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Dragon Ruler's Bellow

"This place will probably be fine"

"What's this place?"

It's the following day after the battle with Levine-san's material at stake was decided. Because there's no way we can battle near the Royal Capital, the place Levine-san brought me to was, an uninhabited island outside of the continent. ......to think that there's a place like this.

"Only races that can fly can come here after all. There are several islands that are situated in a way that they surround the continent. The Attribute Rulers are living somewhere there"

Is that so. It's difficult for us to cross the sea after all. Even Sheila, whose ships are the most developed in the continent, end up sunken when they go up against sea monsters. I've not seen them before either, but there are apparently sea serpents that span about 30 meters and such. How scary.

"It's fine even if we blow things up if it's around these parts. There are occasional skirmishes between fellow dragons as well after all. No matter how much damage is done to the vicinity, nobody will compla......the dragons will probably complain, but well, it'll be fine"

Levine-san, who says and looks in my direction. Unlike always, they're serious eyes. I have chills running down my spine from just that. It's a killing intent that's just short of crushing the vicinity. ......looks like he's quite serious.

"It's just the right time. I was just thinking of measuring how strong you've become as well. If two more of the Seven Demon Generals resurrect, then it'll turn into a serious all-out war with them. The remaining two are the Black Dragon Ruler and the Demon Princess"

I know the Black Dragon Ruler, but I wonder what's the 'Demon Princess'? I'm not quite sure.

"Well, that's probably fine for now. I'll have you show me your seriousness, rascal!"

The moment Levine-san said that, he makes lightning surge through his body. Immediately after, both his arms and legs dragonify, horns grow from his head, and a tail grows out as well. Half-Dragonification huh! Levine-san stamps on the ground and leaps at me.

"Lightning Heavenly Garment! Lighting Emperor's Arsenal(Grom Arms)!"

I materialise swords in both hands and receive Levine-san, who punches at me with his dragonified right arm. I repel Levine-san's right arm with my dual swords and slash at him with the sword in my left hand. Levine-san averts his body, dodges the sword, and punches at me with his left arm this time around.

I crouched and dodged it, but Levine-san, who had anticipated that, swung his tail at me while spinning. I block his tail with my sword, but I was blown away because my posture was bad.

Well, because I also managed to anticipate being blown away, I had jumped in the direction that I was blown away as well, so I was able to mitigate the force though.

I roll and move away from Levine-san, but Levine-san closes in on me right away. And then he does an axe kick with his right leg that's crackling and clad in lightning at me. This is bad!



I jump away from that spot right away, and Levine-san smashes his right leg onto the ground. In that instant, the ground splits, and the lightning explodes on the ground.

Doon! A loud sound reverberates, and the ground shakes. I don't know how it's that powerful, but I take that chance to materialise weapons around Levine-san. And then

"Rain Down!"

About a hundred various weapons in total aim and rain down on Levine-san. Levine-san receives all of them, but he's not someone who'll be done in by something of this calibre. I materialise swords in both hands again and slash at Levine-san.

Exactly as I had thought, Levine-san is injured here and there, but he's standing normally. I guess I slightly improved, considering how he didn't even get injured in the past.

"You've grown slightly, haven't you!"

Levine-san also punches at me while making a somewhat happy voice. I block his fist with my sword, and when I slash at him, he blocks with his arm.

I, who thought that I'd be pushed back at this rate, release my weapons at him to temporarily distance myself. Levine-san punches and kicks the weapons, that rain down at him, and strikes them down. In the meantime, I activate a spear and pour Magic Power in.

I then hold the spear, shouldering it on my right shoulder, and pull my arm back as far as I can. I aim that spear at Levine-san

"Pierce, Divine Spear of Lightning Sky(Gungnir)!"

