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Improving The Carriage, Procuring The Princess' New Equipment

"There is a monster nearby!?"



I go, 'Where!?', and check the radar.

The epicentre of the radar is shining. In other words, where the monster is is......this carriage! Prepare for battle!

"......isn't it Lucy?"



Yuri, whom I've forgotten to restrain her hands and mouth, lightly lifted Lucy-chan from the radar and muttered.


"......there isn't any monster other than this fellow, you know, Shino"





Indeed. She's the only one after all, and this place is the Royal Castle's yard, within the walls.

They wouldn't allow a monster's entry that easily......I mean, the gargoyle did fly over from the skies though.

"Shinta-san. Could it be that Lucy wasn't removed from the detection target......no, I......forgot to remove her huh"

She corrects herself since, as far as it goes, the ones who configured this are disguised as Mayria and Alicia, but I'm the culprit.



My sincerest apologies.

"We'll have to re-configure the radar, huh"

"Haa....... Please don't frighten me, Mayria-sama"

"E-, eeh"

I ended up making Mayria take the rap. I feel a tad guilty.

I've gotta let her tease Alicia together with me afterwards.


"Human error, is a huge problem huh"

"A manmade mistake, is it. ......things like these are troubling huh"

I hold hands with Mayria and re-set the radar's configuration. 

"What else is there other than excluding Lucy-chan?"

".....it is better not to add on too many intricate functions, no? Seeing that the auto-completion will manifest, I have a feeling that multi-functionality will invite other problems"


In the case where an error occurs, we won't know what the cause is if it has multiple functions; something like that?

It'll detect all monsters except for Lucy-chan, plain and simple.

Indicating the size of body・amount of genes with the light dot.

......we've put a lid on this radar function with 'because it's magic', but if we don't configure it in detail all the way to 'what and how it detects?', will there be loopholes?

The assessment of a 'monster' is difficult as well after all. It's the limit of liberal arts.......

For the time being, we'll deem monsters as monsters and make it broad and simple here.

Being attacked by monsters, is a common thing in this Otherworld.

It's normal to be unable to detect it, and it's even more dangerous when it comes to the Demon Country.

It's totally possible that the alarm will constantly ring in the Demon Country after all.

It's a necessary feature, but it might not be good to get used to it.

It's better to be mentally prepared that the detection radar is not absolute, and it's a given for it to have loopholes, maybe?

"How about adding to the carriage the very feature of storing magic power?"

Like a gasoline tank?

Indeed, I guess it's better to have it.

I have a feeling it's accumulating in the individual magic tools as well though.......

It's constantly charging up magic power beforehand, and during an emergency, it functions without making use of the passenger's magic power.

A backup power source.

【Magic Power Tank】: Has the function of storing the passenger's magic power

"......it sure makes you want to use it when you have it charged huh"

"I do understand that. You do not get the urge to use it all up when it is your own magic power......your own stamina, but it makes you want to use it when it is charging up over there"

Hmm. The thing is, 'it's a backup power source, so don't use it', though.

"We could allocate it as, 'the energy to use for combat when you are in the carriage'......"

It's the installation of the magic staff cannon.

Blasting the charged-up energy in one go! kinda deal.

It's the same principle as my Counter charged-attack.

Nnー, it's just that, in that case, rather than a cannon fixed to the carriage.......

"......Princess Alicia"

"What is it, Hero-sama"

"How capable is Princess Alicia, at battles with monsters and such?"


The Princess is stunned. It's fine even if she's a non-combatant since she's the Princess-sama though.

"I did train in martial arts and sorcery......"

"I would think so"

Hey, don't give me the 『fighting is your job, right?』-like expression.

As expected, I understand that too.

I have 【Leveling】, so I ought to be the one in charge of battles after all.

"Even if I accomplish the objective, it is probably all for nothing if Alicia gets done in. I believe having self-defence abilities......will be better"

In the case where Princess Alicia dies before me, I don't know what will happen to my skills.

In the case where the skills get locked into their current state at that point in time, her death, will also be a case of my bad end? In contrary to the objective of wanting to avoid strengthening her, I shouldn't avoid it......it's a bizarre situation.

However, our relationship took a step forward after all.

"What do you want to say?"

"I believe it is a good idea to have Princess Alicia hold a magic staff capable of using the magic power stored in the carriage for attacks. Like a magic tool where you can temporarily use powerful magic like the Holy Sword's powers"


A magic power tank, and a staff that makes use of that magic power.

