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Edited Chapter 4

No, she was saying that she's repulsed and whatnot yesterday after all. 

No, she was saying that she's sicken and whatnot yesterday after all.

The Seal Placed On The Skills

"We've gotta discuss Hero-sama's skill with the Princess huh"

"Yeah. But since she is the Princess, she would be busy, right?"

Presently, she's in the very middle of her research in the library after all. Mainly because of me.

"That may be true, but it's inevitable, isn't it. It's a useless skill without the Princess-sama around......right?"

"Likely so. However, there is no way we can bring the Princess along on the journey to subjugate the Demon Lord either. Is this what they call a fodder skill?"

"I mean....... Well, that's right! Whatever the case is, nothing will come out of anything if we don't discuss it with the Princess! Hahaha!"


Uーn....... Based on the content of the【Character Introduction】.

Captain Luid may be someone who's just shouldering the mission to kill me when push comes to shove, plainly as his job.

He may be in cahoots with the Princess, but be that as it may, he may not be malicious towards me.

In the first place, it's the fact they『summoned the Hero to defeat the Demon Lord』.

One, the Demon Lord, cannot be defeated with the Chivalric Order's combat strength.

Two, in other words, it means that the Hero alone possesses a combat strength stronger than the Chivalric Order as a whole.

......thus, if the Hero was a horrible person, then of course it's gonna be troubling huh.

In that sense, this Chivalric Order Captain might just be assessing me.

Even now, if I tried to do anything to the Princess through brute force, he has to protect the Princess no matter what......or so might be what he's thinking?

It's also a problem to fully believe the profile of【Character Introduction】in its entirety.

I have no idea under what circumstances are the profiles formed in this Character Introduction.

That being said, the Princess' profile is way too disturbing though.

The Princess might not be the only problematic one.

......I guess I'll just have the Princess, who's visualising a disturbing future, pay the price for abducting me to another world and forcefully conscripting me.

In the first place, it appears that this is a human-supremacist country, and it's a country that discriminates against Demihumans and Beastfolks......but it seems whether or not they group Otherworlders in that category, differs depending on the individual.

"By the way, Captain Luid"


"I heard the journey to subjugate the Demon Lord will be 3 months later, and it will be my training period until then, but......will it be alright?"

"Will it be alright......will what be alright?"

This is one of the matters I wanted to confirm beforehand.

Now that they've summoned me, why are they laxly saying that the journey to subjugate the Demon Lord can wait until 3 months later?

There's also the possibility that the villages and such at the edges of the Kingdom have been abandoned or something huh.

"Is the 'Demon Lord', not an existence I have to defeat right away?"

"Ah? I mean, we do want you to defeat it right away. We summoned the Hero for the sake of that after all"

"But, it seems there is a postponement of 3 months......will the damages and such caused by the Demon Lord be alright?"

"Damages caused by the Demon Lord?"


What's with this reaction? Do we have some kind of a different understanding?

"In the first place, what is a 'Demon Lord'? Having gone out of the way to summon the Hero, I understand that it is a powerful existence, but......is it some kind of a monster......one that is so strong that not even the Chivalric Order can handle?"


How is it when it comes to those things. Will he say that he can't tell the current me.

Or will he make me have a grasp of false information.

I guess I can't judge whether it's the truth or it's a lie at this current point in time huh.

"The 'Demon Lord', is a fellow who ends up nurturing the monsters into becoming powerful just by being around. If we leave it be, the monsters over there will end up becoming so strong that we can no longer lay our hands on them"

"Nurtures monsters into becoming powerful just by being around, huh"

I mean, that's indeed a threat. It sounds like a disaster that concerns the lives of people.

"And, just by being alive, the 'Demon Lord' turns the land around barren"

"Turns the land around barren?"

"Ou. The crops and plants will either wilt, or they'll turn into monsters, the weather turns bad, and the sky will be heavily clouded all the time"


Is that, for real? It has a somewhat Demon World-ish image though.

Uーn. However, this sure doesn't feel like they're just claiming an enemy country as the Demon Lord's country, just for the sake of attacking another country huh.

Since they were saying 'Demon Country', can I assume there's a Demon World-like plot of land by the borders?

"And, there's the number one problem"


"When humans get close to Demon Lord, they end up dying"


When humans get close......they die? Oi, I'm also a human, you know!

"Those who end up having magic power directed at them by the Demon Lord, die with just that. Be it how veteran the Adventurer is, be it a super first-class knight, be it a sword meister you call a Sword Saint......ain't none of it matters. Ain't nobody can defend against the Demon Lord's magic. ......if I'm not wrong, it seems to be called【Insta-Kill Magic】"

"Insta-Kill Magic!"

