is the possibility that something is lurking in town, right?"


I'll get information through the Transportation Technique......, no, in the case that it did malfunction, the skill's result would be iffy. Besides, I already know that there are instances where I can't use the skill as I wish because it's affected by the Demon Lord's gene, or rather, curses and the like.

More importantly, there are things I want to hide from the Princess.

"Shall we head to investigate it, Alicia-sama"

"......, ......no. I will report it to the Chivalric Order Captain. I will also get him to investigate whether or not there is any anomaly near the castle"

"It is better to go on the search bringing the radar, no?

"I would like to ask Hero-sama and Mayria-sama, to examine whether or not that item called the 『radar』  is functioning correctly. Whether its function works correctly or not, is very important information for our journey, right? We cannot be debating on whether or not it operated incorrectly every single time"

True enough. I guess she's right.

The Hero party's objective is not saving the town; it's subjugating the Demon Lord.

If it causes problems for that expedition, I guess rectifying it takes priority?

As for the safety of the castle town, we shall entrust it to the Royal Family and the Chivalric Order.

That said, it feels like we'll arrive at the same problem if we debate the radar's accuracy though.

"Also, Yuri-san"


"Until we depart, please spend your time in this 【Carriage of Hope】 here as far as possible"


Is she telling her to 'spend your time in this carriage from tonight onwards in order to charge the magic power'?

I didn't think of that at all, so Yuri got hit with a restraint out of nowhere!

A conflict between the fellow ladies before we even depart!?

Princess Alicia, she ain't showing any mercy!


"Well then, Mayria-sama, Hero-sama, I would like to ask you to continue revising the carriage"

, Princess Alicia said and returned to the Royal Castle.


"Is it overly harsh?"

"......what is?"

I tried asking how Yuri is currently feeling.

"I meann, you were enjoying the Royal Castle's bed, and suddenly, you got restricted to the carriage after all"

It ended up like that, because of the tool I created after all.

I do feel more or less guilty.


Yuri, while tilting her head silently, sends her eyes diagonally upwards and goes into thought.

"......hasn't Shino's treatment of me, changed?"


Yuri's treatment huh. ......well, it has undoubtedly changed if we compare it to how it was initially.

"Well, I mean"


Yuri smirks.

What's with that 『Hooー, you are cherishing me huhh?』-ish satisfied-looking smile.

Yo-, you've got the wrong idea!



"......I mean, well. If I consider Princess Alicia's ultimate goal and the consideration for Mayria, Yuri is the closest to me position-wise after all"

"I don't quite get it, but Shino will make a move before it becomes the worst-case scenario, right?"

That's a given. Leaving how far I can prevent the situation aside for now.

"Before subjugating Demon Lord, the objective and actions won't change though"

Now then, regarding the alarm and radar's adjustment........

"Do you think it malfunctioned, Mayria?"

"Unlike the clear-cut loophole yesterday where the problem is 'Lucy', clearing the suspicion of 『did it function properly?』 this time around is difficult"


"It is the castle town, so I believe it is necessary for the Chivalric Order to ensure its safety. It looks like Alicia-sama will be acting when it comes to that....... In terms of our journey, is it really necessary......to chase after a monster whose response disappeared? Of course, we would want to go and defeat it for the sake of Shinta-san's strengthening, but......"

In the case where the radar・alarm is functioning properly, it means there is something.

Plain and simple.

In the case where it isn't functioning properly, what should we do?

Redo the designation? Submit an error report?

In the first place, it feels ridiculous to examine the Magic Tool created with the skill with the skill, or rather, there's a part of me that wants to go around openly.......

"For Alicia-sama, 'this device is working incorrectly' is the best-case scenario, so we were ordered to investigate it, but....... I believe the performance check this time around is meaningless. If the fact that 『the monster is undoubtedly, not there』 is not first proven, there is nothing you can do even if you doubt this device. And we will just get the same result even if we verify it with Shinta-san's skill......well, in the case where a monster is around, I guess we can confirm its exact location"

Un un.

