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Edited Chapter 1-1 and 1-3

'Archenemy' to 'Nemesis'

If You Ever Have Somebody You Like, Make Sure To Tell Me

According to Mai, the incident dates back to yesterday after school.

As for me, because I had duty yesterday, there are times when I wasn't in the classroom after school. I suppose it's something that happened during that time.

Mai, who got ready to return, was spoken to by Yoshida at the corridor on her way to the entrance. After this, can you spare me some time......he said.

Mai went along with that.

Where she accompanied him to, was the courtyard's water fountain.

Ahー, I see. It truly is the『ideal』spot to confess within the school.

The courtyard is planted with trees, and it's designed to serve as a place for the students to relax. At the centre of it, there's a small water fountain installed to serve as the landmark of the empty space. And, it's even set up to spout water at a fixed timing.

All thanks to the grown trees, the water fountain's vicinity is isolated and out of sight from the school buildings.

"If you followed him to such a place, you could probably tell that you'd be confessed to......"

Instinctively, I ended up spelling out my overly candid opinion.

"Uh-huh, I knew. As expected, even I could tell......, ehehe"

Ah, she's self-aware huh, that she's a wee bit thickheaded in that area.

"However, I also had some business with Yoshida-kun. I thought that it was the perfect chance"

Nn, this fellow had some business with Yoshida? What exactly is it?

"In our class, there's a Rio-tan, right?"

"Rio-tan......? Who's that??"

I don't really know about the girls. All the more so if it's a nickname.

"I'm talking about it because I believe you don't know. Rio-tan is well......, dating Yoshida-kun"

"Wha!?『Dating』, in present continuous tense? That means......"

Mai nods.

"And he confessed, which means......is he trying to two-time with you!"

Having a change of heart itself is something that can't be helped. The human's heart is something that's subject to change. You can't tie it down, and to go as far as to lie to your own heart to continue dating your current girlfriend, is also horrible to the other party. It's probably not wrong either to break up cleanly and start a new romance.

Although, in the first place, in the world, there's seemingly also the choice of......bringing the lie to the grave, and making the false love genuine. It's a concept that's overly absurd, it can't quite sink in for me.

Whichever it is, what Yoshida tried to do was neither of it.

He's an ugly self-centered clump of ego that deceived the partner whom he's supposed to pledge his love to, and obeyed only his own desires. It's an act that hurts the other party. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

However, Mai shook her head at my words.

"Nope, he didn't try to two-time with me. ......in our class, there's an Acchan, right?"

"......like I said, who?"

I said I don't really know about the girls, all the more so if it's a nickname.

Besides, what does she mean that he's not two-timing with her....... Also, how does Acchan? tie into it?

"Acchan is well, dating Yoshida-kun"

......nn? Huuuh, I can't keep up, you know?

"Rio-tan dated Yoshida-kun first, and Acchan confessed to Yoshida-kun afterwards, knowing full well of that"

Ahー, I see. That's how it is huh. Up until this point, it's well, something that happens.

The logical thing to do would be for Yoshida, who's dating Rio-tan, to reject Acchan's confession, or otherwise, to break up with Rio-tan and date Acchan.

 ――on the contrary, Yoshida's choice was neither of it, she said.

"Acchan had been hesitating the whole time as well, whether or not to convey her feelings....... Since there's Rio-tan's position as well"

Well, I suppose so huh, normally.

"But one day, she was invited by Yoshida-kun to the movies......"

Nn, even though he has a girlfriend, he went with another woman? Wel, well, I guess if it's just a movie.

"They got into a pleasant atmosphere, and on the way back from that date, she ended up confessing on the spur of the moment......"

Ahー, okay okay. I suppose, Acchan's feelings must've been obvious. In Yoshida's perspective, he's probably confident that the other side will confess to him if he just slightly creates a befitting atmosphere.

He already has a girlfriend, so he can't confess himself. He understood that entirely and wanted to make the moves for(on) Acchan to confess to him.

That's what us gamers call『Flag PK』, you shitty bastard.

Flag PK――in the game where numerous players are online and playing at the same time, in other words, in an MMORPG, you occasionally catch sight of those who set it up.

Provoking other players with words and actions, deliberately setting up an attack on themselves.

But because『attacks on player characters』violates the taboo of the game system itself, the side that attacked is punished with no questions asked as enforcement by the system. For example, the『death』of the game character.『Death』 is a bad status for a character, and even if they resurrect from『death』, it's accompanied with a heavy standardised penalty.

