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A Moonlit Waltz

Amidst the moonlight that illuminates the Cylkis Forest from the gaps of the clouds, the young girl had briefly come to a halt breathlessly.


While muttering, she stares at her own figure. Because she ran away like her life depended on it, her dress ended up wounded by the leaves and branches along the way. Her white high heels are somehow unscathed because she ran with them in her hands though. Immediately after that, she runs her slender fingers on her body and checks if she dropped anything else.



One side of her pure white pearl earrings is missing. Even though it's her favourite and it's the only one she chose herself and had it bought for her.

"......haa. I wonder where it ended up"

She walks the path she ran over just now while casting her eyes onto the ground. Despite thinking that she'd more than likely not find it, she couldn't just give up.

While looking for the earring. She recalls what happened just now. 

It was a dream-like time. It was the fantasy she had imagined since she was a child. For that, to actually become a reality. At a dazzling dance party venue; invited by a young and dashing King; dancing to a beautiful waltz. It truly is, dream-like.


"I wonder why......"

Despite spending a dream-like time, she was unbearably bothered by Asch, who was picking up girls behind the King. If it's the fairy-tale she imagined, that man is in the role of an Evil Magician. In reality, he's a significantly worse Magician than the one in the story.

"Fufuu......how silly"

She ended up laughing at herself. Rather than the King, who's in the lead role, she was bothered by the Evil Magician who's in the villain role. As I thought, I'm not suited for the heroine role. That's what she thought.

At that moment, Mira's forehead bumped into something like a wall.

"......I think what's silly, is your head though"

The one in front of her eyes.

Was the Evil Magician.


"Good grief. What are you doing?"

"Err......I lost my earring"

"Haa. There's no way you'll find it, right. In such pitch-black darkness"


"Leaving that aside, look. It's a beautiful, crescent moon, isn't it?"

Asch, he makes a smile while looking up at the sky.

"Waーh, you're right"

She noticed it now after all this time. Come to think of it, she had been nervous about various things and didn't have the leeway to gaze at the scenery.

"The waltz is now a hobby of nobles in balls and whatnot, but they were originally the dance of farmers"

"......is that so"

"Neither a dance floor nor inside a building. Outside. Exactly, on a moonlit night like now, in this manner"

While saying, he places his hand on Mira's waist and places his palm on her palm with the other hand.

"E, err......Asch......san?"

"Because it looked, all too fun. The nobles were jealous, and they copied"

While stepping, he leads Mira and starts dancing in the forest.


"Just because they're nobles doesn't mean everything will be more fun than commoners. Just because they're nobles doesn't mean it's a guarantee that they're more blissful than commoners. That's, what I think though"



"Are you perhaps......consoling me?"

"......I'm just saying the objective facts"

The Dark Magician averts his face disgruntedly.


Mira, she makes a happy smile.

Illuminated by the moonlight. The melody just now reverberating in their heads. Asch and Mira, their personal waltz are clumsy, but they're having fun taking each step.


"Now then, shall we return"

The cloud started covering the moon, and Asch stopped his steps.

"Eehh, I wanted to dance moree"

While pouting her lips, Mira grumbles.

"Fuu......cleaning, laundry, and cooking suits you"

"How, how mean......Asch-san, too, reading books grimly in the laboratory suits you!"

"......failing to train how bad that mouth of yours is, is a point to reflect on this time around......oops, I had forgotten"

Asch, he wears on one side of Mira's ear, a pearl earring.

"......erm, this is?"

"It was laying on the ground when I went after you. If it's something you like, I recommend you take good care of it"


The Dark Magician carries on to turn around and return to the forest.


Mira, she placed her lips, on his cheek that turned around.


"Thank you, Evil Magician-san"

While holding her hands behind her, she makes a vibrant smile.

"......I sure don't get the meaning『Evil Magician』. Even though there are probably not many Magicians as gentlemanly as me even on the entire continent"

"Hehe......you're embarrassed"

"There's no way I'll be embarrassed, right? From something like a kiss on the cheek by a lass. How many women do you think I have gone out with. Me, who's so experienced, at this point in time, by something like a kiss on the cheek"

"As I thought, you're embarrassedー"


Both of them walked side by side and went home.


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