"If a monster is rampaging in town at this very moment, as one would expect, it will probably be reported to the Royal Castle. It might have simply been that we don't get to receive any of that, but......there should be some kind of notice to Alicia-sama who returned to the Royal Castle. If there is none of that, then no urgent problem has taken place. ......it is a different story in the case where it has intelligence, is hiding, and somebody is falling victim to it even as we are talking though"

How scary.......is it possible? Judging from the monsters we've seen so far, they have the impression of powerful wild animals though.

"The only thing I can do, is to create a tool that pursues the response just now and try to verify it?"

"Yes. We either wait for the Chivalric Order's investigation report, or we create a new portable Magic Tool and head to the castle town to investigate. If it is merely a monster problem, I think it is the Chivalric Order's job though......"

Well, she says that it's not the Hero's but the Chivalric Order's job.

Do we head to investigate, or do we wait for the Princess' instructions?

"Our leader is Princess Alicia after all"


Then, for the time being.

I, fiddle with the lock of the backrest of the back seats I installed, slide it to the opposite side......and change it into seats facing the inside of the carriage.

"Since the Princess' magic stave's experiment is on hold, I guess we'll take a break for now"

"......that chair, does that?"


It's something like the bullet train's reversible seats.

"It'll be a long journey, so I want to place importance on the comfort inside the carriage. The carriage's functions thus far are......influenced by my world's concept, so......it's about time, I want to hear your advice as people of the world on this side"

There will probably be problems that the Earthling me don't foresee after all.

At the same time, I'll also come up with a plan for when I get ordered by Alicia to track and investigate the response just now beforehand.

Thinking about it our journey-wise, I'd want a handheld radar for when we chase after a Demon Lord's gene holder.

As of now, the equipment and the like I've prepared, the whole set of vs-Sword Saint equipment, have already been disposed of.

They aren't versatile after all. They'll get in the way of my everyday life if I put them on all willy-nilly.


【Monster Hunting Magic Sword】【Shining Sword】

【Fire-Resistant Hero Outfit】

【Impact Gauntlets】

【Hero's Boots】

【Breathing Supplementation Necklace】【Knockout Resistance Armlet】

【Fire Smothering Mantle】【Invisible Robe】

......are the rest.

It's difficult to use the mantle and robe simultaneously.

As for the Shining Sword, it's tournament-use, so......I think it's not bad, but it doesn't quite have the cheat feeling.

I kept it since I didn't want to waste it, but I'd want to reconsider it a bit.

"Shinta-san is going to add a new one to the equipment?"

"Aah. In the coming future, there may be situations where we 'chase after Demon Lord's gene holder' after all, so I was thinking that I'd like something compact"

"I see. It's just thatー......"

"It's just that?"

Mayria, stares at my consolidated equipment and the clothes I'm wearing.

"Shinta-san, I imagine the with-effect equipment, splits resources over there in order to recreate its effect. It is possibly consuming Shinta-san's SP. Judging from everything thus far, we can assume that consumption up to a certain extent has no impediment, but......in the case where you increase the number of the equipment for pranks, we probably ought to also consider beforehand that the equipment effect will become ineffective because your SP ran out"

"......I can't be wasting SP?"

"Yes. There is the risk that you will not be able to use it at a critical moment. However, it will be fine if it is not magic effects, like 'hard' or 'sturdy' though"

She is saying that, in the case where it's a magical effect, we ought to take into consideration the risk of the effect unintentionally cutting off.

"What is the countermeasure?"

"......reduce the number of, with-magic effect equipment. You will doom yourself if you want every single thing"


Which means, purposefully throwing away a few of the equipment?

It's that.

It's the feeling of restricting the equipment slots to like 『Head・Torso・Arms・Legs・Accessory 1・2』?

I wear them and go bling-bling if I do bracelets and rings, but it'll put pressure on the resource consumption.

In that case, let's scrap the 【Fire Smothering Mantle】 and 【Breathing Supplementation Necklace】.

As for the 【Shining Sword】......it was a weapon built upon the assumption that the opponent is without misdeeds, but when I consider that a curse came back to me through the Impact Gauntlets?, I think it's not that good.

Against a good-person opponent, I'll need a different approach......or rather, I ought to go with the premise of not letting it descend to a situation where I'll have to hurt them, and circumstances like the tournament are rare cases?

That tournament, I have a feeling that it was safe Karmic Curse-wise only because there's the opponent's resolve and the premise of catching the opponent's attack.