"It is not a bad idea huh. Shinta-san, me, and Yuri-san will handle the battles for the most part......and we will prepare a method to turn the tables for when we run out of leeway beforehand. Shinta-san will move on his own at the very end, but be that as it may, we are a party until then after all"

It's a trump card for a supposed monster battle in a party format.

Being able to fire a Great Magic, gives you a sense of ease as the comrade after all.......

If Princess Alicia were to rely on that and attack me, it would mean that her cards are limited, and it would also be easy to deal with. Why, well, I'll add a safety where it won't implicate the comrades right from the start though.

"Are you able to do something like that?"

"......what do you think? Mayria"

"I think it is possible theoretically. I think we ought to decide on the upper limit of the charged-up magic power beforehand though"

Something like it charging up too much and exploding, feels possible after all.

And something like the problem of getting too much magic power sucked away.

I've been adding the safety configuration each and every single time though.

Erm, carriage, is difficult to understand huh.

I guess I'll give it a name. A somewhat, fitting name, un.

Something like the Hero's carriage works too though.......

"I want to give the carriage a name beforehand"

"Give the carriage a name?"

"Aah. I was thinking that I would like a fixed name for this carriage, for the sake of designating the magic tool's target. It feels like the endpoint of the Effect Designation will go all over the place if it's simply 'carriage' after all"

If it's 'target→carriage', it might end up getting auto-completed with the effect of sucking power from some other carriage after all.

I just made a configuration blunder, so I've got to think about it carefully.......

Bugs are scary, or rather, unforeseen actions are scary.

Although the mistake is just an error sound ringing this time around......

It might turn into a carriage of death that drains energy and makes its way forward if the target scatters.......

"Yeah. ......how about the 『Carriage of Hope』?  There is no need to deliberately go around broadcasting it to the citizens, but when it becomes well-known that it is some kind of special carriage, we shall use it for publicity. ......is what I think, Alicia-sama"

"Eeh. It is not bad. It is the carriage of the Hero-sama for the sake of subjugating the Demon Lord after all. I believe a name that is that easy to understand is good"

Carriage of Hope huh.

"Let's produce a nameplate and stick it to the front and back beforehand"

It's to point out that 'this carriage is the 『Carriage of Hope』.'.

It's something like a number plate?

'Meaningful variable names', was it?

I'm not really sure though.

"I want to give it a self-propelling function in the case where we end up with no horse as well. ......assuming I will learn horse riding, and when push comes to shove, the horse and carriage can move individually, kinda deal. And, if we give the stave the carriage's self-propulsion controlling rights, we'll be able to make our escape if we just have the carriage, the stave, and the Princess. If the carriage itself can also move in sync and not just be pulled by the horse, the element of being swung around might reduce even when we speed up"

"That is a good idea huh. Also, 'powerful magic' is vague......., we have to take all kinds of risks into consideration"

It'll be great if it's a powerful magic since we're foreseeing monster battles, but......we have to be careful with getting implicated as well. What should we do? I could designate it as 'a big technique that only works on monsters'.

In this case, we'll come up with an ultimate technique name beforehand, and you can use it when you chant the name, kinda deal.

I, glanced at Lucy-chan.


......over here, it's probably better to name it in full-chuunibyou fashion.

I'll get more fired up that way; getting excited, like, 'here comes the ultimate techniqueー!'.

Battle, Princes Alicia!

Ah, if Princess Alicia is using it, maybe a Fire Magic-based would be good.

A vs-monster-use magic.

......since it'll be scary if it works on Lucy-chan, I shall configure it thoroughly this time around. I have a feeling that it's a good thing that we failed once beforehand.

◇Alicia's Magic Stave

1. Princess Alicia-exclusive stave. Princess Alicia has the right to use its functions.

2. A temporary transfer of the right to use its functions is also possible through the Princess' will.

3. It is possible to manifest the following functions by using the magic power stored in the 【Carriage of Hope】.

4. Able to cast Great Magic 【Demon Country Cleansing】

5. Control the 【Carriage of Hope】

6. Rank S

◆Function 1 【Demon Country Cleansing】

1. A powerful Fire Magic that only targets monsters

2. It is unable to injure or burn Humans, Demihumans, Objects, Animals, Plants, the Hero, Lucy, Alicia, Yuri, or Mayria.

3. A holy flame that is able to cleanse the contaminated Demon Country

◆Function 2 【Carriage of Hope's Control】

1. Able to make the 【Carriage of Hope】 self-propel and control it.

"......something like this"

"In the case where it self-propels, the carriage's......wheels, was it? I believe we should add a supplementation component to that part as well and make it so that it conveys the effect"

"I see"

I guess rather than magic wheels, reinforcement parts will do in this case.