As soon as I thought that perhaps the Divine Spear I released made a crackling sound, it's already closing in on Levine-san. Levine-san crosses his arms and blocks it somehow, but he was blown away as it is. A gale that arrives late. A bolt of lightning that goes as far as to char the atmosphere and gouge the ground. And


, an explosion that goes as far as to shake the space. A pillar of lightning that soars high up into the sky. It's no longer as exhausting as before, but it's not something I can cast too many times consecutively. Now it's about how much damage I was able to deal to Levine-san with this.

An unending enshrouding dust cloud. Lighting is surging around the vicinity that exploded. But, I can't imagine Levine-san being done in with this.

Because I don't know when Levine-san will come out from within that smoke, I materialise spears in both hands, aim at the smoke, and release the weapons. I don't have the leeway to wait for Levine-san to come out after all.

And then, that intuition of mine was right on the mark. The inside of the smoke starts glowing, and lightning decimates the weapons that were floating in the surroundings. What appeared from within the smoke was, a Dragon that spans about 20 metres; Levine-san's fully dragonified figure.

""Here I go, rascal""

Levine, who said that, flew in the sky, and materialised spheres of lightning in the vicinity. About twenty in total. Each and every one of them is larger than me. Those spheres aim and rain down at me.

"Guu! How powerful!"

Each and every blow is absurdly powerful. It gouges the ground when it crashes to the ground, and blows the trees away when it crashes into the trees. I deploy weapons in the sky and dodge by jumping on top of them. I'm releasing weapons at Levine-san on top of that, but they all end up being repelled by the scales he's cladding.

""You'll die if you don't dodge, alright? Draco Claw!""

Levine-san says, and I can tell that Magic Power is gathering at his claw. And when he swings his arm, lumps of Magic Power were released from his claw. Five claw blades close in on me. Furthermore, each and every one of them is huge!

I clash my weapons at the approaching claw blades and neutralise them. Did it seriously take about fifty to finally take one out! Just when I thought I neutralised all of the claw blades, he releases it at me once again.

As expected, it's difficult to neutralise them once more. I dodge from that spot. I materialise weapons in the sky and dodge, but Levine, who saw through that, bombards me with the spheres of lightning. I release my weapons and neutralise them, but my vision turns bad from the gale.

I'm maintaining the balance currently, but not at this rate. The moment I thought that, the smoke clears up in one go. And then, Levine-san appears from within


Levine-san swung his tail at me while spinning. I, who thought that this is bad, materialise as many weapons as I can before my eyes and made a wall right away, but the weapons were pulverised. And then, before I know it, the tail is before my eyes.

I tried to move away from that spot somehow, but I couldn't make it in time, and the tail grazed me. Just that graze, and I was blown away. I was blown away, and without knowing my directions, only pain courses through my body.


I mow down several tens of trees and finally collapse onto the ground. Shit. How powerful. My body bloody ended up in tatters with the single blow just now. Gehoh gehoh! My innards got messed up somewhere as well.

『Rascal! Is that all your seriousness amounts to!』

A roar that rumbles the atmosphere can be heard. A bolt of lightning falls above me at the same time as that voice. Shit! I don't even have the time to rest! I jump back from that spot right away. It crashes on the ground and lets out a blinding light. That's close......eh, no good!!!


It's a single strike that carries a weight that's incomparable to the lightning before. I jumped from that spot and dodged it, but I was blown away by the shockwave of it crashing onto the ground. Guu. As I thought, it's quite difficult to get material from this person....... However, without even having the free time to think about something like that

""Try taking this! Dragon Ruler's Bellow(Dragonix Roar)!""

An absurd amount of Magic Power gathers at Levine-san's mouth. That is terrible news! What is he about to release, that person!? I activate my magic right away.

"Shit! Composite Magic Celestial Lightning Heavenly Outfit! Lightning Flash(Grom Ray)!"

I face the bellow released from Levine-san's mouth, and clash a sphere of light into it. There's an explosion the moment they collided. The vicinity was enveloped in whiteness as far as the eyes can see.


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