The reason I only felt the curse-back in Straizo's battle, is that the fight with him is, in other words, something like 『duelling with just the cheat ability』-ish one-sided unreasonable fight for him.

I guess I'll scrap the 【Shining Sword】 too.

Let's remove the 【Impact Gauntlets】 as well for the same reason.

......in the case where other people wounded good people with the weapon I produced, I wonder if the 【Karmic Curse】 will come back to me?

At the moment, I've only distributed weapons and the like to my party members though.......

◆Shinohara Shinta (Hero)

【Monster Hunting Magic Sword】

【Fire-Resistant Hero Outfit】

【Breathing Supplementation Necklace】

【Hero's Boots】

【Invisible Robe】

◆Alicia (Princes)

【Alicia's Magic Stave】

【Alicia's Holy Robe】

【Summoner's Bracelet】

【Climax Management Ring】

【Ring Of Bliss (Sex)】

◆Yuri (Female Bandit)

【Black Straitjacket】

【Glasses of Mimicry (Black Choker)】

【Black Boots】

◆Mayria (Female Magician)

【Pain Alleviating・Pleasure Conversion Ring】

【Bath Slime Creation Ring】

【Parasitic Slime Creation Ring】

【Climax Management Ring】

◆Lucy (Ferret)

【Lucy's Magic Claws】

【Lucy's Ribbon】

【Lucy's Picture Diary (Transmits And Receives)】

I scrap the unneeded equipment by repeating Transportation, and there we go.

As for the battle-supplementation types, aside from Mayria, they're all equipping it as far as it goes.

Amongst them, I've added limitations to Princess Alicia and Lucy-chan, but for Yuri......however, it does feel that you can call the 【Black Boots】 an extension of her technique.

Things that will feel like they will get caught in the Karmic Curse, they have the image of more like......catching the backlash in cases of forcing unreasonableness onto good people.

A situation where I let Yuri hurt good people will, be my oversight, so......what I first ought to do is to make sure not to bring about those situations, and if it does come down to a situation where Yuri has no choice but to hurt good people nevertheless......me receiving the retribution for that......feels like it's inevitable.

If they only do lewd things to her, will it count as an out on the retaliation judgment even if they're good people? In other words, what would happen if a man with no misdeeds approached her with the intention of a proper courtship and Yuri got on board.

Un....... I guess Yuri's boots are fine as they are.

Either way, in the case where vs-people battles occur, I'll probably place Yuri by my side for the most part.

As my bodyguard, just like this. Mayria is the strongest Magician, so we'll assume she'll be fine.......

I do want to let Princess Alicia have self-protection equipment other than Magic for when I send her to Japan.

......and, my equipment huh.

If we go with the standard, I guess I can equip roughly another 『Helmet』 and 『Accessory』?

The head protective gear is important, but on the other hand, it's a hindrance if I wear it all the time.

I think manifesting something barrier-ish might be better though, uーn.

Now, what I'm trying to make is a miniature version of the Monster Detection-use radar.

What about a scou○○-ish monocle, no, goggles?

If that's the case, it won't be that much of a hindrance either.

Alright, I guess we'll go with that.

......the effect of the Knockout Resistance Armlet as well, it'll be easier to understand if I affix it over here?

'Knockout' and whatnot, how do I put it, I have a feeling that protecting the head is very important.

Honestly, the Knockout Resistance effect is, something like an amulet after all.

◇Monster Detection Goggles (Knockout Resistance)

1. A pair of goggles with radar functions that display the information of the detected monsters.

2. It does not give the wearer any out-of-place feeling, even when equipped.

3. Displays the position of the monsters (excluding Lucy) detected by the radar on the wearer's left eye at will.

4. It does not obstruct the vision excessively.

5. Consumes either the wearers SP・MP・AP and protects against attacks to the head.

6. Has the effect where, in the case where a powerful attack inflicts damage to the Hero's head, it shoulders the damage and breaks.

7. Makes it harder to get knocked out when equipped.

8. Rank S

Then, my arm is empty, you know. Should I re-do the Impact Gauntlets' designations?

For the time being, I guess I can just put it on hold. It'll be an empty slot.