"If we don't need that much magic power for the control, we'll be able to drive the carriage even without a horse huh"

"Erm....... As far as it goes, it is allocated as a function for emergencies, right? It will become a waste of magic power if it is used all the time"


It's treated as a backup power source, a trump card after all.

"It is necessary to have a test-fire and test-drive huh"


"......in that case, shall we all try sleeping over inside the carriage for tonight in order to observe the state of the magic power's charging"


, Princess Alicia gets surprised over there.

Why, a performance test is necessary after all.

"We-, well, it cannot be helped huh......"

"It is not a designation where it will suck up a fatal amount of our magic power all the time, and we could verify it along the way as well, but we ought to see how much it charges up and how much it affects us. As expected, we cannot do the Great Magic's test-shooting in the castle or town, so we will put it off to another day"

Un un. This kind of topic sure goes well with Mayria.


"Looks like we're gonna be sleeping over in the carriage tonight, Lucy"

"Is Yuri alright with it?"

"......I have no right to refuse, right?"

Well, true enough.

"I am thankful that I can sleep in the Royal Castle's high-class bed, but getting used to just that is, you know"


Come to think of it, Yuri had the feeling that she was more-or-less satisfied with the room's bed and amenities.

You're more relaxed than the me when I first came to the Otherworld, you know, Yuri.

"If we are going to raise Princess Alicia's self-defence abilities......we would want to think about the outfit as well huh"

"......my outfit?"

"Eeh. ......in the case where you get sent off to Earth, the Otherworld, and when you hide your identity? and travel. And the formal outfit as a princess for the necessary scenarios. A magic clothing that transforms accordingly. ......especially when you have the chance of suddenly getting sent off to Earth"

I'm the one who sends her off though.

"......are you telling me to wear clothing that might disappear?"

"Whether or not it will disappear is up for debate......"

I guess it's based on the configurations?

We're doing the transformation clothing for Yuri's clothing after all.

Her becoming naked every time she transforms is also irresistible.

That, or an outfit that ends up looking naked in the Princess' eyes.

A naked Princess writhing in shame. Not bad.

"I think a transformation clothing where you just have to change your underwear is not bad, you know, Alicia-sama"

, Mayria gives supporting fire over there.

It's because there's a high chance that the Female Magician will also benefit from it if I can designate the Princess' outfit.

"As for the design, other than Earth's clothes, we could just copy the design of the clothes Alicia-sama has.......and there will be less hassle if we add a laundry function beforehand, but I wonder if it will be tough without Water Magic?"


Since, unlike Yuri's straitjacket, the plan is to change the very form of the clothing after all, and the automatic-cleaning function is feasible even for the clothes of me who doesn't have Water Magic......it might be fine to go without the idea of 'laundry'.

◆Alicia's Holy Garment

1. Alicia-exclusive clothing. Has defensive capability that uses magic power.

2. Able to transform into the following forms as Alicia wishes.

3. An outfit that blends in on Earth

4. Adventurer-use Outfit

5. Formal clothes as a princess

6. Ribbon (Nude)

7. Lingerie

8. Rank S

"You can try wearing it, Alicia-sama. It is a convenient power, so we have to make use of it"

"E-, eeh. Well, if we are testing it in the Royal Castle......then"

I'll find the chance and add on erotic functions afterwards; this will do for now.

While enhancing the carriage in various ways, we're having a performance test and flushing out the problems.

When it comes to the carriage, Mayria will be the driver, Alicia will be the co-driver, and Yuri will handle the auxiliaries such as the airbag and stuff. As for Lucy-chan......, I should give the carriage a shelter-ish function that protects Lucy-chan huh.

Should I let Lucy-chan hold the carriage's controlling function as well?

I guess it isn't good to make her stand out either when you think about the appearances and such in front of Princess Alicia.

"The carriage's ceiling is tall after all, so at the top......I want to make a kind of attic-ish Lucy-chan-exclusive space or something beforehand"


It's a space for Lucy-chan to draw and keep her picture diary.

