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Lloyd, while looking at Asch, takes several steps back.

"......I believe I have laid out an impenetrable barrier. I suppose I ought to say as expected of the Darkness Devourer"

"I am as honoured as can be to receive your compliments, but let's have you release Cis before that, shall we. It's better if you paid a little bit more attention to the way you treat ladies"

Before Asch finishes saying, Mira moves at high speed, kicks up at the collars Lloyd is grabbing, and forcefully tears him away from Cis. And then, she wrapped the unsteady girl firmly in her arms right away.

"Aah, my bad. It may look like this, but I think I was polite enough though. Otherwise, everybody would have lost their lives before you came"

Everybody in the class held their breath at Lloyd's words.

"Well, I've thought that there's no way that will happen. What you people desire is the Holy Ark. Even the Magic you cast at Lily, it'll probably injure her, but it'll not take her life"

"Wha! Wer, were you watching!? Were you watching without helping me"

Lily interrupts disgruntedly.

"I believed in you, therefore I stood by and watched"

"How, how, how dare you! Isn't putting their life on the line to protect the students when they're in danger what makes a teacher?"

<<Oh Lightning Hail, Silence The Fool, Through Death>>ーーUltimate Lightning Of Darkness(Evil・Ele)

When numerous spheres that lightning dwelled attack Lily altogether,

<<Oh Ultimate Ice, Protect, The Gallant Holy Maiden>>ーーIce Protection(Ice・Talisman)

Mira, from the side, materialised an ice Magic Wall(Magic Barrier) in front of Lily and defended against those lightning spheres.

"I hate annoying women. Asch and I are currently talking"

Lloyd glares at Lily unhappily.

"So, he says. Well, I am not as short-tempered as him, but I completely agree with that statement"


Lily gets another anger mark.


Lloyd starts laughing.

"......fufufufu. Hey, looks like we have relatively good chemistry. Don't you think?"

"Aah. We both, prioritise not the appearances, but our goals. I can agree on that point"

"I am happy that I can have you understand. In this world, I can even negotiate with the Devil if the give and take establishes. Shall I say what I desire? What Archbishop Samon is going to do upon acquiring the Holy Ark. I am interested in that"

"......are you saying that you won't protect the students of this class?"

"Well, that's not the best way of putting it, but I suppose that's how it is"


!? mark echoed in the class.

"What are you saying!" "Is there a teacher like that! You are the worst" "Wouldn't one normally help!? One would normally help, right" "Scum! Good-for-nothing! Spineless!"

He's reproached altogether by the classmates whose intimacy he had raised a fair bit from the lessons day after day. Well, half of those were Lily's words though.

"......how noisy. Mira"


<<Oh Binds Of Light, Like An Imposter, Display Silence>>ーーFool's Silence(Fool・Silence)

Light emitted from the floor in the classroom, sealed the students' movements and then their words.

"Isn't the Mira that I created amazing? If it's people of their level, she's able to seal their movements in an instant. Well, it looks like it's impossible for you though"

Asch, he happily sits on the teaching platform and crosses his leg.

"......are you saying that what you will provide is, all these students?"

"No, the Holy Ark is one person. You just have to bring one person to where Archbishop Samon is. I, too, am a teacher after all. I cannot bear for my students to be toyed with indiscriminately"

The students' thoughts aligned at those words of Asch.

'You're the one to say'

"Have you already, managed to pinpoint the one who is the Holy Ark?"

"Who do you think I am? I didn't have lessons with them for a month just for show. Their tendencies and true identities included, I have finished investigating everything."


'I was the one who investigated it though', the capable stewardess thinks in her heart.

"......are you telling me to believe in what you say?"

"From what I think, that is the only thing you can do though?"


It's true that Lloyd miscalculated. That is, the fact that he didn't take into account Mira as the special war potential. Looking at her ability just now, she's fairly experienced. Taking on the Darkness Devourer and her here is, not a wise idea. That's how he analysed it.

"Well, I can understand why you're worried as well. However, all you need to do is, to bring the Holy Ark, and bring Mira and me to that location. I am going out of the way to invite myself to your headquarters. I think this, is an exceptional proposal"

"......you sure are confident"

Lloyd laughed softly. Asch marching into the headquarters, represents that he is confident that he can survive even if he goes there personally.

I want to smash the absolute pride this man possesses into pieces. I want to show my capability in front of this man. I want to make him kneel, I want to make him understand that the Darkness Devourer is already a relic of the past. Such thoughts welled up from Lloyd one after another.

"Those words, I suppose you don't mind if I take them as an acknowledgement, right?"

"Aah. So? Who exactly is the Holy Ark?"

"......Cis=Klose. You're the Holy Ark. My bad, but I'll have you accompany me, alright?"

Asch looked and smiled gently at her.


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