With this,

Weapon: 【Monster Hunting Magic Sword】

Head: 【Monster Detection Goggles (Knockout Resistance)】

Torso: 【Fire-Resistant Hero Outfit】

Arms: N/A

Legs: 【Hero's Boots】

Accessories: 【Invisible Robe】

......it'll be something like this.

Which means, I'm a Hero with these plus the skills.




It popped into my head as I looked at Yuri returning with the Transportation Technique.

"......in the case where we use the 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】 on board a moving carriage, where do you return to?"


"...........there is the need to verify it huh"

While taking the goggles from Yuri, I probed further into what I just thought about.

"I can't designate the *return location*, so you came back to the spot you were transported. But what if the return location itself moved? Space-wise, will you come back to that location, or will you come back *inside the carriage*?"


If, she comes back in the carriage......besides the un-Transportable Lucy-chan, they can make an emergency evacuation? No, in that case, what about 『in the case where the carriage is broken』? Muー.......

If I could go as far as to designate the return location, it'd make things quite easy though.

This might have also been locked by the Princess or something......I guess not huh, as one would expect.

It's just a function I want because it's convenient after all.

"Let's test it out in any case"


......leaving that aside for now as well, I put on the goggles, and there we go. Radar On.


A radar screen the same as the one installed in the carriage projects on my left eye, and it makes it slightly, difficult to see.

"......there are no monsters nearby, but the response also disappeared for the one placed in the carriage after all"

If we assume there was a monster, it either ran outside the scope, or it erased its presence.

There's no way it knows that we're able to detect it, so it probably didn't run away from our search.

"We'll wait for Princess Alicia's report huh"


All that's left is, to transport Yuri to Japan, and create a time lag.

During that time, we move the carriage with Mayria's golem.

Yuri returns soon after......how will it be!?


, while raising an adorable voice, Yuri returned behind the carriage......the position where the Carriage of Hope was until just now.

"......it looks like it is impossible to change the fact that you will come back to the spot you were transported from huh"

"Looks like it. Which means, we ought to avoid transportation *inside a moving carriage*"


If we did, I wonder how the law of inertia would work, or rather, what would happen to the kinetic energy?

Will she be like, thrown out somewhere on Earth extremely vigorously?

Forget about the injuries; it's a treatment that feels like it'll get caught in 【Karmic Curse】 right away.

"Fuu......hey, Shino"

"What's the matter, Yuri"

"Judging from that way of speaking of the Princess, I will come to spend my time in this carriage more in the coming future, right?"

"......well, that might be the case"

She's a key member of the gasoline replenishment.

In cases where we stay over in an inn in a town, it feels like bullying incidents where she goes, 'Yuri will sleep in the carriage alone', will take place.

"......then, as I thought, just as Shino said, I want to make it so that I can spend my time comfortably in just the carriage. Also"


Yuri, pauses for a bit over there.

"......make it so that it looks like an *illusion* or *doll* of Papa is sitting in the driver's seat"


"What do you mean?"

"A party with just 3 women who are the epitome of beauty and an effeminate man, is practically inviting bandits・muggers to come and attack, right? If we don't have any countermeasure for that, I can't spend my time in the carriage in peace. In this country, there are many places that go, 'we chased the people who committed crimes out of the town, there, problem solved!', so it is easy for outlaws to recruit members. If we don't do that, we can't survive outside the town after all"

".....is that so?"

I, direct my eyes to Mayria.

"She's right, you know? Those who committed crimes are banished from the territory. Well, I think 'crime' changes depending on the territory, and something called the 'royal laws' do exist as well....... But there are tons of territories out of the Royal Family's reach after all. Hence, the self-governing is entrusted to the regions' Feudal Lords, but......for the Feudal Lords, it is easier to banish those who don't feel like they have room for rehabilitation or those who cannot secure a place of belonging inside the territory even if they do"

"............but, there are monsters and whatnot outside places like the towns and whatnot, right? If they get banished to somewhere like that......"

"They are not prohibited from heading to other territories, so they can aim for the other territories. There is the risk of being attacked by monsters, but on the other hand, defeating monsters itself also makes for a job after all......the Adventurers Guild and whatnot, they consolidate those kinds of jobs. Even though monster subjugations are necessary, it is a dangerous job with high turnover rate; it is necessary to secure a large number of members because of that, so they are able to get a job at other territories or towns"

......no, doesn't that apply only to those capable of fighting?

