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Idle Talk~Lei Loving Meeting

Around the time that Lei and the others are, apprehending the rebelling nobles. There were silhouettes gathering in a certain room of the former Regalia Empire's territory, current domain's mansion.


"Well then, since the preparations had also reached a checkpoint, we'll begin the『Lei Loving Meeting』that I'd been talking about since some time ago"


The first to talk is the woman who's the first to be engaged to Nii-san, Alexia・Nanor-san. It seems she's Nanor Kingdom's Princess, and she's the person with the largest breasts amongst Nii-san's fiancees. I had a bit of confidence as well, but I can't win Alexia-san.

The next one who raised her voice was Haku-chan. A white-haired girl who adores Nii-san, calling him 'Onii', although she's not his fiancee.

It seems that although she's an adorable girl despite her expressionless appearances, she's a child who's actually quite competent......according to all of the fiancees, her potential is unforeseeable depending on how things play out hereafter.

"Alexia-sama. That meeting name feels kind of strange......"

The woman who says even as she's smiling awkwardly at the meeting name Alexia-san named is Helendine・Ralgus-san. She's a citizen of the Nanor Kingdom like Alexia-san and someone who feels like a pair of spectacles with her brown bob haircut would suit her.

It seems Helen-san has the Nanor Kingdom's Prime Minister as her father, and she's quite a genius as well. I hear she had been governing the domain during the time Nii-san and the others weren't around. If there was anything that I win her......I guess it's my breasts. Helen-san's size is one where it feels like even if you place something on it, it'll fall right down.

"That's right, Alexia. Is there not a slightly better one?"

The boyish woman who says in addition to Helen-san's words is, Aerith・Runwalker-san. A woman wearing her red hair in a ponytail; it seems she's Nii-san's elder sister of a different mother in this world.

"U〜n, I think it's great though〜"

The woman who says the meeting name Alexia-san gave is great instead is, Ferris・Worvest-san. Beastfolk Country Worvest's Princess and a Wolf Beastfolk. She has wolf ears and a tail that others don't. I wanna cuddle her fluffy tail.

"It doesn't matter what the meeting's name is, right? More importantly, let's begin?"

The one who says the meeting's name doesn't matter and to quickly begin is, Arcadia State's Princess, Caroline・Arcadia-san. She's the same age as Nii-san, and she's called the Holy Maiden.

Because she has currently removed her mask, I can tell that her left and right eye colour is different. I don't mind it at all since there are people with heterochromia even in Japan, but it seems it's the symbolism of a curse in this world. They're beautiful thoughh. She's also about the same size as Helen-san. It's to the extent that if you placed something on them, they'd fall straight down.

The one who's maintaining her silence beside her is, Priscilla-san and Chrona-chan. It seems Priscilla-san was saved by Nii-san from loan sharks when she was at an orphanage in the Arcadia State. She ended up falling for the sight of him at that time......it may be rude, but I'm jealous.

As for Chrona-chan, I hear that Chrona-chan's Okaa-san is seemingly serving as Nii-san's Okaa-san's maid, and she had lived together with Nii-san since she was born.

She was blushingly saying that she liked Nii-san since she was young. It was so cute that I ended up hugging her tightly unconsciously. That's the adorable Chrona-chan's fault.


The one who chirrups while yawning 'waaー' on top of the table is Eclat-chan. I also just recently saw it for the first time, but she's a Baby Dragon with Dragon Tribe's Rulers as her parents, and she's also seemingly Nii-san's fiancee. Hilde-san, Eclat-chan's mother, had said that she's in the middle of her Humanfication training, and she'll be able to do it in just a bit more.

"Hey, Eclat-chan. You can't be sleeping!"

The one who says and wakes Eclat-chan up is Mei-chan. Although she's not one of the fiancees, because she can understand the language of animals, she was called here as Eclat-chan's interpreter.

And then, although not his fiancee yet, I was called, and Mari, who's uneasy because she doesn't know why she was called, is around.

And then Filia-chan, Nii-san's actual sibling in this world, is sitting between Haku-chan and Mei-chan. These are the members of today's meeting.

"True enough. Alright then, I think everybody already knows why I called all of you here though; it's the fact that Lei's fiancees(candidates) increased"

And then Alexia-san, she suddenly goes into the main subject. Everybody looks in our direction like they agree with Alexia-san's words. Mari, who's beside me, jumps and trembles.

"I introduced them previously, but I'll introduce them again once more. They are Kana・Katsuragi and Mari・Nikaidou who were summoned as Heroes"

We bow our heads snappily at Alexia-san's introduction. Immediately after, Eclat-chan walks over quickly with small steps on top of the table and looks fixedly at me. I wonder what's wrong.


