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Asch, he's tremendously shaken.

If it's under normal circumstances, his heart would've been pulverised once, and the Contract Magic's effect would've been over. This, is something he had once tested before, and it's back to usual when he revives. He should be making the idiot girl understand her own stupidity, frightening her with all his strength in front of the bandits, teasing her, and making her wallow in despair, going,『Aah, what an idiot I was』. Who would've thought, there's an idiot who shows mercy on the contract that's for protecting themselves; it was completely beyond his expectations.

"Why did you add in those words!?"

"I mean, won't the person who betrayed end up dying if they betrayed!?"

"Is there any idiot who will go as far as to roll the dice on death to betray!?"

"You betrayed, didn't you!?"


The ill-natured Magician, who's lost for words.

"More, more importantly, you're raising your voice! The bandits are going to end up coming, aren't they!?"

"......it can't be helped. Be grateful! I shall help you"

"Are you an idiot!? That is the kind of contract it is right from the beginning, isn't it!?"



The ill-natured Magician, who's called an idiot by an idiot, feeling extraordinarily frustrated, and clenching his teeth ferociously.

As they're having such a back and forth, the door opened violently, and the bandits who were chasing after Mira persistently barged in.

"Wha, what's with you!?"

Looking at Asch, who's dressed like that of a Magician from the looks of it, the bandits bare their wariness. Mira is attractive enough that it's a waste to let her escape, but that too is judged based on it being riskless. They observe with fearful eyes, whether or not the man before their eyes, poses a threat to them.

"Oops, I am late with my greetings. I am the owner of this『Taboo Mansion』, Asch=Dahl. Nice to make your acquaintances"

The narcissistic Magician, who politely, and then gracefully, bows.

A standard ritual it is.

It's a given behaviour as a gentleman. Be graceful, be elegant, and never forget your manners no matter when it is, no matter what situation it is, no matter who the other party is. That, is the image of an ideal gentleman that Asch holds.


However, to the beautiful young girl, this is how it was projected.

'It is straight up, disgusting'

"I, I didn't ask for your name! If you cherish your life, hand over that girl!"


Asch opens his eyes widely and observes the man sternly.

"Wha, what!?"

"No, pardon me. I'm touched that you really do say such bandit-like lines. I'd thought that it's only in novels, but it might've been unexpectedly, realistic"

"Don, don't screw around! Are you making fun of me!?"

"Not at all. There is one sentence that I ought to say to you people"

He grinned cynically,

and then, he opened his mouth.

"Thank you very much"


"What are you thanking them for!? I'm being attacked, you know!"

Mira, she shakes the shoulders of Asch, who's bowing with all his strength, vigorously.

"Precisely so. Thanks to them attacking you, you managed to find me. Isn't that so?"

"There's no way that's the case, right!"

"Gugu......that's right!"

In actuality, that's how it was. If Mira didn't seriously wish for help, she wouldn't have been lured to this place. For the sake of deceiving the meticulous Hazen, he had to bury the Dispel Magic in a deep location, all the way within the depths of her consciousness. However, that effect is temporary and extraordinarily short. Thanks to the bandits chasing after her tenaciously and clingingly, it tied into the miraculous result of Mira wishing for help from Asch.

However, the narcissistic Magician shelves it like it's a given to not provide even a particle of such an explanation and forcefully convinces(?) the idiot beautiful young girl, who can't understand his own superior explanation.


The bandits are taken aback and have fallen silent. It's completely beyond his calculations, but Asch's bizarre behaviour had, manifested the effect of robbing them of their actions. The initiative was already, completely in the Dark Magician's hands.

"Now then, I have a gift for you people, who are my benefactors. Err......if I'm not wrong...... it's here"

While saying that, the Dark Magician opens the table's drawer and takes out a key. After that, he elegantly moved past the bandits and opened a large box.

"You, you bastard......wha, what are you......"

"Are you fine with that idiot lass?"


Without understanding the meaning of the question, the bandits let out their voice.


Without understanding the meaning of the question, Mira also lets out her voice.

"At first glance......she has an extraordinarily beautiful face, but she has hopelessly pitiful breasts and upbringing. I don't think that, you people will be able to be satisfied with that disappointing girl"

Asch glances mainly at the beautiful young girl's breasts and gives a pitying sigh. And then, he started rummaging inside the box again.

"Wha, wha, what did you sayー!?"

The disappointing beautiful young girl who starts quivering.

"It's the obvious truth. More importantly......here it is......it'd be great if the value didn't change but......if I'm not wrong, it was this for the Bernest Holy Kingdom huh"

The ill-natured Magician, he threw a ton of paper with one hand.

That, fluttered above the bandits, and before long, landed onto the ground.


The bandits start gathering the paper on the ground altogether.


Scrambling to be first.

Mira was dumbfounded.

However, the bandits' reaction was a given.

Because what the bandits are fighting over is,

Bernest Holy Kingdom's highest paper currency,

the『Rale』 note.

"From the looks of it, it seems it managed to please you huh"

The Dark Magician,

spreads his arms,

and with a twisted smile,

he loudly proposes.

"With this money, you can go, purchase some nice women"


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