Are you telling the criminals who can't fight to go get killed and eaten by monsters?

It might depend on the severity of their crimes though.......

"I understand what you are thinking about. That, in the case where those people form a group outside become troublemakers, it will probably negatively impact the inside of the territory as well in the end"

"Aah, well, there's that too"

"Thus, cases of banishment vary as well at the end of the day. The way Yuri puts things, she says it like there is an incessant number of people who get banished, but they cannot let the people inside the territory reduce one-sidedly, so......it is case by case. If people get thrown outside the town for every single minor crime, it will provoke the ire of the territory's people in its own way"

I'd think so.

It's unbearable if you get hit with a punishment equivalent to a death sentence for a minor crime.

The ones Yuri is saying are criminals who commit serious crimes? ......if only criminals who commit serious crimes form groups outside the town, that is probably also a problem in its own way. They're already treated the same as monsters......are they treated as monsters? The job of killing bandits is managed by the Adventurers Guild after all.

The Otherworld's darkness sure run deep huh.

I, who killed bandits, am not the one to say though.

If I put together the opinion of Mayria with her Feudal Lord perspective, and Yuri with her bandit perspective.......

"Which means a party of mainly women, will get targeted by mugger groups・bandit groups if they get seen"

"That's what I'm saying"

"......so, what's with Papa・Godey's illusion or doll?"

"If someone with Papa's looks sat in the driver's seat, they won't come attacking haphazardly, right?"

I meann....... You may be right, but as expected, making use of the illusion of somebody I killed feels like it's desecrating the deceased too much.......

"I, the daughter, am saying that it's fine, so it's fine. With Shino's powers, 『an illusion of a somewhat scary man will be too vague, and it'll come out strange, won't it? In that case, you can just use the looks of Papa who has a scary face and whose appearance you know"

Yuri actually understands the difficulty of the skill's designation.

I don't know whether to call it a nuisance or reliable.

"As soon as you're making such a proposal......how do I put this, how evildoer of you"

Come to think of it, she cut off her dead mother as well huh.

I suppose she has had a pragmatic life.

I wonder if she's just a plain-and-simple evildoer. The tenacity to make use of them, be it the dead or her parents.

"......it's better for you to have the self-awareness that you're surrounding yourself with such a woman, you know, Shino"

Yuri plopped down and sat on another one of the reversed back seats.

She sure gives off the feeling that she's composed huh.

"A comfortable life needs food, a place to sleep, and a place of belonging's safety, right?"

And then, Yuri snuggles up to me.

By the way, the back seats and the radar's positioning go,

1st Row: Driver's Seat

2nd Row: Divider

3rd Row: Radar・Alarm・Magic Map

4th Row: Back Seats

......like that. There's not that much space in between.

When you shut the divider at the front and reverse the back seats......it sure is like a single room huh.

I want to shut the door at the back fully, pull down a screen there, and play a movie or something.

【Dummy Driver】: A *balloon* replicating the looks of Bandit Yurai. Amplifies the appearance with an illusion after pumping it and inflating it to a human shape that sits in the driver's seat.

"Same as the air mattress, we'll inflate it when we need it, and deflate and shrink it when we don't need it"

"Yes. It is......not bad, but......"

"Is there a problem?"

"............effect-wise, normally, when the carriage is moving, I will sit in the driver's seat, and we will place this doll beside me huh"

"Well, that's how it'll be"


"......I prefer to have Shinta-san beside me......"

It'll end up with her sitting beside and getting along with Yurai at this rate after all.

For the time being, the dummy driver's function will be for when Yuri is house-sitting in the carriage alone.



For the time being, I'll hug and kiss the Yuri who snuggled up to me.

I'm starting to look forward to the trip on the carriage.

......it's a situation where I'm having a good time with the daughter of someone I killed though.

He was an evildoer, but, well, it's 'for the sake of his daughter'.......so I'll borrow the deceased's appearance.

In the first place, one of my skills is a skill that borrows the help of the deceased after all......I'll be crippled if I get bothered by it? Uーn.

When we talk about 'parents', I end up unwittingly thinking about the things in Japan.