I see, Insta-Kill Magic huh! Furthermore, nobody in this world has a way of defending against the Insta-Kill Magic.

That's why, no matter how powerful a person is, it's meaningless in front of the Demon Lord.

Of course, there's no point even if the Chivalric Order and such gather in numbers.

Ah, wait, then, is it that? Skill No.2's【Absolute Counter】

If I stand before the Demon Lord and make it cast the Insta-Kill Magic......I can defeat the Demon Lord just by countering that huh!

In other words, the Hero is the Demon Lord's nemesis! And then there is no way for humans besides the Hero to resist the Demon Lord!

......they seriously have no other choice but to rely on the Hero huh, more so than I thought.

What is the Princess thinking about doing to such a precious Hero?

"According to the documents, it seems the Demon Lord resurrected in cycles of a hundred years or something in the past"

"The Demon Lord......as I thought, resurrects even if you defeat it?"

"I mean, yeah. A 'monster', is something like that, right?"

"......something like that?"

Are wild animals and monsters, different?

"The 'Demon Lord', is born from a plant in the Demon World that seemingly gathers magic power......apparently"

"A plant!?"

Don't tell me, the Demon Lord is actually a plant!?

"Well, I don't know that much either if we're going to go more in-depth. But the【Insta-Kill Magic】and the Demon Lord being born from the Demon World plant, are stories passed down from a pretty long time ago"

"From a long time ago......is it. The Demon Lord, resurrected time after time......"

Rather, if it was a plant, is the Demon Lord rooted or something like that?

"The past Heroes, did they manage to properly subjugate the Demon Lord?"

"I mean, of course! If they didn't manage to, the world would've been destroyed by now"

"The world will be destroyed......"

Well, it'd be bad for monsters steadily turn vicious, and for crops wither huh.

However, they say they have to hunt the Demon Lord periodically.

Hmm....... What should I do. I'm starting to see the vision of me defeating the Demon Lord.

I guess all that's left is, my lack of motivation.

If the Princess' profile felt more dreamy, I'd be working myself to the bone, you know.

No......up until the point where the Hero defeats the Demon Lord is an unchangeable flow of things for the Kingdom as well; it's something like a matter of course huh.

Meaning that it'll be after I defeat the Demon Lord that the Royal Family will turn their eyes to me.

It's the common pattern where it's because the legend who defeated the Demon Lord is a hindrance......that kinda thing.

Is Alicia's plan to tragedise me, something of that sort?

Then, I'll be safe for the coming 3 months until I defeat the Demon Lord.

Plus, the Kingdom is considering how to appropriately handle it as well.

......but, they're fully intent on getting rid of me after I defeat the Demon Lord and run out of use, huh.

No, shouldn't I be able to return to the former world after defeating the Demon Lord?

Does it mean that that's a lie?

I don't know the skills of the past Heroes, but......there's the possibility that I can return without any help.

Is the lock placed on the Transportation Technique, due to the summoning ritual's influence, or due to the Kingdom's doing.

I've got to look that up one way or another.

Rather, when it comes to No. 2 and No. 3, the possibility that they're the Hero's basic skills emerged.

Especially No. 2, probably nothing will come out of anything if I don't have it.

Well, a skill like Insta-Kill Negation or something will do as well though.

However, nothing will come out of anything if the Hero doesn't reach all the way to the Demon Lord.

......doesn't the Kingdom have any instances of failure?

If, for example, the Hero failed to subjugate the Demon Lord, there's the need to call for the next Hero.......

If that's possible, that means it's possible to reset the Hero.

'There is no need for an unusable Hero', kinda thing.

Why, doesn't the Kingdom do that.

Well, I suppose it's not like I've been judged as incompetent at this point in time though.

"The 'Hero Summoning'......can't it call for more people?"


"Look. If you summoned even just one more Hero, is it not more efficient when it comes to defeating the Demon Lord?"

"Summoning multiple Heroes, huh"

Nn? What's with that disinterested attitude?

"They seem to have done something like that before, you know"

"They have huh!"

Then, that means it's possible.

"Huh, then, why am I alone this time around?"

"Who knows. Oops, this is probably enough talking, Hero-sama. More importantly, let's get to work. I've gotten a grasp of your skills. I'll have you become strong enough that you're capable of fighting monsters in 3 months. Ain't no time to be slacking. Fighting is the Hero's job after all!"


Well, sure, I guess.

"If you want to know about the past, you can actually just ask the Princess-sama and have her let you make use of the Royal Family-use library"

"......Royal Family-use library?"