It's a『Player Kill (=PK)』through the system's enforcement on the targeted character, in which they set up by raising the『flag』 of 'attacking another player character'.

Like this, the wicked players lead the targeted player characters to their planned demise, without dirtying their own hands. Making the『rule-breaking player』, that fell victim, shoulder all of the responsibility.......

Yoshida incited Acchan with his interested-attitude and made her commit the『rule breaking act』of confessing to a guy with a girlfriend. This fellow played the system......well, here, there's no public attention, and it comes down to the mental strength of the people involved, but the『flag』raised for Acchan when she became weak.

I came up with such an example, intuitively......

"And, she said Yoshida-kun would be the one to go and settle things with Rio-tan. He told her, 'although it'll be official only after that, let's date from today'. On their way back that day, they......they ended up, having sex......"

"Haaah!? What's with thatt!!"

I ended up raising an idiotic voice, instinctively, .

"O, oi. That isn't something recent, right?"

"Uh-huh, it's already been about two months, maybe. Since it happened during spring break"

"But there's no sign of any progress at all?"


In order to calm my irritated self down, I try to look over the situation.

The first thing that came to mind was――.

"You, are quite well-informed about it huh"

"Uh-huh, I had heard,『I ended up falling for my friend's boyfriend』, from Acchan quite some time ago, and ever since the two of them started dating, I was consulted by Rio-tan as well"

Rio-tan consulted her, which means――.

"It seems Yoshida-kun and Acchan were trying to keep it a secret, but Rio-tan realised it right from the beginning. Ahaha, it's the person she likes after all. Of course she knows......she going to know――"

Although this fellow's voice is laughing like that, I noticed that it's trembling.

"Rio-tan, you know, was feeling extremely torn. Upon realising that she had been two-timed......she wasn't angry, she was torn. Wondering if she had any flaws. Wondering, furthermore, why won't he tell her about the matter with Acchan――"

I can already tell. This fellow, her voice is trembling――she's about to break into tears.

"And, Rio-tan blamed herself. Not Yoshida-kun, and much less Acchan, she blamed herself!"


"Rio-tan......you know, is feeling torn, suffering............she feels that it's because she made some kind of mistake......higuu――that it ended up in the current situation, ......eguu......and it's tormenting both Yoshida-kun......ekuu――as well as, Acchan――"

I hug her shoulders that convulses as she cries tightly.

"Rio-tan and Acchan, are you know......, friends. They get along very well. That's why――"


"They always cried at the end when they each consulted me. Both of them, they cried!"


"Rio-tan and Acchan, did they do anything wrong!? They just fell for the same person, rightt!"

She's already fully crying――I hug the shoulders of Mai, who's sobbing, tightly and acknowledge what she says, that's all I can do――.

"That's all there is to it, and yet they were crying that badlyy! Feeling torn......, hurting....... For that, to be the price of love......, it's too muchh! If it's like that, Riotan and Acchan are――"


Mai said, and no other words came out from her mouth. After that, she just weeps inside my chest――――.

"Ehehe, thanks for listening to me. I feel much better......"

A short while after the trembling of her shoulders calmed down, this fellow raised her face at me.

......for the time being, blow your nose.

"I didn't do anything that deserves your thanksー"

That's right, I just listened to her....... Tsk, how unreliable I am!

"That's not true......, ehehe. Sex friends are great huh. I don't really have anybody whom I can vent something like this after all"

......good grief. You're optimistic whenever it is huh.

"So, the business you have with Yoshida is――"

"Uh-huh, I thought of saying something about it. 'What do you plan to do about the matter regarding the two of them'"

"And, what did the scum say?"

"First, he was surprised that I knew about the relationship between the three of them"

"Hahaha......of course he is"

It's like I can actually see Yoshida's horrified face at that time in my head.

"After that, he said this to me......"

Dokuu, my heart pounds.

Alright, calm down. I've readied myself so that I won't get worked up no matter what the response is.

"『 I'll be the one to go and settle things with the two of them....... It'll be official only after that, but let's date from today』, he said"

Don't screw around, Yoshida! Isn't it the same as the time with Acchan!

"Which means, he doesn't think anything of the matter regarding the two of them!"

......oops, even though I've had already readied myself, I instinctively let out my voice at the latter part. Even Mai is opening her eyes widely.

"Aah, sorry. For suddenly raising my voice......"

"Nah, it's not that. It's because, at that time, I said something similar to Yoshida-kun as well. I was just surprised about that"

Is that so, this fellow too.......

