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Vichnovarl business district, the capital of the Academic City, Zagreb, is unique from other countries. Neither are there street performers showing off their performances, nor are there store salespeople raising their voices and hard at work gathering customers. What most stores are selling are only old books. That quiet atmosphere that one can go as far as to call deserted, is the characteristic of this business district.

"Hmm......I came here one month ago, but I didn't see this book. Master, when did you stock thisーー"

"Heyy, we didn't come here today with the objective of buying books, right?"

Jill restrains Asch, who shows interest in the store's old books. These two, who are striding down the business district, had come to choose Liana's birthday present.

"But......they only sell books around these parts"

"I'm not too sure either, but......if I'm not wrong, I was told by a friend previously......ah, here it......is......"

Accessory Shop『Bouncy Bouncy』

A shop with an intense colour scheme, befitting the word 'cutesy', was obviously hindering the solemn atmosphere of the Academic City, Zagreb. In front of the door dyed entirely pink, the Dark Magician stands unmovingly for a bit, mutters a single, 'I'm going back', and turns around.

"Wa-, wait! What are you turning on your heels all of a sudden for! Are you saying you're going to go back after we go out of the way and come all the way here!?"

"Are you, telling this here me, to enter this store?"

"I-, I admit that it does have a bizarre presence! Even I, a female, end up slightly daunted, but......we went out of our way to come all the way here after all!"

Or rather, it's been embarrassing to be standing here since just now. For the diligent beautiful young girl who's ignorant of fashion in the first place, this store is quite a high hurdle. Even so, Jill, who does nothing but study every day and doesn't have any decent friends, wants to see Liana's happy face. She doesn't see her sobbing face after being gifted 1000 frogs. Through that determination, she forcefully pulled Asch's hand and opened the store's door.


Jill desperately suppresses, the sigh of admiration that unconsciously came out. Beautiful accessories that were placed everywhere as far as the eyes could see. From adorable bracelets to rings with a high-class feeling, they're enchased throughout the place; it was a place that feels as though the entirety of this shop is being shut inside a treasure box.

"Are you looking for something?"

The shop attendant who came out was, a woman with pink hair, in a pink one-piece dress, wearing pink bracelets, pink necklaces, and rings; an all-pink woman. Her facial features were extraordinarily beautiful, but their eyes end up unconsciously going to that fashion with an overly-strong peculiarity.

"Er-, err......a present for a friend"

"What kind of a person are they?"

"Erm......very beautiful, cute, kind......"

"Nnー......rather than that, something like her favourite colour, her favourite gemstone"


When she was asked that, Jill, unconsciously step backwards. Now that she mentioned it, she doesn't know her liking at all. How can you call her a friend, and not know what she likes. That self-deprecating thought, makes her direct her face downwards.

At that moment,


There's a voice from behind, a whispering voice.

"Eh......what did you say?"

When the shop attendant asks, Asch answers with an immensely disgruntled-looking expression, 'I said, her favourite colour is green'.

"......is that so. Is there anything else that you know?"

"Her favourite gemstone is emerald......that's why, I think she likes green. Her favourite food is vegetables in general. Her favourite flower is Yureyz. The flower that blossoms beautifully in the once sky city, Orlivis, and it's said to now only exists on the countless high mountains, but she was saying that she wants to see it once in her life. And......even though I say that I hate carrots, she nonchalantly adds them to the meals when she's in a bad mood, is something I'd like her to spare me from. Also......."


"It's a pain that, recently, she often talks to me happily about how she made a close-knitted best friend. Well, because she talks to me about all kinds of useless things, they always get in the way of my thoughts"

"......is that so. Understood. I, Lieber=Xerbes, the shop manager, will put all my heart into it and pick out a present for you magnificent people's precious person"

While making a gentle wink, she, starts merrily choosing the accessory.

"Pre-, precious person, she says......good grief......looks like she has some kind of enormous misunderstanding huh"

Jill stares fixedly, at Asch who lets that out in dissatisfaction.

"Wha-, what? You've still, got something to complain?"


"......humph, I haven't the slightest idea what the thank you is for"

Making an even more disgruntled expression, Asch walked around the store aimlessly.


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