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The Story of A Certain Soldier (4)

"What's the matter, is that all you've got!?"

The female knight stabs her sword into the ground powerfully and says something like that. Even though her voice isn't that loud, her beautiful voice that's so clear it can be heard in its entirety echoes, and the combined troops that have formed files takes a step back.

It probably hasn't even been an hour, since Liscia・Einstein made her appearance. And yet, in front of her, the combined troops' soldiers' corpses had completely covered the ground.

Liscia・Einstein was hoping for a one-on-one, but there was no way the combined troops would get on board something like that, and they tried defeating her with numbers. The horror of that is the view before my eyes.

Soldiers fly whenever she swings her sword. You find them every now and then; I suppose that's what you call a 'monstrosity'. Or, I guess a General who's worth a thousand soldiers.

I've gone to all kinds of battlefields before; you do find them every now and then, a monster like that. A monster that regular folks can't win against.

Since the combined troops had nearly two thousand soldiers killed by merely one person in this short period, as expected, they seemed to be getting cold feet. I would imagine so. I would hate it as well if it were me.

......however, what should we do. The likes of us don't have the strength to do anything about that female knight. We might be able to defeat her if we use a considerable amount of military power, but we'll have to be prepared for a corresponding amount of casualties.

Furthermore, the sense of intimidation released from the direction that has the Demise Country doesn't reduce. Which means even though it's to this extent even with just this female knight, there are monsters on par with her in the Demise Country huhh. Haa, maybe we should escape, even if it's just my squad. We're affiliated with the country, but it's not like we have any attachments. We were originally mercenaries after all.

As I was thinking about something like that, a single knight who straddled a pure-white horse appeared from the combined troops' rear. If I'm not wrong, isn't that this time's combined army's general's aide-de-camp. It's an individual whom a sheer chiliarch like me pretty much can't get to see. Why is an individual like that here?

"You are, Liscia・Einstein huh. Kuku, you're indeed a woman as beautiful as they say, aren't you"

His age is around the 40s, his golden hair is all lumped at the back, and his appearance is that of a slender and classy man. Well, I don't hear any decent rumours about him though. He should be the Holy Kingdom's Paladin Captain. ......which means, the descendants of the ones who captured the insurrectionist, Liscia・Einstein, huh.

"......that family crest along with that armour, you're Legreta・Vankhan's bloodline?"

"Exactly. My name is Legreta・Vankhan. The descendant of the Legreta・Vankhan who captured you"

......oi oi, are you serious with a fated encounter at a place like this. After the aide-de-camp-dono appeared, the female knight's killing intent totally welled up in one go, didn't it. Aーah, now she's unstoppable, you know?

"Fu, fufuu, ufufufufuu! ......who would've thought, to think that I'm able to take revenge on the descendants of the shitty fellow who set me up......who set my family up! I express my gratitude to you, Master!!"

As soon as the black armoured female knight, Liscia・Einstein, laughed crazily, she instantly moved to the front the aide-de-camp-dono's eyes.

We naturally didn't catch it, and the aide-de-camp-dono didn't manage to react either. He was looking at the location where Liscia・Einstein was until just now. Ah, he dead. That was probably what everybody thought, but in the next instant


, the sound of metal colliding echoed on the battlefield. It's a sound that hadn't been heard since that woman appeared. It's because upon clashing swords with her, you'll be cut down by the magic sword she holds.

Shields, spears, and even armour were sliced apart easily. It was completely unwithstandable with the normal weapons distributed to the common soldiers.

And yet, the sound of metal colliding could be heard; which means there's a monster holding a weapon that can withstand the magic sword Liscia・Einstein holds, with the strength capable of reacting to her capabilities, on this side as well huh.

Well, the fact that it appeared for the sake of protecting the Holy Kingdom's Paladin Captain, means it's probably one of the Holy Kingdom's monsters though.

"You are......"

Liscia・Einstein increases her vigilance several levels at the individual who suddenly appeared before her eyes. The individual who appeared before the eyes of Liscia・Einstein and blocked her sword, in contrast to Liscia・Einstein, who's wearing jet black armour, was wearing stark-white armour on its body. Furthermore, with a shining sword as well.

"......as expected of the former Holy Paladin Captain. I got careless and didn't manage to react. However, our family's bodyguard is quite something, right? It's being of use to me"

The aide-de-camp-dono says and kicks the back of the White Knight from the top of his horse. The White Knight had readied itself with its eyes on Liscia・Einstein,  without reacting to that.

They were glaring at each other for a bit, but the White Knight moved. Reacting to that, Liscia・Einstein moves, but wellー, as I thought, their movements sure are monstrous. I can't follow with my eyes at all.

"You bastard! Why are you holding that sword!? That belongs to that child......to my younger sister!!"

And then, as soon as they stop, Liscia・Einstein shouts something like that. The aide-de-camp-dono who was looking at that with a smirk is a horrible person.

The questioned White Knight faces off Liscia・Einstein without saying anything. Now then, I wonder how it'll turn out at this rate. As I was thinking of that, a magic circle appeared beside Liscia・Einstein. And then, a male elf made his appearance from within.

"Liscia-dono, Aruji-dono is coming back soon. We are going to move as well"

"......got it"

The male elf who suddenly appeared unfurled a magic circle again, and the two of them ended up vanishing. I didn't know what was going to happen when another person with a strength of that calibre appeared, but thank goodness they went off. Perhaps the combined troops' bunch thought the same as well, they give off the vibe that they're slightly relieved.

However, numerous new huge magic circles appeared in the next instant. And then, what made their appearances were, gigantic bone Dragons. Furthermore, they're three-headed Dragons, and the bones used are that of humans as far as I can see.

Seven three-headed bone Dragons appeared in total. They were closing in on the combined troops. This, will seriously be bad if I really don't make plans to escape.


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