"That's why, at that time, I gave up on him, thinking, 『Aah, this person is hopeless』. I'm really glad, that I got to talk to him directly"

"Uh-huh, I thought so"

Mai, she doesn't swallow rumours and gossips whole.

Having heard a whole lot about Yoshida from Rio-tan and Acchan up until now, she should've known plenty about the fellow's personality. That, he's a shitty bastard who leads two earnest girls around by their noses.

However, that's based on having heard the story from one side of the people involved. She didn't hear the other party's view. Making her judgement with just that, isn't fair.

Even if, it's a story that came from her friend that she gets along well enough that the friend discusses relationship matters with her, that is.

I find that fellow's――Kanzaki Mai's impartiality, or should I say delicacy, likeable. It's also one of the reasons why despite everything I've said, I'm hanging out with this fellow until today.

"And, after that? How did you reply?"

"If I'm with you, I'll definitely not be happy, so I will definitely not date you. Definitely"

Amazing. She stacked『definitely』thrice and rejected him.

"Also, please resolve the matter with the two of them properly. I will not tell you not to make them cry, because it's impossible. Since the two of them will definitely cry――"

A fourth『definitely』, thank you.

"――that's why, please resolve it as fast as possible. If, you carry on as it is, and continue to hurt the two of them――if you continue to hurt my friends......"

Mai takes a pause over there. It looks like her emotions at the time have resurrected. How do I say this, her atmosphere......is amazing.......

Gokuri――I ended up swallowing my saliva instinctively.

"――I'll definitely, not forgive you! I said"

My back breaks down in a cold sweat. A fifth『definitely』, thank you......not even a jest like came up. That's how much, dreadful pressure Mai's words had.

It's like this, even from a flashback. I wonder how did the person himself who was told directly at that time, feel. For all that I know, he might've wet himself......slightly.

"But, this is as far as I can involve myself. After all, the rest is a problem between the people involved......"

"Ah, exactly so"

It means although she's a meddlesome woman, she knows where she should draw the line.

Really, this fellow――.

"You're, amazin'. How cool......"

I think, the me at this moment, is really, really really, in a subconscious state. It fits the expression,『Instinctively』, to a T. That's why, erm...... 『Instinctively』, towards Mai's......lips. Like I'm drawn in――.


I was about to, but Mai's finger came between our lips, and she rejected it clearly.

"That, that's no good, Takaomi....... A kiss is something to express affection, isn't it. It's something that lovers and married couples do. That's why――we can't do it. We're just sex friends after all"

This is, something like Mai's unique idiosyncrasy, that's how I interpret it.

Whatever it is, Mai says that and refuses the kiss. Based on my experiences, this fellow should like kissing itself though.

That's why, I rebutted, disguising my embarrassment.

"......we had done it a whole lot just now, right? More hardcore ones"

"That's......a part of sex. That's why it's fine. Sex friends are, there to have sex, right?"

"That's how you're coming at me huh. In that case, take thiss"

"Hyauu! Fuuu――――aah......nn"

I moved my hand, that's around Mai, down the middle of her back――while stroking the bulges on her butt, I creep to her hipbone. I move down from Mai's waist to her hips on her torso, that's the manifestation of a range of bewitching mountains, and slide towards the bottom of her armpits.


And then, I fondle the dampers that stand between Mai and me whenever our body approach, the symbol of this fellow......her breasts' 『peripheral』. Making sure that I don't touch the tips no matter what――.

"Fuaaaa――――nn...... He, hey......, have, have you not had enough......yet?"

She asked me, as though telling me that she can't take it.

"Nope, not really. It's just a『prank』"

"Fueeh. A......prank?"

"That's right. I can't do it in school, right? Besides, when I『touch』you as foreplay, you immediately tell me to,『put it in』, don't you?"

"Don, don't say such thingss! ......I didn't, right?"

"Is that so? Well, now, I just purely want to enjoy the sensation of your body"

Let me say while I'm at it, I didn't mean to make her feel it though.......

"I can't......?"

"N,  not......really, though"

"Is that so......"

If they're lovers, they'll probably hesitate to touch their partner's body without any reason. It's because both kissing and caressing are a way to express affection.

However, us sex friends are different. We can touch our partner's body, only with the sole intention of satisfying our desires. Of course, the premise is that we have permission to though.......

That's why, I can do something like this. That's right, if we're sex friends!