She then tilts her head at me though; I wonder what's the matter?

"Eclat-chan is saying that you give off the same vibe as Onii-chan, you know〜?"

Mei-chan says Eclat-chan's words in her place for us. The one who's surprised by that fact is Aerith-san.

"I wonder what is the meaning of that? The only ones Eclat-chan said something like that about thus far are Filia and me, who are family members, though?"

Uuu, Aerith-san is a bit scary.

"Calm down, Aerith. I'll talk about that as well now. I've received permission from Lei after all, and he was saying that he'll talk about it by himself again afterwards"

Alexia-san then talks about the matter of Nii-san's past life. Everybody is quite surprised at the topic they didn't imagine at all. I was barraged with questions from all of the fiancees after that.

What was Nii-san like in his past life; what kind of things did he like; did he have a lover; I was asked every single little thing about Nii-san.

Since I can of course answer everything, I answered everybody's questions properly. Mari, who sits beside me, was muttering「Why do you know even something like that......」with an exhausted look, but I think something like this is normal thoughh. Things like the place Nii-san had hidden his H books, who his first love was, and so forth.

"......fuu. I wanted to know about Lei too much that I asked too many questions. Sorry. But, after hearing that story, I can also understand why Lei looked mature since the past. He had his past life's memories since that time huh"

, Aerith-san who knows Nii-san ever since he was born in this world says. Uuー, I'm jealous. Like how everybody wants to know about Nii-san in his past life, I also want to know about the Nii-san in this world.

"Well, let's take our time going about Lei's matter. We're currently talking about how they want things to be, right?"

Caroline-san says as we are about to go off-track. And then everybody's eyes head towards us again.

"I love Nii-san. These feelings will not change. In my previous world, we ended up being torn apart, but I don't want to be apart from him no matter what in this world!"

When I say with a serious expression, everybody around nods all the same.

"Although what to do with Kana will depend on Lei, we'll acknowledge it. The fact that you like Lei is conveyed to us from your feelings"

"But, we won't lose, alright!"

Alexia-san says as the representative, and Ferris-san goes, 'gururuu', and intimidates me. But, I suppose they're not angry since they're laughing.

"So what about you?"

Aerith-san asks Mari. Bashfully, Mari

"Honestly......I don't really know. I haven't liked anybody before until now. Whether the feelings I have towards Lei-san are erm......whether it's love......"

Mari looks down while blushing. No, you like him if you're becoming like that, right. But, surprisingly, to think that even Mari has fallen in love.......

"That's a definite yes for you huh. But, it's no good if you're not acknowledged by Lei. And what about Haku-chan?"

"I am......fine with anything......if I can be......by Onii's side. I'm fine......if I can......repay......Onii"

To, too courageous....... What an adorable girl she is! Everybody around is also tearing up.

While being touched by such Haku-chan, the conversation shifted to the other people who like Nii-san.

According to everybody's prediction, it seems an individual called Marin-san, who's currently in the Runwalker Territory, and an individual who's a receptionist at the Adventurer's Guild called Ruby-san are suspicious.

Marin-san seemed to had been saved by Nii-san in the past, and Ruby-san is to the extent that she tagged along with him all the way to this domain. 

Everybody was talking and breathing heavily, saying that they have to interview them as well if it comes down to it......everybody, you're making faces that you can't show to Nii-san, you know.

"What about Filia-chan and Mei-chan? How do you feel about Lei?"

"Uーn, it is true that I like Onii-sama, but it is hard to say whether it is romantic. It is probably as a family. But I can firmly say that I love Onii-sama"

"I also like Onii-chan, but I guess that's as a family member and not romantic"

I see. Filia-chan, as well as Mei-chan, say that they love him if it's as a family member. Well, engagement between opposite-sex family members seems to be acknowledged in this world after all. That's actually the case for Aerith-san after all. Which means nobody knows how it'll be in the future huh.

Other than that, everybody talked to each other about the cool things about Nii-san, the cute things about him, and Chrona-chan, me, along with Alexia-san were scolded when we talked about the fact that we slept together with Nii-san at the Imperial Capital.

On the other hand, I got irritated when I was told that they entered the bath with Nii-san until now though. Even though back when we were on Earth, he was embarrassed and wouldn't enter together with me! Nii-san, you idiot! I'll invade your bath next time!

After that, the conversation shifted to how Nii-san won't assault them, and it also shifted to suspecting whether Nii-san is a blockhead and for everybody to make a night visit on him together next time; although they're his fiancees, everybody managed to talk friendlily together like female friends.

I was somewhat happy knowing that everybody likes Nii-san from the bottom of their heart. But, my feelings for Nii-san won't lose to anybody!


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