Her body is small, so it's probably plenty of space for her to be able to move around.

......for how small her body is, it feels like she'll get sent flying if she's getting swung about inside the carriage after all.

As for the jammer for disrupting the Demon Lord's gene holders......it's meaningless since it has the same purpose as the Monster Repellent? What about, an effect where Lucy-chan's presence is dispersed throughout the entirety of the carriage?

By keeping Lucy-chan in the attic(sunroof?) space, we make them treat the entire carriage as Lucy-chan.

By doing that, we make it so that they don't target Lucy-chan herself directly, or something.

The scary thing is that there isn't quite a way to test it even if we want to though.......

"Also, behind the driver seat......we'll install a foldable backseat and make it easier to see the radar and map and provide support"

Also, and also, we go.

For now, we'll add various equipment and set up Lucy-chan's exclusive space.

......adding things onto the carriage is, a straight physical work, so it's a task that takes time.


"Ufufu. It is kind of fun huh, Alicia-sama"

"E-, eeh. Well"


And thus, tonight, it's a sleepover party inside the carriage as the Hero party.

We have a camping-use tent, but we can escape with everybody when push comes to shove if we're gathered inside the carriage......hence, we move aside the baggage to the corner and secure space for sleeping at the very centre.

"......what is this cushion?"

"It is a magic tool that makes use of Mayria's Wind Magic; it is an air mattress filled with air"

"Air, mattress......?"

【Magic Air Mattress】: A mattress filled with air through magic.

"......it is not bad huh......"

Alicia is, checking out the bounciness of the air mattress.

"We could wash the sheets and use them every time, or we could produce a different one every time"


It's a camping inside the carriage located in the Royal Castle's yard.

There are knights a little ways away, but it does feel fun.

......am I, a man, in the way?

I can't subdue 3 women with such a mindset.

All 3 of them, are my girlfriends, yup.

A door that can be opened and closed has also been added to the back of the carriage.

On the driver's side, there's a slideable board that divides the outside and inside between the driver and the backseat.

It's a fusuma¹......it's not, but, well, I guess it's something similar construct-wise?

It's iffy strength-wise, but it's able to separate the space.

As far as it goes, a closed space is completed with this.

"There is the space for 4 people to be able to sleep in a row huh"


"What do we do about the sleeping position?"

It would be sad if I, a man surrounded by 3 women, went to the very corner.

"I will sleep beside Alicia-sama!"

Mayria-san declares happily.

Ehー....... The positioning will be Yuri, me, Alicia, and Mayria?

Alicia and Mayria switching positions works too.

"Fufufu......something like this is fun huh, Alicia-sama"

"Well......yeah. I don't not understand"

Princess Alicia had an elder sister after all.

She doesn't find something like this unpleasant?



Lucy-chan is resting up in the add-on ceiling-only space that was added temporarily.

I want to make it a bit more, well-made.

Like, she can see the view in front of the carriage far and wide from the space above.

From that still-incomplete space, Lucy-chan peeked her face out.

"Lucy-chan, want to sleep together as well?"


Today, well, we won't do it in the night *yet*, and will just sleep side-by-side.

It's a different story if we're completely indoors, but it feels like I'll be told something like, 'what the hell are you bringing the Princess into the carriage to do', after all.

It's too little too late though.


The ferret-formed Lucy comes down from the space above.

She climbs up onto the air mattress.


Lucy-chan brings a small blanket by the pillow and rolls up into a ball.

Alicia and Mayria are to my right.

Yuri is to my left. It may be big, but be that as it may, the space is limited, so we're sticking to each other closely whether they like it or not.

"Alicia-sama. Please snuggle up to Shinta-san without holding back. The number 1 amongst us is Alicia-sama after all"

"E-, eeh"

"Princess Alicia"

I place Princess Alicia's head on top of my arm pillow and personally bring my body closer as well.


She may have things she wants to say, but perhaps Princess Alicia can't refuse after being pushed by Mayria, she doesn't resist either. When Mayria is around, the Princess-conquering sure makes all kinds of progress huh.


I stick my body close to Princess Alicia. To Yuri as well.

Relationship with Princess Alicia-wise......, while probing the state of Japan by keeping an eye out for a good time and sending her to Japan when we don't have sex like this, I want to condition it into Princess Alicia so she seeks out having sex with me.

......it's just that, as expected, I guess today is no good?

I have to insert an interval after all, and if she's sleeping together with me like this without any complaints, I guess I'll leave her be for us to get along.

