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After Story. Wedding Ceremony Arc: A New Problem

The vicinity falls completely silent at my words. The fatass before my eyes, was shaking while gapping his mouth like a fish out of water.

"Di- di- di- di- di-, you say you're marrying my Alexia!?"

"Like I said, she ain't yours. She's mine. Don't make that mistake, fatass"

"In- in- in-, insulting me over and over and over again! You guys apprehend this fellow!"

The fatass' bodyguard-ish fellows ready their weapons at me, but I bind all of them with Earth Magic's Earth Bind. About two escaped just when I thought I had apprehended all of them. Uwaah, they're being tremendously cautious of me.

"Wha-, what did you do!"

"'What', you say, I just apprehended them with magic, right. What a noisy fellow with just that"

"Guguguu, yo-, you bastardd!"

Around the time when the face of the fatass before my eyes went beyond red and turned purple

"What exactly is the ruckus about!"

, I heard a voice from behind. Alexia, Helen, Aerith, and Kana showed up over there when I turned around. Kana or somebody might've called them over.

The nobles lower their heads since Alexia and Helen came. Amidst all that, the fatass was looking at Alexia with a smirk without lowering his head.

"What exactly is this about, Marquis Fattine"

"No no, it's because the errand boy over there won't let me go inside. I was thinking of educating him a bit. More importantly, you finally acknowledged that you are marrying me huh"

......what is this fellow on about. Don't be fabricatin' things inside that non-existence brain of yours as you like. Why did it become you and Alexia marrying. Helen, who stands beside her, is face-palming, and Aerith is also furrowing her brows. I've got to massage them for her later.

"What are you saying as you like. My partner is not you"

"Oh my oh my, who is it then? Who is the partner of you, whose original fiance died and who had no presence of any man around the whole time?"

Ahー, this fellow thinks she doesn't have a partner because I died huh. Haa〜, this is the negative implications of concealing the matter about me.

Alexia glances at me and tries to go out to the front after that, but I stop her there. And then, I stand in front of the fatass.

"You, again huh. Quickly get out of the way. Then......"



With my single word, the fatass moves his mouth gapingly but doesn't produce any words. Over there


The fatass who was standing arrogantly until just now kneels down with my word. It's unexpectedly doable huh. It's the skill 『Word Spirit User』 that the person who was Baron's vessel three years ago had possessed.

It's originally unusable without the skill, but I suppose being a God compensates for it there. To think that I become capable of using it if I just grasp the knack of it. However, since we can't have a conversation at this rate, I dispel the Word Spirit User.

"Yo-, you bastard! What did you....."


As I thought, he's noisy if I let him speak, so I guess I'll leave it like this. I talk in a way that not just this fatass, but the other nobles that have come here can also hear.

"Sorry to everybody who came here, but I'm Alexia's fiance. It's just that, I suppose there are of course also those who can't accept something like that. That's why, I'll give a chance to the fellow who defeats me.

Come to this Royal Palace's training ground tomorrow. We shall settle it there. Aah, of course, helpers are allowed as well. There's no limit to the number of people, and you can bring whoever as well"

I dispel the Word Spirit User again over there. Immediately after, exactly as I thought, the fatass

"Hahaha! In that case, tomorrow will be the last day you can meet Alexia! I will crush you with the wealth I possess!"

The fatass rode on his own carriage and went back while saying that and laughing loudly. Maybe it's because I removed the limit on the number of people, and on top of that, it can be anyone, the other nobles are also bloody talking about the things after the showdown tomorrow.

There are also a few who look at me with terrified eyes over there. The two who avoided my magic just now are also included amongst them. The complexion of those few sure had turned pale huh.

"Now then, I guess I'll call the rulers of the respective countries"

"Don't tell me, Lei. You"

"Aah, I'll reveal my true identity tomorrow. Even if we carry on hiding it, we'll simply have fellows like the one just now appearing until the wedding ceremony. If that's the case, it's probably better to reveal it already"

I want to make it the last time I deal with such troublesome people after all. Well, I feel bad for the Beast King and the Pope who had been planning in a way that they don't reveal my true identity though.

"What, I'm gonna declare that Alexia and company are my wives in front of everybody"

When I say that, Alexia and company blush beet red. After that, I went to report to the rulers of the respective countries. If I don't tell the Beast King and Pope in particular beforehand, who knows what they'll say to me afterwards after all.

Well, given the circumstances, both of them forgave me right away though. It's decided that the other rulers will also come over for me tomorrow. And then, lastly, I show up to the Demon Country, and the one I meet face to face is Demon Queen Meteor. A woman who assumed the Demon Queen after Gradiel.

"Tomorrow, you will announce your true identity, is it"

"Eeh, since troublesome fellows will keep on approaching Alexia and others if it carries on like this"

When I say that, Meteor-san behaves like she's thinking about something. And then

"Eeh, I shall participate as well. It's just that I have one request"

"A request, is it?"

I wonder what exactly is it? Well, I don't mind if it's something I can fulfil though.

"Eeh, it is extremely hard for me to say it during this period, but......I want you to take my younger sister as your wife"



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