"Yup. The library that preserves the past history, and all kinds of past records"

Is it there. The room where the Princess is currently in.

I'm in the middle of closely surveilling her with the Transportation Technique's surveillance function.

"But it is Royal Family-use, right?"

"Aah. But, you can make use of it if you have the Royal Family's permission"

"Royal Family's permission, huh"

I wonder if they'll give me permission. It feels like the King will give me the permission more so than the Princess though.......

And so, the training for that day was, the basics of how to fight using a sword.

It seems there's no Hero supplementation or whatnot when it comes to swordsmanship.

It's not to the extent that I can't move at all either, but I'm completely no match for the strength of the man who's strong enough to become the Chivalric Order Captain.

He's making a tremendously bizarre look. I mean, don't ask for the impossible. I'm just an ordinary person that got called out, you know.

But, perhaps it's thanks to the fact that I'd told him about my skills beforehand, I wasn't beaten to a pulp.

I do want to test out my skills as well though.......


I finish the training in the morning and eat the lunch that was prepared.

I wasn't lacking in exercise, but maybe because I used the muscles that I don't normally use, I'm having muscle aches.

......is this compulsory every day?

I hear there's training in the evening as well. I wonder what is itー.

It feels like I'm being forced to practise in the sports-oriented club activities that I didn't even agree to join.

I guess the 'Otherworld' aspect and the 'Seriousness' aspect kind of evens out to zero.

I do have the desire of wanting to try to become unparalleled, but it's kinda difficult with these skills.

There's currently no indication at all that I became stronger just because I'm a Hero.


Looks like the Princess, who had been researching since morning, is also having lunch at the same time.

There's nobody in particular for me to involve myself with after all. I guess I'll surveil her.

"Luid, let's hear your report"

Oh, Captain Luid. He went to report to the Princess without even eating lunch huh.

It's supposed to be mealtime for the Princess as well; is it alright for him not to show any consideration for that?

......these two, aren't in a romantic relationship, right?

I don't know about the romantic circumstances of another world, but a romance between a princess and a knight. It's the cliché.

"Yes. As of now, the Hero summoned this time around has three skills"


"They seem to be【Character Introduction】【Counter】【Summoner's Blessing】. Their details are......"

It's a report with all the details exactly as I said them huh.

As I thought, does Captain Luid not have any malice towards me in particular? I have the impression that he's reporting it just as it is.

The Princess, who heard the report, frowns with her adorable face. The Princess-sama, she sure is adorablee. Her insides? Un.......

That face of hers, is she unsatisfied with something about the skills? Well, the details of the skills are bogus though.

"Regarding the Hero's skills, does it look like that is lying?"

Oh, as expected, she suspects a falsified report huh. I guess there's no way those in another world are going to be a bunch of idiots. There are surely countless people who are smarter than me. Even more so if we're talking about a Royal Family.

I guess it's better if I don't think about outsmarting them too much.

My advantage is, the one-sided surveillance and Transportation Technique through my skill.

"I cannot say anything as of now. There is no other way but to spend the time getting on the Hero's good side......and confirming the details"

"Is that so......"

"Hence, I have no choice but to ask for Princess-sama's cooperation. It's just that"

"It's just that?"

"That Hero, seems to have fallen in love with the Princess-sama at first sight. Hence, there might be the likelihood that he lied for the sake of meeting the Princess-sama"


Ooh, a repulsed look along with a repulsed voice.

However, how in the world is her face so gorgeous even though she's making a repulsed look.

Is the Royal Family high-spec?

"As I thought, it seems the 'Otherworlders' are beasts huh. Exactly as the ancient fables conveyed!"

Hmm? Did the past Heroes screw up? Even if they did, it's no reason for planning to plunge me into an abyss of tragedy even before we first met, right.

"......is the summoned Hero, somebody who hides underneath their strength and position, and just goes around craving for women"

"That is right! When the Otherworlders see a human woman, they see nothing but an outlet for their sexual desires! The actions of the past Heroes, were said to be the epitome of Hell! How much do you think the citizens in the past suffered because of that, how belittled do you think the confidence in the Royal Family was because of that!"

......huh, isn't this, the Heroes' side's fault?

Wait, no, it's not like I'm the one who did it though.

......I did do, something similar?, to the Princess.

What exactly, did the past Heroes do?

"The Hero is the same existence as Orcs and Goblins that can simply speak the human language!"

What a way to put it. Hmm.......

Past Heroes. Well, a Japanese otaku¹ would be the cliché huh.

I don't know whether or not that's actually the case though. Then, how did the summoned Hero act.

