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......I'm counting Eclat on you, Hilde, Leivelt.


......I'm entrusting Eclat to you, Hilde, Leivelt.

Great War Of The Demon God: Serpent King Flame Dragon Slash

Arcadia State

Aerith Perspective

"Haha, what a great Magic! My arms are getting cut off one after another!"

Geezz! What's with that fellow! He's being cut up by my Magic, and yet he comes attacking me even more with a smile. However, if it's the current me, I can fight even Gilgas!

Seven Demon General Gilgas. The Demon Race who went on a massive rampage at Arcadia as well roughly one year ago. Back then, he fought Lei and got defeated. Back then, all I did was watch, and I couldn't help in any way, but if it's current me. 

"Ora ora ora! Here I go, woman!"

Gilgas makes his total of 8 arms, 4 on each side, hold a tomahawk each and slashes over. In combination with that, there are numerous arms flying at Gilgas' back, and they're taking aim and flying over at me. They come flying over no matter how many of them I cut down since just now.

"One after another, what a pain! Serpent Flame Dance!"

I split the blade of Oodachi of Serpent Flame and swing it like a whip. I spin it, making it dance around me, and slice the arms that come flying over apart.


I block the tomahawk that Gilgas, who had come closer during that time, swings down at me with the oodachi, which blade I restored to how it originally was. Gunuu! What kinda strength is that! My arms are numb from receiving just a single blow.

Gilgas swings down at me further without bothering about something like that. It's a tomahawk from compressing a considerable amount of Magic Power, so not even my oodachi can cut it easily.

That's why I decided to dodge instead of catching it. I avert it with my oodachi and dodge by jumping backwards. And then, the moment Gilgas' tomahawk got swung down onto the ground, the ground split greatly.

He really is stupidly strong huh! On top of that, his arms are flying over like they're chasing after me. Since I can cut the arms that fly over, I cut them down without hesitation. Good grief, releasing them over without any care for the surroundings!

Amidst the barrage of arms, I cut down just those that'll seemingly make a direct hit and dodge the rest. The Demon Races are screaming at the back, but I pay no attention to them. It's all Gilgas' fault.

As for the arms that fly over to the Palace, Caro is blocking all of them for me. That's why I'm able to go up against him without turning around.

I, nimbly slip through the barrage of arms and swing my oodachi. With my oodachi, which blade split up and became like a whip, I attack at a distance where his tomahawks narrowly miss.

"Serpent Flame Lotus!"

"Tch, chipping away at me from a distance where my tomahawks narrowly miss!"

Gilgas irritatedly repels my attack and tries to get closer, but I back off and take my distance just as much. Why do I have to get close and fight a close-distance-specialised fellow like you.

"What a pain. Try eating this!"

What Gilgas said and hurled over was his arm......not, but the tomahawk it was holding. I ended up feeling a chill down my spine the moment I saw that. That it'll be bad if I caught that.

I promptly, jumped away from that spot, but the moment the tomahawk crashed into the ground, there was a huge explosion. The ground was blown away. On top of that, the shockwave of the tomahawk's edge crashing onto the ground sends slashes across the land, cutting down the soldiers in the range of it. Friends and foes alike.

"Ooh, this is nice. I copied Leivelt throwing his weapon at me, but to think that I'm capable of something similar as well"

As Gilgas opens and closes his hand that threw the tomahawk while saying that, a new tomahawk appears in his hand. Well, I did think he's capable of it since they're made with Magic Power though.......

"Hey, hey, there's more to come!"

Wai-!? Throwing it over like that one after another! The arms flying behind him are also heading over in combination with that! It'd be totally different if I could at least cut the tomahawks though. Geez!

Tomahawks and arms pour down at me like the rain. I dodge the tomahawks and slash the arms that will seemingly hit, but naturally, I'm overwhelmed by the numbers and can't make it in time.

I was surrounded in the blink of an eye. It can't be helped. There's no choice but to charge through with the resolve to sacrifice one arm. When I made up my mind, cut the arms that rained down at me, and readied my oodachi to divert the tomahawks even a little

"Did you not hear me; I said to leave it to me, right?"

The moment I heard that voice, countless layers of barriers appeared around me. Although the tomahawks and arms crash into the barriers and break them one after another, their power was steadily weakening as they went through more barriers, and they subsequently ended up stopping. Good grief, how reliable.

"Tch, the Holy Maiden that time!?"

Gilgas comes attacking me nevertheless, but his attacks don't reach all the way to me anymore. However, to put up this many barriers, it should take quite a toll on Caro as well. I have to quickly put an end to it.

I pour all the Magic Power I have into the oodachi. And then, exactly as I was told initially, I charge straight at Gilgas. Here I go.

"Eat this! Serpent King Flame Dragon Slash!"

I swing the oodachi at Gilgas. Flame envelops the outstretched oodachi and changes its shape. Its appearance, is similar to the appearance of the Dragon Lei manifested in the Royal Capital previously.

Long like a snake, the Flame Dragon bites one of Gilgas' arms, burns it, and carries on to come around and penetrate Gilgas from behind.

"Gaa, haa!"

"Burn him to ashes"

And then, a flame burned ferociously from the spot he was penetrated. Gilgas was incinerated from within his body by the Flame Dragon's flame. Gilgas was laughing up until he was completely burned to ashes.


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