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Asch often plays chess as a gentleman's hobby.

Chess is a type of mind sport, a game where one uses each of 6 kinds of 16 pieces alternatingly and corners the enemy's king.

The Dark Magician's battle, first, starts from hypothesising the opponent. If the enemy uses an improvised method, it means their capability probably isn't a big deal. On the contrary, if they openly go for the king(a check) without even batting an eyelid at the decoys he released, then it's extraordinarily dangerous.

Delta was, undoubtedly the latter.


"Space Teleportation huh......where did you learn it?"

The fact that the person who wasn't before his eyes until just now is standing there, far surpassed Asch's hypothesis. His shudders and excitement bubble at that phenomenal New Magic(Original). Although their field of research is different, it's on a level that the super scathing Dark Magician can commend it with no holds barred.

"It has been a while huh. First, I came to give my greetings"

Without answering the Dark Magician's question, Delta smiles from ear to ear.

"Aah, sure. I'm doing extremely well. My former protégé appeared healthily before me after all. I'm feeling the best"

"Me too. Looks like I finally, managed to surprise you. It is hard to suppress my feelings of wanting to get things going no matter what"

While having a casual chit-chat, Asch takes his time to observe the opponent's action. He thinks that he'll, at the very least, separate him from Mira. The confidence of being able to go toe to toe against her, on top of knowing her capability. That means the enemy is equipped with the capability that matches that.

"The one over there is?"

"Aah, it is Raynes=Lizbalt. I brought him here today, as my bodyguard"


"At the age of 18, he assumed the position as the youngest Klose Chivalric Order's Captain. His swordsmanship is to the extent that it is touted to be peerless in Narsha Country"

At the competent butler's information, the Dark Magician nods deeply.

"I see......did you foolishly come here thinking that if there are you and that Raynes-kun over there, you can defeat me?"

"Foolish......is it?"

"Aah, it's foolish"

Before Delta and Raynes came, he'd set up a trap in this Hogner Magic Academy's courtyard.

The Dark Magician, crosses his arms and starts the chant for his magic.

<<Oh Dead Of The Sheol, Devour, The Souls Of The Living>>ーーDance Of The Dead(Zeno・Dance)

A Dark Magic that moves corpses like they're alive.

......however, nothing happens.


His magic doesn't activate.

"Is that question, referring to the『dead soldiers』 that you had set up?


Bullseye. Yesterday, the Dark Magician buried corpses with the competent butler over the night. 7 he'd captured the other day and 47 he'd preserved. A total of 54 dead soldiers he'd deployed in preparation for an attack.

"Whyy. The look of you desperately, and then enjoyingly, burying corpses was humorous. I suppose you were imagining the look of me being surprised and shuddering, but I have naturally dealt with it. I, am not the type who underestimates my enemy like you"


"Shall I tell you your weakness? It is overconfidence"

"I completely agree as well"

The competent butler who hates her narcissistic master is, in 100% agreement.

"......I see. Just because you destroyed one trap, you feel like you can win me huh. You grew up to be quite a confident boy, haven't you"

"No. I understand you very well"

Delta's broad smile doesn't crumble.


"You are not the type to plant multiple traps. One can say that you are completely deprived of such meticulosity. Hence, there is no more trap here. Am I mistaken?"



"However, you are coming up with a counterplan even at this very moment. The plan you arrive from there is, the honour students. You are thinking of borrowing the strength of Lily=Schwarz or so in particular, no?"



"Asch-sama, is that not all too uncool? Having said 'decoy, decoy' that much"

The competent butler's sigh is something to behold.

"......u-, use everything you can use. Otherwise, you will never arrive at the principle of all creations.........『Scena=Rodrigo』"

Even the quotes he usually uses proudly, sounds like they're somewhat tensed up.

"Of course, I will not lower my guard against you. Hence, I have prepared"


When Delta snaps his fingers, 'goh goh goh goh goh' sounds start reverberating from all over the place.

And then, the agonising cries of the students reverberate from all over the place.


"Brilliantly answered. You know about them huh; they number at 100. If it is something alive, then it would end up being made use by you after all"

Witnessing his former protégé's excessive excellence, a streak of sweat dripped from Asch's forehead.


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