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"......you are in a good mood huh"

In a private room of the Taboo Mansion, the butler Mira, mutters to the Asch who's preparing his travel bag.

"Fuu......being praised by beautiful ladies whenever, and wherever I am, sure is something nice huh"

"So, why are you preparing for a trip?"

"What are you saying. Did you not hear Estelise's confession of love? I imagine the Ezgoethe Ocean is probably a beautiful place huh"


'What an unbelievable idiot', the competent butler thinks. 

He's just totally being manipulated by Lioar, isn't he. Ensnared by such a simple honey trap; he's as naive as naive goes. She already can't do anything but take her hat off to the carefree Magician who's even looking forward to an escapade for some reason, all from being slightly praised.

"So......how is it, I got this silk hat brand new"

"......it is incredibly disgusting when it is a full coordination from head to toe"

"Hmm......that's strange. This coat and silk hat are both the finest in the entire country, you know. Even the colour is flawless......it rather makes me question your taste. Where exactly, are you saying is disgusting?"

"The character"

"......fuu, fufufufu. As expected, of my butler. The blade(edge) on your gag(joke) is sharp huh"

"No, it is not a joーー"Now then, enough about that. Against my wishes, I was made to be a part of the pointless event called the Inter-country Magic Competition; what do I do? 

The worst-personality Magician, who aims to forcefully change the topic. 

"Err, what do you mean......what do you do?"

"Haa, despite actually working as my butler for nearly a century, you don't even understand something like that?"

"......my apologies"

'Like heーll I'll understand, iーdiot', is the opinion of the competent butler. 

"Despite having guided them that much, the students are, making merry about this pointless event, and are about to get into this fight while carrying the pointless concept of 'fair and square', aren't they?"

"I do not know if it is fair and square, but they are trying to go head-to-head seriously"

"Hmm......what do you think is the job of me who has taken up the occupation of a 'teacher' which is to 'promote their growth'?"

"......is it not warmly watching over, and cheering for them?"

"Mira, as I thought, you're a doll. If I had to say what I can do, it's to become their wall and stand in their way. Purposefully becoming their obstacle, and giving them difficulties. That's probably all I can do"

"Is it really? Please think about it, carefully. Is it really the only option?"


"......is that so"

'Aah, there aiーn't getting through to this fellow', the competent butler thought. 

"That's why, I'm thinking of purposefully becoming the bogeyman. I'm thinking of becoming the insurmountable wall in their road to victory and obstructing them. This is also, all precisely because I wish for their growth......do you get me? 

".....it is of utmost unwillingness, but I get it" 

'Likely, part of it......no, most of it is his amusement', Mira comes to an understanding arbitrarily. 

"However.....it is unexpected as well. For the Asch-sama who likes fame more than anything, to actually be giving up on the Inter-Country Magic Competition's victory. 

A sham gentleman who harbours the desire of 'wanting to become popular with the ladies' more than anyone on the continent, he is. Rather, she had thought that he'd at least do something like poisoning the other countries' participants for the sake of winning. Perhaps his feelings of wanting to protect the students, narrowly, won over there......well, he has a part of him that's slightly teacher-ish asーー

"What are you saying? We're going to win"


Silence fills the room.

"......my apologies, once again, I have missed out on Asch-sama's true intention"

"Fuu......don't worry about it"


The competent butler who is driven by the urge to smack the underside of the teacup he's about to place his mouth on while smiling nihilistically and knock it over.

"There is only victory for my special class. Being defeated by the useless teachers of other countries, will affect my reputation. Well, I am at least resolved to look down on all the special class' students as slaves if they lose instead, you know"

"......it is the worst resolve in history"


"Well then......let me summarise it. In regards to the students who are doing their very best for the sake of winning the Inter-country Magic Competition, you will obstruct them with all your strength to not let them win, and if they do not manage to win with that, you will impose a penalty of enslavement, it is really alright to assume that is your scheme(plan), yes"



Mira, with all her strength, wished for her master's death. 


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