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The Story Of A Certain Adventurer Second (5)

"Everybody's here huh"

It's the day of the dungeon investigation. We came to the dungeon's entrance at the scheduled timing. Including Dori-san's party and us, six parties have gathered over there.

......nn? According to the arrangement, it should be five parties, why is there an additional one? As though to answer that question of mine, Dori-san starts explaining the parties.

"Firstly, it's the『Crimson Lotus Squad』that I lead. There are eight members, including me. All men. And then, the one over there is Torne. An A-Rank Adventurer"

A young man was standing there in the direction that Dori-san pointed his face. A spear-holding silver-haired man, and behind him, he's bringing three collar-wearing females, three slaves.

"I'm Torne. Don't get in my way, alright?"

At Torne's words, the Adventurers show their killing intent. Dori-san pacifies everybody even as he's making an astounded expression. It's in this state even before we head off huh.

After that, there's a five people party that's composed of only dwarves, and a four people party with only men, like Dori-san's party, and then

"Lastly, the two people party. You guys give your greetings as well"

"......nice to meet you"

A two people party that wore robes. The taller one greeted us with a muddy voice. I suppose the other one is female judging from her figure that's apparent despite wearing a robe. That one just bows.

I look at that woman, and only Dori-san's party and the party with just dwarves aren't looking while smirking. Tsk, it'd be great if nothing troublesome happens though.

"Lastly, from the guild as well, Regul-dono and the others also came, as investigators. We'll begin the investigation on the dungeon with these members"

The guild provided people for us as well huh. I'm thankful for that, but their eyes are on Eira, Sylphe, and also the robed female. Haa, it'd really be great if nothing troublesome happens.

For the time being, we decided to split the parties up since we have to look at various places. Parties with enough people will go with their parties respectively; the robed two people group and the three investigators from the guild, Regul-dono and the others, will be in one party.

"If anything happens, run away immediately. It'll be more troubling if you push yourselves and die and we don't get any information after all. Well then, we're going in"

We enter the dungeon respectively upon hearing Dori-san's words. It'd be great if what happened before our eyes was determined as a coincidence though.


"Hey, Regul, isn't it almost time?"

It has been about four hours since we entered the dungeon, and perhaps it's almost time he reached the limit of his patience, Detz bloody said something like that to me. Good grief, this fellow. How many women does he think he killed with that.

But, well, indeed, I want to try tasting that body that's apparent despite putting on a robe.

Thanks to the appearance of this dungeon, my father changed from a Village Chief to a Town Mayor, and since the number of times I go to the Royal Capital also increased, I have sex with women whenever I do, but the woman before my eyes, she's quite something if I'm just taking her figure into account.

Besides, this is the inside of a dungeon. If it's in here, then we won't be punished regardless of what happens if we say that the monsters did it. We're right about to arrive at the place where we bring women to after all.

"Don't rush, Detz. We're almost at the usual place. We'll do it there"

Detz makes a vulgar smile in response to my words. The other man, Ron, is similarly looking happy as well. Afterwards, after walking for a while, the two people group, who walks in front, enters the destination.

It's a good spot that we found that's not well known, well, simply put, it's somewhere with nothing. Because ordinary Adventurers know that this place has nothing, they don't come here. But, that works in our favour; for us to bring women.

I signal to the two people on my left and right with my eyes, and the two of them nod and ready their respective weapons. I found it troublesome when I was appointed this request by the Guild Master, but I sure am glad that I took it. The moment I thought that


, there was the sound of something collapsing at the back. When we, who were surprised by that sound, turn around, the entrance that we entered caved in, and we were trapped.

We head towards the entrance in a panic. We try to move the rocks, that collapsed, away, but we can't see the other side no matter how much we move them away.

"Tsk, you guys help out as well!"

The robed fellows are just staring at us. These fellows can't leave this place either if they don't do something about this situation. And yet they're bloody watching calmly!

After doing the work of moving the rocks away for a while, we heard a burst of laughter from behind. When we turned around at the sudden laughter, the robed fellow who's seemingly a man was laughing.

"Wha, what's so funny!"

When Detz asked, perhaps finding it uncanny, the robed fellow pointed his right arm over here. Detz and Ron were then blown away by the magic that he cast. I couldn't tell what kind of magic or when he cast it. It was that fast.

"Kuku, what a pathetic look. I had been bullied by such a fellow in the past huh"

And then, the robed fellow looks at such me and starts laughing again. His muddy voice gradually turns into the voice of a young man. I ready my shield and sword. The two people who are curling up in pain are useless. I'll fucking kill this fellow and get out of here!

"You don't have to give out that much killing intent, do you. Aren't we friends, Regul?"

"What are you bloody saying!"

When I yell angrily, not understanding what's going on, the man removes his robe while shaking his head, going, 'Yare Yare'. I didn't know exactly who it was the moment I saw him, but I gradually recalled the fellow's face.

"You......why are you, the demon, here!"

In front of my eyes, the village's rubbish(Hardt), who was taken away by the skeleton and disappeared, was standing there with a smile.


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