Did they think that everything in this world is there for their convenience, and they used their position as an excuse and did whatever they like;

acting like all the women is theirs......trying to bed women all over the place;

and then the townsfolks lamented the Hero's actions, and pinned all the blame onto the Royal Family that summoned the Hero?

I mean, of course they might not be able to swallow it very happily.

However, you guys are the ones who summoned them on a whim, right?

Although if it was consensual, the Royal Family's side would come out as plainly the victim.

If you summoned them on a whim, obligated them to train for the sake of fighting the Demon Lord, and set them on a life-and-death journey and battle......if that's how it is, I mean, of course they're gonna fight back.

If it was a man, they'd probably gonna expect more hospitality and such. As a result of that, you treat them as Orcs and Goblins? I can kinda understand why they did what they did.

In any case, it feels like it's a summoning ritual where neither side benefits.

For the sake of resisting the Demon Lord, it looks like they've got no choice but to do it though.......

I one-sidedly assumed that it was a shitty Otherworld, but the Heroes' side was shitty as well.

I, who teased Princess Alicia with my skill from the very first day, sure aren't in any position to say others huh!

"Managing the Hero, is the Royal Family's obligation. I did not want to summon something like that though......"

Somehow, she gives a different impression from what I received from【Character Introduction】.

Well, I guess the sadism, is simply the Princess' kink.

I wonder why that ties in with my abyss-of-tragedy plan.

Rather, hey, don't say 'something like that'.

That『something like that』is listening in on the conversation, you know

"However, if we hand it over to the Holy Kingdom, the Holy Maiden-sama will be offered up to the Hero, right? Is there really the need for the Royal Family to go that far just to manage it?"

Nn? The Holy Maiden will be offered up to the Hero......?

"Holy Maiden huh....... I find her to be a pitiful person. A woman raised and lived for the sake of becoming the woman of that......"

The Hero's......woman? What's with that?

Princess Alicia is making a sympathetic expression.

Seriously, what do the people in this world think the Hero is.

Rather, how is the Hero being treated?

Is it a Deity of the Forest that demands sacrifices kinda deal?

"But, that and this are different stories. The Kingdom made massive preparations for the sake of the【Hero Summoning】ritual. The magic stones, the amassed tools, and the magic circle's preparation for the sake of the summoning are not free. Even the people we mobilised, we did not have them work without compensation. ......even if the Holy Kingdom tells us to give them the weapon for defeating the Demon Lord that we went that far to summon for free, there is no way we can go, 'sure, here you go', and hand it over to the Holy Kingdom!"

It's not for free huh, the Hero Summoning's ritual....... Life is tough.......

I wonder if it costs tax, for me to be summoned to another world.

"Well, I understand the Princess-sama's view as well though. Letting the humanoid weapon that you acquire through throwing in a copious amount of money......have a romantic relationship, fall in love and the sorts with the Holy Maiden, and join the Holy Kingdom's side on a whim, is not something bearable. I understand. I am one who is in charge of the Chivalric Order as well after all. ......I have experience"


'Experience?', synchronising with Princess Alicia, I have a question mark floating above my head.

"The gender is the other way around though....... I had a knight whom I raised with care and trained. Although that fellow was a woman, she was competent, and I watched her train twice as much as others. In order to prepare a higher salary for her, thinking that she's probably going to need some good equipment as well, I brought it up to the King......and prepared a top-notch treatment for her"

Uh-huh, then?

"When the time came for us to take off on a hunt to put an end to a heavyweight monster, that fellow said she is quitting the Chivalric Order because she is getting married. ......I mean, something like that, it is the individual's freedom though. Nevertheless, the time, the money, and the effort spent on that fellow's growth up until that point was......well"

"I-, I see"

Uwahー....... The Chivalric Order Captain sure has it tough as well huh.

Rather, am I, the Hero, treated the same as that?

"Well, in any case. The Kingdom has forked out an enormous amount of money for the sake of summoning the Hero. This is the Kingdom's grand project!"

'Project', she says.

......come to think of it, they aren't talking in Japanese huh.

Is it a translation magic-like? something, translating it as such?

"That is why the Kingdom will manage and make use of the Hero. Defeating the Demon Lord will, of course, also be conducted under the Kingdom's lead, and I have no intention of handing it over to the Holy Kingdom for free. Or rather, I do not even have the intention of handing it over"

Hmm? Does the 'Holy Kingdom', desire the Hero itself? I wonder why.

Aah, wait, is it because it's a weapon? Furthermore, the Holy Maiden is raised for the sake of becoming the Hero's woman?

