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I uploaded 'World Conference' chapter and added it to the TOC.

I messed up uploading this chapter that is between 'Baby-making Instructions' and 'A Gift From Earth'.

I also adjusted the wrong chapter number by 1 because of the missing chapter.


I don't think anything is affected except for the wrong chapter number, which I can't fix because it might mess up with the formatting of the chapter. However, it will be correct from this chapter onwards.

Puberty's Worries

From the following morning after I received Ar, I came to look after Ar as well.

Ar wanted to run every day. We ran with Okaa-san's Sonia around the castle's perimeter, the indoor horse-riding ground, and whatnot. In order to get Ar used to Kohaku as well, I decided to have Kohaku run behind Ar when I'm making Ar run.

Everybody still, hasn't realised that Kohaku is a wolf.

That night, I confirmed Torenia-oba-san's ovulation at the post-dinner examination. I re-confirmed the procedure I talked about previously with Oji-san. The insertion of the green jelly was, as expected, to be done by me. It was then finished without a hitch.

All that's left is to wait for the results. Shion-oba-san ovulated as well about a week after that, and we finished the execution of the family planning in the same manner.

I had a little something that concerned me about Torenia-oba-san and Shion-oba-san's children this time around, and I raised my question with Ojii-san and Oji-san during the following day's dinner's tea time.

"Oji-sama. In my previous life's world, the noble system was abolished hundreds of years prior, and many monarchies were also only left in shape. Which is why when it comes to the noble's system and successor's problem, I am incredibly ill-informed"


"So there is something I would like you to tell me; I think there was the talk about, in the case where Torenia-oba-sama and Shion-oba-sama conceive boys this time around, they will be sent off to their maiden family's Duke and Margrave household"

"Un. Exactly"

"Then, would it mean that the child that is born, will be offered up as an adopted child?"

"Un. That's how it'll be"

"At what age would that be?"

"It hasn't been decided, but I think maybe when they come of age and the topic of marriage comes up"

"I see. I am relieved to hear that"


"In my previous life, my parents divorced when I was still very young, and my mother disappeared. I had no memories of my mother, and my father was not a good father either"

"It is idealistic, but as I thought, until a child grows up to a certain extent, I want them to live together by their parents' side"

"Tsukuyomi sure is a kind person huh"

"No, sorry. I think I am just forcing my ideals onto others. I still do not know, whether or not I am capable of that when I myself become a parent after all"

"It'd be fine if it's Tsukuyomi. You're able to be this worried about your siblings who will be born from here on out after all"

"Yeah, Otou-sama. Tsukuyomi. No need to worry. Even if the children they conceive this time around are girls, we will raise them with great care"

"Ojii-sama, Oji-sama. Thank you"

I'm glad. I was worried that the children conceived with my help in the baby-making, were going to get handed off to some other family right after being born.

The following night, I was spoken to by Louisa-nee-sama after dinner.

"Onii-sama. About the thing I want to discuss with you which I talked about previously......"

"Aah. Go ahead. What would it be about?"

"I cannot talk about it here. Could you come to my room?"

"Onee-sama's room, is it? Got it"

"Now then, go ahead. Please come in"

I was seated on the sofa when I entered the room, and a maid served me some tea.

"So what would the discussion be about?"

"Eeh, erm. Uh. About my breasts......"

"Breasts. Is it. What is the matter with your breasts? Are they in pain?"

"N-, no, that is not it. Onii-sama. Can I have you take a little look?"

"Look? Is something, wrong with your breasts somewhere?"



Louisa-nee-sama ended up turning red on her face and went quiet. I won't know what's going on with this.

"Er-, erm. Tsukuyomi-sama, may I have a moment"

The maid attached to Onee-sama speaks to me softly while covering my ear with her hands.


