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Amidst the cloudy sky where the morning sun doesn't shine through, Samon was dedicating his prayers to the Teresa Statue. The sign of the cross that he was taught by his parents even before he learned words, has already permeated into his body.

"......Lloyd huh"

Having sensed the abnormal atmosphere, Samon turned around and stared at the entrance of Saint・Lizabeth Church.

"Kukuku......I believe I didn't make any noise though. I guess I should say as expected of an Archbishop"

Over there, there was a man who's making a fearless smile. This ill-mannered man clad in silver-coloured light armour is, completely out of place in the Aristo religion's highest-ranking building, Saint・Lizabeth.

It was unthinkable for himself to commission a job of him, who's called the『White Assassin』. An outfit with white, the proof of an Aristo believer, as its basis; wearing that is the proof of being an Aristo believer, but his irritation couldn't help welling up at the fact that the man, who smiles shamelessly before his eyes, is a believer.

――if you're a true devotee of the Aristo religion, you shouldn't be able to make an expression like that.

There are a lot of people who register as Aristo believers and don't believe in God. Depending on the country, the favourable treatment on the taxes they pay and such are incredibly high, and there are also plenty of criticisms that the Aristo religion has become the breeding ground for hiding criminals. And then, the man before his eyes undertakes gruesome murders despite being clad in white; the ringleader so to speak.

Instantly, he's impelled by the urge to strangle him to death with his hands, but of course, something like that will not resolve the situation, and neither will this heart of his clear up.

Perhaps he saw through such state of Samon's, Lloyd laughed again.

"What's so funny?"

He's a man who gets on his nerves every step of the way. He can't help feeling disappointed at his own performance for needing to rely on a fellow like this.

"You're called the『Compassionate Archbishop』? The current you sure doesn't seem that way"

Lloyd said without holding back.

――coincidentally, a mirror that hasn't a single speck entered his eyes. Over there, there was an emaciated old man with no strength in his eyes, making a twisted expression.

"Lloyd. Let me ask you. Do you believe in God?"

"You who supposedly believe in it the most is in such a sorry state; I'll pass"

Llyod laughed sarcastically.


Samon shut his eyes quietly.

"Enough with Archbishop-sama's pretentious speech. So......where is the Holy Ark now?"

"......we grasped that it is in Bognar Magic Academy. However, we don't know who"

"It's easy to find something like that"

That ominous laugh worsens Samon's uneasiness.

"......the method is?"

As the leader of the Aristo religion, he lived his life pointing out the right path to those who lost their way thus far. He said,『No matter the means』, but as expected, he can't help feeling reluctant to go against his teachings.

"It's simple. I'll go and abduct everybody. And I'll kill everybody else"

At the answer given by Lloyd, Samon was taken aback. It was the worst answer, imaginable. He had tirelessly conducted activities that firmly criticised the acts of indiscriminate terrorism until now. The deed of murdering even those who are sinless is an unforgivable act, and it's not an exaggeration to say that he preached that to the mass for half his life.

He's unable to suppress the immeasurable guilt and repulsion at the deed he himself is currently about to do. It may be to oppose that 『Darkness Devourer』, but be that as it may, he felt unbearable anguish from the fact that he's relying on this man.

However, what he said is, in a way, the shortest shortcut. The only clue they have is that it's a 15 years old child. It's not easy to look for the target in the middle of all that. The method goes against his teachings......but even so, he understands that it's something that needs to be done. Otherwise, what exactly have the things that we have done been for.

"How is it, are we doing it?"

Lloyd laughed sarcastically again. For the Aristo religion, that, is a taboo that must not be violated. He understood that it's ultimately an unforgivable mistake for him, who calls himself a cleric.

It's just that, even so......

"You're looking lost though?"

He was told by Llyod in such a manner and ended up making an awkward smile reflexively.

How can I be like that. Our job is the salvation and guidance of the people who lost their way. I won't change. Even if, it is a gigantic mistake. There's already, not much time left. No matter what, I have to accomplish this at least.

I need to accomplish it, before more bloodshed.

"How is it? Are we doing it, are we not doing it"

Lloyd says and presses me.

I had already decided on the answer.

Samon nodded while shaking. I shall gladly fall into the depths of hell. That's fine. I'm fine with that. Even if it contradicts the path of human, I'll walk the path that I believe in.


Lloyd laughed sarcastically again.

"What's so funny?"

"......I suppose somebody like you is what they call a fanatic huh"

Fanatic......it's a befitting name for the current me.

"I like it"

Samon smiled deeply and looked at the mirror once more. Over there, there's no longer the man in the past. All that's there is, a credulous fanatic.


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