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Great War Of The Demon God: Fusion

Ilnort Federation Giant Gold Mountain

Kana Perspective

"Area Heal!"

I'm treating the wounded people without any questions asked. However, it's a given that a Magician who's capable of healing is a nuisance from the enemy's point of view, so I'm being targeted a ton.

Especially when I'm a Healing Magician who's originally supposed to be at the backlines. Although my role is to treat the wounded people when they're transported to the rear, I'm actively working at the frontlines. The reason is that I thought I'll be able to treat them right as they get wounded this way.

In the previous war, the people who were transported over were pretty much only those who were close to the operational headquarters. Almost all of the people who were fighting on the frontlines didn't manage to return; they were being left behind even if they were wounded and couldn't move.

Even if they managed to return, they were quite seriously wounded, and it ended up taking some time to treat them, so there were also cases where we didn't make it in time.

I've never felt as helpless as I did back then. I wasn't of any use even when I possessed the Goddess' power, and I was simply watching people die.

I hated that, so I learned Magic from Caro-chan who similarly possesses the Goddess' power. Although Caro-chan's Barrier is her Blessing's ability, I heard that if it's something close to that, then you can do it even with Magic.

And then, using that power, I can focus on the treatment even on the frontlines. Well, the monsters flying in the skies are targeting me a ton though.

But, that too, isn't of any concern to me. I mean, I have my precious best friend who will protect me after all!

"I'm not going to let you touch Kana-min!"

My best friend, Mari, activates a significant number of Magic around herself and releases them towards the monsters. Each and every one of them is elementary-level Magic, but if there's a significant number of them raining down, then there's nothing the monsters can do about them either.

"Kana-min, are you alright?"

"Un, I am fine because Mari is protecting me. More importantly, what about the other wounded?"

"As of now, it looks like all of them are those who are lightly wounded. Those people are having the other Magicians treat them"

"Is that so. What about the President and Dorothea-san and company?"


Hey, don't turn your eyes away! Though I also understand how you feel!

I directed my eyes to the battlefield, and over there

"Fuhahahaa! What's the matter! Is that all your muscles amount to!"

, was the figure of President Obbarman laughingly exchanging punches with Gigantes. President Obbarman clashes his own fist, onto Gigantes' fist that's larger than his own body, and averts it.

And then, while Gigantes was punching the ground, President Obbarman ran all the way to its feet and punched where a human would call the Achilles' heel with all his strength.

I don't know whether that spot is painful for Gigantes too, or whether President Obbarman's single strike is powerful, but it loses its balance from the pain and falls over.

As soon as Gigantes, who boasts a mass that can cause an earthquake, falls over, the small monsters around get wrapped in as well. Uwah, they were flattened by Gigantes' body.

Without concerning himself with something like that, President Obbarman dashes towards Gigantes' face


and drives a single meaty punch into its face. Gigantes' face caves in with that single strike, and blood gushes out from every notable hole on its face. ......how grotesque.


As for Dorothea-san, she materialises mounds with Earth Magic, rendering the ground uneven and difficult to run on, robbing Fenrir of its speed. In addition to that, perhaps she's also mixing Fire Magic into her Earth Magic, the locations where Fenrir laid its feet occasionally explode. It doesn't always happen, but since it ends up stepping on it sometimes, Fernir looks like it's having quite a hard time running as well. Its feet are covered in blood after all.

The way Fenrir howled also subsequently turned feeble, going, 'Kuuーn, Kuuーn'. However, it's a given that there's no way Dorothea-san will go easy on it either, and she places her hands on the ground again. Immediately after, cone shapes started rising from the ground.

If it was under normal circumstances, Fenrir would have avoided it with its rapid speed, but its movements are dull now because of the mounded ground that's difficult to run on and the pain from the Fire Magic's explosion it received over and over again. It tries to jump and get away somehow, but once again



the ground explodes. It loses its balance and lies flat on the ground because of that. The dirt that rises up into cones closes in on Fenrir to skewer it.

If it was under normal circumstances, Fenrir would slash it apart with its selling-point agility and sturdy claws, but now that it's lying flat, it can neither move quickly nor slash it apart. It's simply, waiting to be stabbed in its soft flank.

Anima-san was easily avoiding the attack of Yamata No Orochi that spews its Breath of water at her with room to spare. The Thunder Bird matches that and strikes bolts of lightning down towards Anima-san, but Anima-san repels them with the barrier of wind cladding her body.

And then, she flew to the Thunder Bird as it is and crunched its skull into pieces. She carries on to nose-dive towards Yamata no Orochi. Yamata No Orochi releases its Breath of water, but she repels it with her barrier of wind.

Anima-san circled behind Yamata No Orochi and crushed underfoot its torso that all its heads are attached to. ......Yamata No Orochi's internal organs got crushed and splattered. How grotesque.

However, with this, the S Rank monsters are all defeated! As expected, there's probably not going to be any more of them!

"......haa. All of them got done in. ......it's really a pain. Dark Magic, Fusion activate"

The moment I let my guard down for a bit, thinking, 'it might work out if it's like this', a jet-black orb appeared in midair around the center of where the monsters are. What's that?

"Tch! Everybody, grab onto something! You're gonna get sucked in!"

As I'm looking at that black orb blankly, Dorothea-san shouts to us who are at the fortress. Anima-san, too, returns all the way to the fortress at quite a high speed and activates a barrier of wind, encircling the fortress.

"Wha-, what in the world is going on?"

Mari raises a surprised voice at the sudden happening as well beside me, but I don't know either. And then, when the barrier of wind disappeared, over there, the figures of the monsters that were congregating until just now had disappeared.

The only thing left behind was the black orb that floats in midair. What in the world happened? The soldiers in the fortress started rejoicing at the fact that the monsters disappeared, but it's obviously too strange. For that many monsters that were there until just now to have disappeared.

President Obbarman and the others are also maintaining a serious expression. The thing everybody is looking at is the black orb. As I thought, is that the cause? As I was looking at the black orb and thinking that,


Mari cries out beside me. The soldiers around who were rejoicing were also lost for words. But, I think that's inevitable as well. It's to the extent that it's strange that I didn't scream as well after all. I mean, that black orb, had an eye appear at the center of it all of a sudden, and following that, eyes appeared all over the entire black orb. The black part ended up so buried in eyes that it's pretty much not visible.

And then


it screamed as though it was in its death throes.


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