"After the carriage's additional functions test is over......it will finally officially be the Demon Lord subjugation's journey huh, Alicia"


I do have a feeling of wanting to prepare other things for Princess Alicia's equipment as well thoughー.......

I wonder what the improved version of Fire Magic is.

Not just increasing the firepower, it'll be convenient if you could decide what to burn and what to not burn? The thinking of 'what the hell are you strengthening the Princess who's like a mortal enemy for', and the thinking of 'she's a necessary supporter until I subjugate the Demon Lord' are whirling in my head.

......it's partially also because it's simply fun to make equipment that matches somebody.

For the time being, while monitoring the state of the Princess, it'll be sex or Japan transportation!


"Which means, the amount of magic power charged up after spending 1 night is, about this much"

"It sure doesn't quite give a clear idea even when it's represented with a meter huh"



For the time being, it's the test of whether it's possible to drive with just the carriage alone.

"Here I go"

"Eeh, Alicia-sama"

The Princess......holds up a long-ish stave, the 【Alicia's Magic Stave】.

It's not a small-ish stick or something, but a thick and long-ish stave.

Her outfit is the Adventurer clothes version of 【Alicia's Holy Garment】.

It's a design with white as its keynote and has frills here and there.

It emphasises Princess Alicia's cuteness and suits her overall......even though her inside is shit.

It's not quite for me, who produced it, to say, but this design is the same as the clothes that have been prepared to use for the Princess' travel in the first place.

I guess it means, the image was auto-completed.


"Is something the matter, Princess Alicia"

"Why......I knew that you could change the outfit conveniently, but I am appalled by the fact that with Mayria-sama and Hero-sama's power......you could change it so easily......"

"My! What exactly, are you appalled by?"


Mayria-sensei is tilting her head and making a face that's like, 『I have no idea at all!』.

I mean, it's because she drew the conclusion that, if we work hand-in-hand, she'll end up being made to take up any kind of embarrassing appearances, you know. There's Yuri's precedence after all!

But, I want you not to worry.

I want to have the Princess experience shame, but I haven't thought of letting the masses bear witness to your naked body.

'Princess Alicia's naked body is mine'; that's how possessive I am.

That's why even if I were to strip Princess Alicia naked, the only ones who would enjoy that would be Mayria and me.

......putting aside where the element of 'not to worry' is for now.

"──oh carriage, advance"

Princess Alicia orders while holding up her stave, and......ooh! The carriage that isn't attached to a horse started moving! ......I do think 'what am I, someone who knows of the modern vehicle, getting amazed and surprised for', but the power this time around is magic.

"My......, this is"

"The question is how fast can it go, huh"

"......how about experimenting while riding inside?"


I mean. We have the airbag function and whatnot for if things go south after all.

Mayria fully understands those parts as well, so she's prepared for an accident if it ever happens.

"It may not need a horse, but......I would like some time to get used to the controls"


We're grasping how much of the magic power that was charged for a night reduces from the self-propelling.

If the self-propelling uses too much magic power, 'attacking while moving with just the carriage's ability!' and whatnot will become difficult, so I do hope that the self-propelling's magic power's consumption is on the lesser side, but......I wonder how it is.

The final goal is, a carriage that sails the sea, and also a carriage that flies in the sky.

Leaving aside whether there's a point in doing that, a vehicle that can fly around the map is an Otherworld's dream after all!

......as we were doing the carriage's self-propelling test in the Royal Castle's yard.


......, the same alarm as yesterday rang.

What? Did it react to Lucy-chan again?


Lucy-chan is also tilting her head on top of Yuri's shoulder, going, 『Me?』.

"How strange. Last night, we should have already properly re-configured it so that it doesn't react to Lucy-chan"

As I thought, bugs are going to arise from the auto-completion portion huh.

If there's a difference between our perception of Demon Lord's gene and monsters, and what gets detected, it'll be better to remove the alarm function.

I, verified the position of the monster on the radar.

Like yesterday, on this carriage, the light dot is.......


"............it is somewhere a little ways away huh. However, this location is......"

I compare the information displayed on the 【Monster Detection Orb】 and 【Magic Map】.

"......the light dot is in the castle town, you know?"


"......what did you say?"

Alicia and I, forgot our differences and looked at each other.


Lucy-chan, too, tilted her head at that fact.


¹: A sliding rectangular panel in Japanese architecture


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