It's a fun trip where I surround myself with 3 women, but on the other hand, it's a trip where I'm confronting the Demon Lord with 【Insta-kill Magic】.

............it's about damn time, I report my current situation to my family.

It does feel off to say, 'don't worry', so I do also wonder what I should do though.

Since the carriage's modification neared its end, I'll formulate the designations for transporting Princess Alicia at least beforehand.


I acquired a *clock* when I transported Princess Alicia to Japan previously.

The result was that it's nothing convenient like Earth's time is stopped when I'm over here; the flow of time is the same.

......that's why in Japan, I've gone missing suddenly for more than a month.

【Target】 Alicia=Felt=Cousler

【Equipment Designation】 Present Clothes

【Possession Designation】

◇Possesion Bag (A bag with food・drinks・a map denoting the Hero's huse・essential clothing)

【Location Designation】 A location that is out of sight, but is able to run into people right away, in the street where the Hero lived

【Language Designation】 Language

【Objective Designation】

1. Walks the streets, look at the Hero's world, and find the Hero's house

2. The Princess will nearly experience events that she feels endangers her

3. Situation that causes horrible external injuries・Situation that causes the Princess to lose her life will befall

4.  Spend 3 hours in Japan

【Prohibition Designation】 Hurt the Hero's family members

As for the message......, for the time being, I guess I'll simply make it, 'find the Hero's house'.

I'll make Princess Alicia harbour the idea that 『currently, my sexual desires aren't being fulfilled 』.

It's a 3-hour limit Japan map exploration.

All that's left is, what to do about the timing.......

"Alicia-sama, was there any report of any problems at the Royal Castle?"

"Hero-sama......no, not particularly"

After wrapping up the carriage's modification, I left Yuri and Lucy-chan inside the carriage and returned to the Royal Castle along with Mayria. And then, we came to have a talk in Princess Alicia's private room.

"How was it on the Hero-sama and others' side?"

"There is nothing in particular to report after that. We did not find any new responses, and the device was not malfunctioning either"

"Is that so......"

Princess Alicia, places her elbow on the table, rests her chin on her interlocked fingers, and goes into thought.

"......the carriage's modification is going well, Alicia-sama. It is better to have a driving test that includes Alicia-sama as well, but......, we will probably be able to depart before the deadline"

"Eeh, is that so. Thank you for the report, Mayria-sama"

Is she showing concern for the citizens' safety?

Princess Alicia, she may be a shitty woman to me, but it's not like she despises the Human Race citizens after all.

"There is nothing you can do even if you worry so much, Alicia-sama"


"If you are worried, I shall try going around the castle town with Shinta-san tomorrow. I think the carriage's modification's ideas are rough around the edges, but I believe we can just improve it whenever necessary in the middle of our journey"

"......yeah. Eeh"

Is she tired? No, I guess she doesn't feel 'tired'.

"............well then, I will excuse myself for today, Alicia-sama. Shinta-san, please accompany Alicia-sama"

"Nn, got it"

"Then, good night, Alicia-sama, Shinta-san"

"Good night, Mayria"

"Good night, Mayria-sama"

Is she being considerate?

Mayria, she sure doesn't come at me, going, 'it's my turn, it's my turn' huh.

It does feel like a pacing issue though.

After setting off on the journey, our distance will probably shrink whether she likes it or not.


"Yes, Alicia-sama"

"......could you come close to me"

"Eeh, of course"

I, sit in the chair beside Alicia.

"......Hero-sama has a younger sister, was it"

"Yeah. I have a younger sister 1 year younger than me"

"A younger sister 1 year younger, is it. ......I am, 5 years apart from Sophia-onee-sama"


Then, now, she's 22 years old huh, Princess Sophia.

"She is in the Demihuman Country, was it, Sophia-sama"

"Eeh. It's just that"

"It's just that?"

Did something happen while I wasn't looking?

"......the contact with the Demihuman Country has ceased"


"To be precise, we are able to make contact with the Demihuman Country, but Sophia-onee-sama never showed up at the conference. Hero-sama, in our country, it is possible to have video exchanges between countries using a Magic Tool"


I wonder if it's the technique Mayria revealed previously.

I wonder how it's transmitting when there are probably no satellites or anything.