"Er-, erm, Her Highness is troubled by the development of her breasts"

"Ah! Aahーis that what it is. That would be difficult to talk about huh. Onee-sama. I was a doctor who specialised in diagnosing women's diseases in my former world. So I am knowledgeable about the breasts as well"

"Really? Then, what should I do for these breasts of mine to become bigger?"

"Yeah. It looks like you are currently using the brassiere; what are the measurements?"

"It is 78A"

"Hmm. Onee-sama is currently, 14 years old huh. I think that size is normal if that is the case though?"

"No, like I said, I want to make them bigger?"

"Why, are you in such a rush?"

"Tha-, that is......"

Again, the maid shuffles over and whispers into my ear.

"Her Highness has a gentleman she wants to get close to in school before graduation"

"Aaーh. Is that what it is. You could have said it from the start. Uーn. But unfortunately, it is impossible to make it bigger with medicine or my powers"

"Eeーh! There are things that are impossible even for Onii-sama?"

"I mean, it is not like I can do everything after all. So is there a classmate in school with bigger breasts than Onee-sama?"

"Yes. That is right"

"And, that guy you are interested in, he is fixated on that large breast girl?"

"No, that is not it......"

"In that case, is it not fine not to be bothered by something like the size of your breasts?"


"Onee-sama. A woman's charm is not just in her breasts. I think what is important is to interact with that individual kindly and for Onee-sama to further your own knowledge and upbringing and become a woman brimming with charm"

"Of course, I understand that, but......"

Well, she's a princess at the end of the day, so I guess she understands something like that even without being told.

"Is that so. Then, Onee-sama. Please ask Silenus-obaa-sama from what age her breasts started becoming bigger"

"Why, not Okaa-sama, but Obaa-sama?"

"Your bodily characteristics and qualities such as your hair, your eyes, your skin colour are things that pass on from parent to child by what you call 'heredity'. And then, oftentimes, they inherit from mother to son, and father to daughter"

"In other words, I think Onee-sama's qualities will be close to your Otou-sama and the qualities of his Okaa-sama, Silenus-obaa-sama. In actuality, all three of you have brunette hair with brown eyes, right?"

"Ah! Now that you mention it, you are right!"

"Yes. Which is why Onee-sama's breasts, have the possibility of becoming a size about the same as Obaa-sama's breasts. What do you think about Obaa-sama's breast size?"

"Yes! They are very big!"

Onee-sama's face lit up and was full of smiles.

"Yes. Which is why if you ask Obaa-sama at around what age hers started becoming big, I think there is a high chance that Onee-sama's breasts will also start becoming big around then"

"I, will go and ask Obaa-sama immediately!"

"Ah! Onee-sama, in that case, please ask what food she liked to eat when they were starting to get big as well. Such as liking desserts that use milk or cream or cake for example. It is important to ask that and eat the same thing as well, you know"

"Yes. Onii-sama! Thank you!"

Onee-sama said that and ran out of the room. The maid bowed deeply to me, and she ran out chasing after Onee-sama.

Heredity ain't absolute either after alll. It sure feels like I'll get hated if they don't get big huh. Fuu. Whatever happens, happens......

6 weeks have passed since executing the Nemophila Royal Family's family planning. It has been 5 weeks for Shion-oba-san as well. And then, both of them continued recording in the basal body temperature chart, but they remained at a high temperature, and their menstruation didn't come. Today, I decided to do an examination after dinner.

"Torenia-oba-sama, Shion-oba-sama. Let's try giving both of you an examination"

"What are you going to do for said examination?"

"I will see-through to the inside of your belly and confirm whether or not a baby has formed"

"What should I do! I, am scared"

"You will just stay as is, sitting in the chair. I am just going to see-through, so there is nothing painful or embarrassing"

"N-, no, not that; I get scared when I think about what if I did not conceive"

"Shion-oba-sama. Even if you did not get one this time, you can do it as many times as you like until you conceive, so there is nothing to worry about, you know"

"Yes. Got it"

"I have a request and warning for everybody before doing the examination"

"What would it be?"