No, since the Hero is treated as a weapon, is it a country whose plan is to raise the Holy Maiden as『a woman who can control the weapon』and win over the Hero? As of now, I don't have any skills that feel weapon-y though; am I an existence that's worth them going that far?

Even for the Kingdom's side, they've spent an enormous amount of money on the Hero Summoning's ritual.

Only the Kingdom's Royal Family can summon the Hero, was it?

Then, naturally, the Kingdom will want to make use of the Hero.

They'll be thinking, 'Why in the world do we have to spend the money to summon the husband of another country's woman, and hand over our weapon and all'

However, only the Hero can stand up against the 'Demon Lord'.

Hence, they've got no choice but to summon the Hero.

Well, I got the gist of it.......

It's just that, their consideration for the circumstances on the Heroes' side is lacking.

As a Hero, without a fairly decent treatment, things like risking your life to go on a journey to defeat the Demon Lord and the training day after day are unbearable.

And, the result of the Hero seeking for that treatment is......the past Hero's actions, and being treated the same as Orcs and Goblins by the current Princess?

"Besides, I had already decided"

"Decided, decided what"

"Of course, on how to disposed of......the summoned Hero"

Oh, here comes the heart of the matter. Go, go, Captain Luid. Get it out of her for me. It's a topic that concerns my hereafter.

"The Kingdom will manage the Hero, and the Kingdom will make use of the Hero. That is a given. The Holy Kingdom's teachings or whatnot is none of our business. That country has never shouldered any of our pain after all"

"Well, I agree"

Teachings, huh. Is the Holy Kingdom, a religious country? It might be a country that goes, 'let's improve the Hero's treatment', or rather, it might be a country that advocates for a top-notch treatment of the Hero.

......the Hero is, treated as a sexual desire Orc, right?

Which means the『Holy Maiden』, is an of-age girl with a bugged common sense selected simply through her appearances and raised to offer up to the Hero in that sense? In other words, rather than Holy Maiden, it's more like 『Horny Maiden』uwahー.......

Is that it, is it a girl who'd been continuously told that the Hero is a prince on a white horse, an ideal individual.

I imagine a beauty who had been indoctrinated for the sake of being the Hero's bride.

......indeed, rather than the Kingdom that conscripts and imposes training on me, it feels like that country is better for me, the Hero.

Is the Holy Kingdom a country with such an aim? Wait, ain't that just a political dispute.

"An Orc that simply has the guise of a human, that sees human women as nothing but outlets for its sexual desires......that is the Hero. That is why, I will manage it, and when things are over, I will defeat that Demon. It has been my dream since I started studying about the Hero when I was young!"

Ehー......? The Hero, is being called a Demon.

What is with that aspiration, Princess Alicia!

Will this work out if I do something about the Princess' image of the Hero?

Rather, past Hero, how badly reputed are you!

"Well, as far as I can see from the Hero this time around, it is that"

That? What do you mean, 'that', Chivalric Order Captain.

"The mental state and physical state are, the same as an ordinary human"

Oh? Is the Chivalric Order Captain, as I thought, a fellow who gets it if you talk to him?

"If one day, all of a sudden, you are bestowed with a power that transcends everybody without any price, I mean, of course you are going to become twisted. You will want to brandish that power. Turning violent to exemplify that you are powerful, forcing yourself onto women to get them to do as you wish. After all, you have in your hands a power so powerful that you know the other party cannot resist. ......hence, I think Alicia-sama's plan of trying to 'seal and manage the Hero's skills' is correct"

......what? Seal the Hero's skills, you say?

"Of course. A weapon you cannot control has no value. That is why while gradually winning that over, I will release the seal on the skills in correspondence to the need. If it tries to get ahead of itself......I will make it so that it cannot use its skill again"

Is this what that is? The reason I currently can't use 7 skills out of the 10 that I seemingly have, is not because I haven't learned them.......

"As a result of sealing the skills that seemingly possess powerful abilities to its minimum, what remained are the 3 skills this time around. Well, it sure is easy to control it huh. It will probably be easy to train it as well. However, after releasing the seal once, will you be able to seal it again?"

"I went and did the research for the sake of that. The usage of the Hero, will influence the Kingdom's future after all"

"Looks like you are confident huh. Then, well, as far as I heard, I think the third skill of the Hero-sama this time around,【Summoner's Blessing】or something, is not dangerous as well, what should we do?"


The Princess, nodded after pondering for a bit, and then she said to the Chivalric Order Captain.

"In the evening today, I will try talking to that. If there is the opportunity to win it over......I will just utilise the opportunity"

Stop calling me 'that', Princess Alicia.


¹: オタク(Otaku). Geek


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