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Lily, who heard Asch's words, grimaced like she couldn't believe it. That was, regarding the truth that her best friend, Cis, is the Holy Ark. And then, regarding the truth that the Dark Magician before her eyes is about to hand her over as a sacrifice nonchalantly.


"......as expected of, Lily-kun. Your impudent mouth can't be completely contained even with Mira's magic"

Asch, he laughed while holding Lily's cheek with one hand.


"Do you resent me?"


Tears were pooling up in her dark green eyes.

"Is that so......in that case, get stronger"

Asch roughly released that cheek of hers and turned around to Lloyd.

"Now then, let's go, shall we. You don't need anyone besides her after all"

Asch is carrying Cis, and along with Mira, he follows behind Lloyd.

As it is, the three of them left the classroom


The students who were left behind couldn't move a muscle. Nevertheless, there's a single student who's struggling, unable to give up on the current situation completely. Lily=Schwarz it is.

The fact that the worst teacher is the very worst. The fact that she was almost killed by the terrorist that came out of nowhere. The fact that her best friend was abducted and all she could do was watch helplessly.

The emotion that all those truths gave Lily was, anger. However, no matter how strongly she struggles, it's like she's bound by a rope that she can't see, and she can't move at all.

She takes a deep breath for once and tries to sort out the situation just now. The Magic Mira released covered the inside of the classroom. It's both an areawide as well as a powerful Light Magic. However, only Lloyd, Mira, and Asch were able to move. Why......Lily felt something is terribly off about that part.


At that time, a voice from another student was audible. Miranda=Reel. A student who's entranced by Asch's Magic. A girl who had no distinctive achievements before entering the special class, but she had recently practised Dark Magic, and her Magic Power had significantly improved.

The effect is weak towards Renege Ideologist......why? If it's Light Magic, then it should all the more so be effective towards Renege Ideologist......that Magic is Mira's New Magic(Original). Light Magic's New Magic(Original)......she, who's a doll? In that case, Asch? No, Asch is a Renege Ideologist through and through. He can't use anything but Dark Magic.

At that moment, a certain thought floated up in Lily's head.

Element Conversion.

Mira's chant was like this.

Oh Binds Of Light, Like The Imposter, Display Silence

It's a feint. She, converted in the middle of chanting the Light Element and released Dark Magic. If it's a Dark Magic that seals Light, then you probably can't dispel this Magic no matter how much you amplify the element of Light. If one were to amplify......it'd be the Dark element.

Lily took a deep breath. What she's proficient at is, of course, Light Magic. A Saint Faith Ideologist through and through she is. However, it doesn't matter now. Be it Dark or Light.

She wants strength......the strength to the extent that she can shut that worst teacher up. The strength to be able to protect what's precious to her from terrorists. The strength to the extent that she can save the life of her irreplaceable best friend......that's what she wants.

<<Oh Dark Night, Expose, The Fake Light>>ーーOffender's Liberation


The areawide light changes to a large darkness before long, and that darkness was subsequently shaken off.

Strangely, the seal Lily drew based on her instincts was terribly similar to Asch's New Magic(Original).

Shortly after thanking the students that got free, Lily traced the movements Asch once performed. She had only seen it once......however, she saw it once.

There's not even a hint of hesitation in the confidently drawn seal. That fingertip that's clear of redundancy is her talent. That overwhelming concentration of hers had, brilliantly devoured the experience Asch cultivated for 200 years.

Before long, Lily's hand stops, and a lump of black lightning rushes about the Magic circle.

<<Along With That Darkness, Summon, The Demon Berzelius>>

"Fuu......the darkness of the Sheol today, to Sympho-chan's cuteness......huh?"

Berzelius who appeared again it is. A familiar who finally got back in a good mood and was about to say a pompous phrase at the do-over date right at this very moment he is.

"Wh, who is it―――!? Who is it that called me out......the, the long-awaited date went to waste―――ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" 

Lily, who pulls the cheeks of the Demon, Berzelius, with all her strength.

"Shut up, you shitty Demon......say it! Quickly spew where Cis and that worst Dark Magician went"

"―――ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! Sor, sorry! In any case, sorry! Calm down for a bit......please don't pull"

Lily, who suppresses her trembling hands and releases her hands from Berzelius, who is begging in tears.

"Tell me then! Where is Cis? You know since she formed a contract with you, right?"

"Hi, hii. Sor, sorry! It had turned into a contract where I can only listen to the contractor......"


Lily snaps.

"Sure. I'll form a contract with you. I'll give you my genuine dark side. Listen carefully! I won't forgive that worst teacher. Making a fool out of me, ridiculing me, teasing me every chance he gets. Not just that, that acting-cool phrase. What's with that. Does he think it's cool? It pisses me off so much just listening to it. Furthermore, in the end, he sacrificed his students for the sake of his own desire? I won't acknowledge him, I won't acknowledge that worst teacher no matter what!"


"What, is it not enough!? Furthermore, Cis. Why is that girl so much like the Holy Mother!? She was the first to rush over when Dan collapsed as well! I know, about it. That Dan, he had bullied her as well. Why, is she putting her life on the line to save a guy like that? I seriously don't get it. Is it because her breasts are big!? Hey, do motherly instincts come overflowing when your breasts are big!?"

"Hii......sorry, I don't know"

"Listen! I'll definitely save Cis. Even though I'm extremely jealous of such a good girl inside my heart, she's my best friend! I'm not a good person who will save anybody like her! I won't save anybody but her! But, I'll definitely save her for you to see! Hurry up and form the contract already you shitty Demon―――!"

"―――ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! Sor, sorry! I will do it immediately. I will do it right away"

Berzelius, who had her finger pressed grindingly on his forehead, touched Lily's chest while crying.

A black light instantly entered her chest.

"With・this, I formed the contract with you, right!? So, where is Cis!"

"Ye, yes......Saint・Lizabeth Church. They say they are heading there currently, from the conversation with Asch. Then, then I will excuse myself......here......"


"Hold on"

Lily grabbed Berzelius's arm tightly.

"Er......erm......is there, still anything?"

"Bring me there. Quickly!"

"Eeh! I, I have a date from now on......"

"Just hurry up! I'll throw you into a cauldron of Magic Power and boil you!"

"Hi, hii, I got it―――"


Two minutes later, the Demon, Berzelius, who fluttered his wings, carried Lily's back and flew.

"You can do it if you try, can't you, Berzelius"

"Ha......haha. My honour. Nee-san¹"

Before she knows it, Lily was addressed in such a manner. 


¹: Older Sister


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