"Even if, a baby is conceived, Torenia-oba-sama's child will be 6 weeks pregnant, and Shion-oba-sama's will be 5 weeks. The size of the baby around this time is about this big"

I show everybody the size of that with my fingers.

"It is that small?"

"Louisa-nee-sama. That is right. Which is why if you find out that you conceived, and out of happiness, you suddenly stand up or jump up, or if Onee-sama leaps at them, there are instances where it will end up getting easily crushed and dying. The initial stage of pregnancy is an extraordinarily delicate period. Alright?"

"Yes. Got it"

I go, 'well then', and stand in front of the two of them and have a look at their belly. First, I'll start from Torenia-oba-sama. Aah, she's got it. The heart has formed and has started moving. It's going smoothly. Next is Shion-oba-sama. This side as well. Un. She's got it. The heart is not yet formed, but it'll probably be fine.

"Congratulations! Both of you are pregnant"

"Really! Thank you!"

"I am so happy. Thank you!"

"Congrats, Torenia, Shion. And thanks"

"Stuart-sama. Thank you"

"Thank you!"

"Tsukuyomi. Thanks. To think that by just doing as you say, it'd be so easy to conceive"

"It is not easy. It is probably because Oji-sama was thoughtful to and loved the Oba-samas"

"Why. Tsukuyomi. You have my gratitude. Thanks"

"Tsukuyomi. Thanks. I'm really glad that you came"

"Tsukuyomi. You really are an amazing person. To think that an individual like that is my grandson......"

"Ojii-sama, Obaa-sama. Thank you"

"Everybody. Regarding hereafter, Torenia-oba-sama, please rest peacefully for at least another 6 weeks, and Shion-oba-sama for another 7 weeks. Please make sure not to run, jump, or carry heavy objects. And also please keep the room warm as far as possible. It is no good to sneeze either after all"

"Torenia and Shion's maids, you heard what was just said, right. Pay plenty of attention"

"Yes. We will do as instructed"

"From here on out, I will perform an examination every 2 weeks. Just in case, please tell me right away if you have any bleeding like during menstruation or discharge. Also, when you go to the toilet, you must wash with the bidet and maintain cleanliness. Ah, but, since it is also no good to over-wash it, please do it in moderation"

"Got it. Thank you"

I returned to the room with Okaa-sama.

"Tsukuyomi. Thank you for everything you have done for my sisters' sake. But, it goes for the time with Mari-nee-sama as well, but why were they able to conceive so easily?"

"I was surprised too. But what I can think of is, as I thought, because they are women living in blessed environments like the Amaterasu household and the Royal Family"

"What do you mean by 'blessed'?"

"Yes. Normally, even women have jobs. It is easy for exhaustion to accumulate physically when they are busily working from morning to night, and for them to become unstable mentally. But the women of the Amaterasu household and the Royal Family properly consume nutrition-rich meals for their three meals without working. They are probably able to have plenty of sleep as well. In other words, both their mind and body are healthy"

"I am making them have correct sexual intercourse right after confirming the ovulation on top of that. It would be stranger for them not to conceive"

"I see. We are very blessed huh"

"Yes. I think you can say that"

"It's just that, I think that is likely also partially dependent on the husband. Even from my perspective as a man, Otou-sama and Stuart-oji-sama, I think are very kind people. Even if the living environment of those women is blessed because they are of the Royal Family or nobles, if there is not the husband's love and thoughtfulness, pregnancy might not be that easy. In reality, there are probably also households that have not conceived a child even when they are nobles after all"

"Yeah. It seems there actually are instances where they are not conceiving even though they are nobles. Mira's elder sister and my friend, Anna, also appears not to have conceived a boy as well after all"

"Okaa-sama. Did you not have plans to visit where that individual is?"

"Eeh, the plan is to drop in next week. Can I have Tsukuyomi come along as well?"

"Of course"


It looks like the successor problem runs deep even for the Royal Family and nobles.


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