Her velvety skin that sticks to my hand. Of course, what I'm currently touching is the skin that clads the surface of her breasts. I rub, fondle, and taste the springiness and elasticity of this fellow who's always menacingly towering over me in school.

"It's great, it really is great......"

The springiness that continues to hold its shape despite the slight『flow』when she lies sideways.

It's something I can say even when she's facing upwards; it maintains a beautiful ridge constantly. Against gravity.

It's to the extent that it makes me think whether the unyielding personality of this fellow has rubbed off onto them.

I'm not a boobs connoisseur. I'm not fine with them as long as they're big. It's no good if they're just big.

I belong to the beautiful breasts faction. It's not the size, but the beauty that's the charm of breasts. Beautiful breasts are the virtue of boobs!

That's why, I get frustrated when I see this fellow's gigantic boobs. It really pisses me off.

This fellow's gigantic boobs are......really――――.


"Eh......what did you just say?"

"Ah, not really. Did I, just say something?"

"Nah, I might've misheard......"

Good grief, on top of being big, they're beautiful; isn't that against the rules!

Which means her physical『ability』isn't her only cheat huh, shit.

"Hehe, aren't you going in a daze because you're feeling good from my massage?"

"Eeh, this is a massage?"

"Did I, not say so?"

"That's the first I've heard of it though"

"Let's rub your shoulders as well while I'm at it, shall I. It's stiff, right?"

"If you're going to rub my shoulders then seriously please do! Since it's really gotten stiff"

"Uu......that, please ask a chiropractor or a masseuse――"

"Ahー, maybe I should actually do thatー......"

After that, she again made my right arm into an arm pillow and returned to the posture where she buries her face in my chest as per usual; sticking our bodies closely.

I bring my empty left arm around Mai's back.

And then, again, the relaxing time passes.

As I stared at the outside that has already gotten entirely dark, the raindrops that hit the window were pretty no longer visible. It looks like this time is, approaching its end as well.

"Takaomi, it's fine for you to have sex with other girls, alright"


What is this lady, saying, all of a sudden?

"I mean, it's not like we're dating....... Besides, there's also love that starts from sex, right?"

Aah, that's what it is huh――. Well, she's right though.......

"Takaomi......if you ever have somebody you like, make sure to tell me"


"As I promised, I'll end it for you, cleanly, without any future trouble"

"If I ever have somebody I like...huh. Well, I'll make sure to tell you when that time comes. I'll tell you right away. I promise"

"Ehehe, I'm relieved to hear that. I don't want to end up――"

――in the manner......huh.

I suppose she's referring to Rio-tan and Acchan's matter. It's a combination of her concern for her friend, and also her not wanting herself to end up like that. That's not her being heartless or anything.

Besides, isn't our premise different from those girls in the first place.

"To begin with, for the sake of that, I have to do something about this constitution......"

"Uh-huh, that's true huh......"

"On top of that, I have to find a girl who likes me......"

"Looks like that's more difficult huh. If I put it in your terms......impossible¹?"


That, it's a game slang that expresses difficulty, and it's a level above very hard; isn't it already at the highest difficulty that means, 'give up clearing it'!

Furthermore, there's also the English word that means literally『not possible』. In other words.......

"Are you, trying to pick a fight with me?"

"Araー. Does it sound any other way?"

"You.......why y・o・u――"

"Fufun――hey, wai......where are you touchin――ah, ahaaah――that's, cheatingg"

"I know all the ways to make you surrender; you picked a fight, knowing full well of that, didn't you?"

"Aunnfuu――th, that's......"

"Or,『Did you want this so much that you purposely provoked me? You do like it after all, this』"

"Hyaaaauuu......tha, that's not......it....... That's not―hyaunn"

Unlike just now, this is a caress. It's foreplay. The sex has already begun.

In that case, it's fine, right――?


"Heu.......n, nnn――――"

Chupi, chupuu chupaa......,reru――amuu――――.

The kiss this time around was not rejected.

For all that I know, I might've ended up starting the second round because I wanted to kiss.

This fellow is, she can cry for the sake of her friends――for the sake of other people, that's the kind of girl she is. I know that better than anybody else! This fellow's bottomless kindness, her strength to put that into actions, her astounding commitment――.

That's right, I mean, it's because Mai went as far as to do something like that, and extended her hands out to me――saved me!

It's not something that can be summarised with just, 『she cares about her friends』――such cheap words.

That's why, to me, Mai is my『nemesis』.

It's because the thought,『 I can definitely not win against this fellow』, is lurking somewhere inside my heart.


¹: She said it in English.


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