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Right by the lake inside the slightly distanced forest. Lily and Cis were confronting a golem that appeared out of nowhere. A puppet made from mud, loyally fulfilling the order given by its owner. Its stature far larger than a brawny man, destroying even boulders with its massive fists.

"......I-, I wonder what it is; this development"

"Is it Asch-sensei?"


The girls' opinions were immediately aligned. 'Anyway, it's probably that odious teacher's doing'.

It's probably precisely so, that the girls were extraordinarily composed. For the time being, Cis gives it a spinning kick to direct its attention to herself.

It entered the golem's temple all too easily, but it doesn't look like it had any effect.

"Erーm......for the time being, a weakness huh"

Lily folds her arms and racks her brain.

"Un. If I'm not wrong, since golems have rune characters written on their body, the owner's order should also be lifted if we erase that"

The martial arts beautiful young girl, answers while easily avoiding the golem's attacks. Of course, by no means are its attacks dull. However, it's a breeze for her who's constantly training with Mira.

"In that case......if it's this"

<<Oh Mother Nature, With Your Benevolence, With The Buds Of The New Greens>>ーーBreath Of The Trees(Wall・Breath)

The plants and trees around respond to her incantation, and vines and branches wrap around the golem's limbs. It could no longer move shortly after.

"While I have the time......there are characters! Lily, there are characters"

Cis discovers the characters. Without letting the opportunity slip, the honour student beautiful young girl rushes over and verifies it.

"......『truth』. What an, unbefitting word for that liar teacher"

"Then, shall we erase it"

The moment Cis said that and extended her hand, Lily grabbed her hand.

"Fufufu......ufufufufufu, ufufufufufufufu"

"Ar-, are you alright?"

The beautiful Holy Mother young girl was, in many ways, worried about Lily, who makes an uncanny smile.

"I came up with soーmething goodー. A New Magic, you know, a New Magic"

"N-, New Magic?"


At that time, Jispa was sprinting with all her strength.


A golem's movements aren't fast. She who has that knowledge went for an endurance battle.

While she's running, she's thinking that it's that Dark Magician's doing anyway. As she's contemplating, 'Now then, how should I break out of this', there's a rustling sound from the bushes right in front of her.


She desperately tries to stop while shouting, but she tumbles because it was an all too sudden halt. Immediately, she tries to stand up, but before her eyes is the torso of a golem.

"Hii......sorry, I surrender, I surrender, please forgive me, Asch-sensei―――!"

The honour student young girl who curls up into a ball, desperately holding onto her head.


"I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't wanna get hurt I don't wanna get hurt"


"Hiii......Ci......s? Lily?"

When she raises her face, two beautiful young girls are casually riding on the golem's shoulder.

"Jispa, Lily is amazing, you know! She rewrote the rune characters of the golem Asch-sensei created and turned it into our ally"

"Hehe......because it's inorganic, it's quite easy if you make use of several equations and then change its thought process by using magic power as a medium"


Jispa who's feeling, 'I'd like you to explain it in less than an hour, what's easy about that'.

In the middle of all that, the enemy's golem catches up with her.

"Now then, Gole-chan!"

When Lily orders, Gole-chan nelson holds the golem.

"Jispa, this part. Here, towards these『truth』rune characters......look! Employ the Magic Language textbook's page 584's chapter 6's paragraph 3――"

"......don't say it like it's so easy! Erm......erm......if I'm not wrong, rune characters' geometrical placement, right"

She's no match for Lily, but over there is a student of the Hogner Magic Academy's special class. She works her brain to its fullest like her life depends on it, pours her magic power into the rune characters written on the golem, and starts rewriting it.


Before long, the golem starts moving according to Jispa's will.

"Yay! You did it, didn't you"

"It-, it-, it was quite easy huh"

While timidly putting up a strong front, she succeeds in gaining control. She orders the golem and moves it freely.

"But......why are there golems even though it's a New Magic lesson?"

Just as she has some leeway in her heart, Cis mutters an extremely natural question. As expected, there are various suspicious points that stand out.

"Isn't it too mean no matter what!? Unforgiveable"

Snapped. Lily has, snapped.

"It's obvious, isn't it! It's a harassment! Ha・ra・ss・ment. Just wait and watch, you worst teacher! I'll pay that harassment back by 10 times"

Jispa agreed 100% with the super honour student's thinking.

Like this, the false charge on Asch and the student's counterattack began.


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