......well, Lucy-chan's picture diary can send its content through Magic, so just a single word of 'Magic' might be enough though.

"Meaning that it is possible to have a video-connected Three Countries Conference. The 'Three Countries' refers to our Cousler Kingdom, the Holy Kingdom, and the Demihuman Country"

".............are there only 3 countries in this world? Excluding the Demon Country"

"Of course not, but......the countries you can call 'big countries', are these 3. Other than that, there are a number of them that are iffy whether you can even call them countries or not"


Then, Princess Alicia is, the Princess of a big country huh.

"Sophia-sama is in the Demihuman Country not as a hostage, but with a marriage engagement. There is nothing you can do even if you worry so much, no?"

"That is true, but......"

What's this. A siscon can't talk to her Onee-sama and is feeling lonely, kinda deal?

"If you are just lonely, then I can be by your side, Alicia-sama. No, Alicia"


To put it bluntly, let me do it?

"........................you, are right"

Oh? She's on board? I didn't light the aphrodisiac incense tonight though.

Well, since Alicia has the issue of her physical condition, it is only etiquette for me to personally risk it and take the lead.

I'm gonna end up losing the chance to transport her to Japan again.


"Alicia, I am sticking it in......"

"Ye-, yes, Hero-sama......"

After spending the time to finish up the foreplay and make Alicia finish lightly numerous times, I bring it to the penetration.

I constantly pay attention to treat her delicately, but......now that we've had sex several times, it's probably a good idea to push her down and have sex roughly, in accordance with Alicia's fetish. Alicia's heart might unexpectedly open up as soon as we start having rough sex.


A moan she can't hold back at the same time as the penetration.

I'm also feeling good having sex with her.

The red ribbon wrapped around her naked body......wrapped around her thigh is 【Alicia's Holy Robe】.


I've dug around and found Alicia's various erogenous zones.

All that's left......is to grasp how to, stimulate her *insides*.

"Alicia......come to think of it, let's try out the thing Mayria told me about"


"──Lust Tattoo Activate"

I chant that while stroking Alicia's belly with us still connected.

Immediately after, a pink mark surfaces on her belly.

It's a given, but Princess is in heat.

"Ah......! Th-, this is......!?"

"It seems to be an effect of the slime inside Alicia's belly, inside Alicia's butt. Like, if I do this, you can feel even better"


She was red as well before, but the Princess blushes even redder with us still connected.

"Yo-, you put something like that......i-, inside my......!"

"This is also for the sake of making Alicia feel good, you know. ......I'm sure you'll feel it as well, from『stimulating the butt's hole』"


The slime parasitising in the Princess' butthole probably started stimulating her anus at the same time as my instructions.

It directly secretes the aphrodisiac inside her body.

The slime, stimulates her anus.

And then I'm inserted in her at the front.

It's kinda like, a barrage of pleasure?

"Ahh......! Pl-, please wait, Hero-sama......! I did not hear about something like this......!"

"Alicia, you cannot be holding back. After that Lust Tattoo is activated, the body changes in order to feel good. Satisfying Alicia, is for the sake of suppressing that curse after all"

It's, well, all kinds of lies though.

"Kuu......, fuu, something like that, just because of that......!?"

"Does it not feel good?"

It looks like she's soaked though.

Also, sexual fluid is secreting from her butt's hole as well.

The one releasing it is the slime though.

"Tha-, that is not it......!"

"Not it?"

What's not it?

"Ahh, ahh! Ahh!? I-, it suddenly......feels too good.....! That's why, wait......!"

Hoo. Is there any man who will wait after they're told something like that by their girlfriend while they're still connected?

No, there isn't.

"Alicia, Alicia!"

"Aaaah!? Ahh, ahh!?"

The sloppy water sounds become intense.

Alicia grabs the sheet above her head with both hands, and I hold her legs up and spread her wide open.


I repetitively pistoned and stimulated her in a state where I opened her legs widely, and Alicia extended those legs of hers straight up. It's proven through her various body parts, that her feeling it is not a lie.

"Alicia, comee, comee"

"Noo, stop, you can't, Hero-sama, wait, you are too roughh, I am feeling it, I am feeling it already......!"

"Alicia likes it rough, right?"


Ah, now, she squeezed and tightened up on me even further.

Does she like being teased by words too?

As I thought, on the inside, or rather, on the bed, she's a M huh, Princess Alicia.

"Don't hold back, come, Alicia. I'll closely watch Alicia shamefully finishing over and over again"

"Fuu! Fuuuuu, nooooo......!"

Her head is probably filled to the brim with the butthole teasing and words teasing along with the intense penetration following the aphrodisiac injection.

Before long, Alicia.......

"Aah! I'm comingg, I am coming, I'm coming I'm coming I'm comingggggg!!"

While having me inserted in her, Alicia bends backwards and announces her climax.

Her legs extending straight up and quivering all the way to her toes, too, is erotic.

And then, at the same time as her climax, splash, she squirted vigorously.

──【Key To The Princess’ Heart】 is temporarily unlocked.

Ah, as I thought, the 【Resurrection Magic】's lock is unlocked at the same time as her climax.

"Aah, fuaaaa......y-, you can'tt......"

Alicia twitches and basks in the afterglow.

It's painless sex filled with bliss and ease.

It's probably top-tier as far as pleasure you can get goes.

......can Skill No. 9, go on to get completed unlocked!?


I take my time and continue observing Alicia, who basks in the afterglow after climaxing and who has me still inserted in her.

"Alicia, I love you"


Oh? She twitched and pressed down on me again. What, did she come with words or something?

Alicia didn't realise it, but the climax times have been engraved onto the Lust Tattoo.

The number *2*. Alicia, she came twice huh.

Carrying on like this and having an all-the-way-to-the-morning course tonight is also an option huh.


I carried on and looked at how Alicia was doing attentively, but.......

──due to 【Key To The Princess’ Heart】, the skill has been sealed.


"Fuu......fuu......, Hero-sama......I love you too......"

Nope, that 'I love you' ain't convincing at all!

I'm not the one to say though!



I thrust my still-hard penis into Alicia again.

"He-, Hero-sama!? I already......!"

"It looks like Alicia still wants it"

"Wha-......tha-, that is......not the case......?"


As long as the Lust Tattoo isn't dispelled, it'll continue secreting aphrodisiac the whole time though.

"Ahh......! Ahh......He-, Hero-sama......!?"

For the time being, since it doesn't look like it hurts and she isn't refusing either, I speed up my movements. I swing my hips, determined to make her come again.

Rather, I haven't come yet.

"Wai-, ahh, ahh, Hero-sama, I, came, that's why.....!"

"I'll make you come over and over again, Alicia"


I stimulate her aggressively, all the way inside, just like how Alicia likes it.

This time around, I hugged her body tightly so that she wouldn't get away; I moved her arms around my back, and I also moved her legs to wrap them around me. I'll have Alicia accept me with her entire body.

"Fuu......fuuu! Noo, I'm, already, about to! Hero-sama, Hero-sama, you're too roughh......!"

"Alicia, I'll do it inside again. Take it all"


The instant, Alicia tightened up on me significantly harder......I ejaculate inside of her.

"Aaaah! I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm comingggg!"

──【Key To The Princess’ Heart】 is temporarily unlocked.

And along with her climax, the 【Key To The Princess' Heart】 is unlocked again.

......Alicia sure is busy huh!

I suppose she won't accept me any more than this huh.

What is it that opens up the heart more than coming with sex for an adolescent woman.

"Aah, aan......haaa......"

I think her body, too, is feeling as good as it can.

Rather, I suppose it's precisely so that the Heart's Lock opened up as well.

Alicia, experiencing the greatest pleasure through this sex is for certain.


She doesn't open up her heart with her climax through fondling.

However, when she's made to climax through sex with me inserted in her, she opens up her heart.

During the time she's basking in the afterglow after climaxing, she unlocks her Heart's Lock, but......

"Fuuu......, nn"

──due to 【Key To The Princess’ Heart】, the skill has been sealed..


......se-, seriously, what's the deal with this womann......!

"Haa......nn, Hero-sama......"

Her intoxicated expression and words, I wonder which of them is acting.

......whatever. I shall teach her a lesson tonight!

I'm gonna make her come over and over again......!


Like that, I start getting the Princess going again.


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