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Edited Chapter 123: Assassin of the Shadow's Depths (Shadow The Ripper) to

Assassin From The Depths Of The Shadow (Shadow The Ripper

The One Who Creates


A breath escapes my lungs at the force of my back slamming onto the ground. Geho, it tastes of iron in my mouth. I'm not particularly injured since I only fell from the second floor. If it's an injury, then I suppose the only one is the spot where I was cut by Tigris.

But what's with that fellow's ability. He easily destroyed Caro's sturdy barrier like he's cutting up paper, and even my Rolgar was cut so easily. ......I've got to apologise to Sieg.

Furthermore, my attack was also easily repelled. That wasn't Tigris skilful at using his shield; it's probably a shield with such effect, or he used some kind of ability.

If anything were to come to mind, it's the words by Tigris before it activated. After he said something, the sword and the shield started shining respectively. It's probably some kind of switch.

"Maximum Healing"

I activate the Level 7 Healing Magic, Maximum Healing. It's the one I had Maririn use when I attach my arm in the past. With this, my wound from being cut diagonally is clogged up.

"That rascal. I'm going to punch that handsome face of his and send him flying!"

I don't know why he's serving Grutas, but I have to give him a proper payback. For the time being, I'm going to punch his face until it swells.

I think and jump back to the terrace I fell from. Immediately after, what I saw there was



the sight of Haku and Tigris crossing blades. Haku is using『Assassin From The Depths Of The Shadow (Shadow The Ripper)』and leading Tigris by the nose.

However, it looks like Tigris knows which shadow Haku will appear from, and he's slashing at it before Haku appears. However, Haku's knife isn't severed even when she blocks his sword with it. Why?

ah, more importantly, Haku is in danger. Haku is still leading him by the nose now, but Tigris is also gradually getting a hold of the timing.

"Lightning Arrow"

I shoot a lightning arrow at Tigris. Tigris blocks it easily with his shield, but something like this only distracts him. Looking around, the King and the others are still fine. The other nobles are also within Caro's barrier.

A considerable number of the soldiers has been done in huh; though the number of enemies has reduced as well.

"Tigris, what are you doing! Quickly kill them!"

Grutas is shouting on the other side of the Demon Soldiers. Beside him, there are two men who are giving out a pressure that's incomparable to the other Demon Soldiers.

"Are you caught up in your thoughts while you're facing me?"

Tigris says to me as I'm looking at Grutas and company; while pointing the tip of his sword at me. Haku had also come to my side before I know it.

"Onii......are you alright?"

"Aah, I'm fine. Haku stopped that fellow for me huh. Thanks"

I say, and Haku nods happily. However, that sword's ability that sliced Caro's barrier and my Rolgar like paper, along with that shield's ability that repelled my attack easily. Additionally, there's also how he knew where Haku would appear from. What in the world is his ability?

As I'm thinking of that

"uu! Lei! That guy, he's the same as us!"

, Caro shouts at the back. I wonder what she meant when she said he's the same as us. Looking at it closely, Caro's left eye is glowing in gold. Is that her using her『Divine Eye』? It's the first time I see her using it.

"......looks like it's exposed to the Holy Maiden for some reason. However, I wonder what she meant when she said you are too. Leivelt・Runwalker?"

"I don't know. I'm the one who wants to ask"

I ask Tigris, and he nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders while readying his sword. It somewhat pisses me off, but I'll bear with it for now. For the time being, I have to listen to what he has to say.

"......it can't be helped; since it looks like it's exposed to the Holy Maiden. I suppose she'll talk about it even if I carry on hiding it. I well, like the Holy Maiden, possess the Goddess' Blessing"


I wonder if I misheard him. I look in Caro's direction, and Caro nods as well. ......that's how it is huh. That's why Caro said 「he's the same as us」huh. It's true that we're the same.

I remember Goddess Astell's words while I'm thinking about that; that in this continent, there are a total of five people who possess the Goddess' Blessing.

I'm one of them, and Caro is another one. Furthermore, there are two amongst the Regalia Empire's Heroes. She was saying that the last person is near me but....... It's true that he's near? I guess? He's in the same Royal Capital and attends the same academy. It's not like it doesn't feel questionable though.

"I received the title,『The One Who Creates』, from Goddess Astell. I'm able to create the things that I think about by expending my Magic Power. Just now when I cut the Holy Maiden's barrier and your spear, it was also because I designed my sword into a sword that slices everything"

......isn't that title too much of a cheat. Isn't he the strongest depending on his Magic Power. What a thing Goddess Astell has bestowed.

"It's just that, the amount of Magic Power it expends is incredible. I can only use it five times a day at most. I've already used it three times, so there are two more times left. And then I activated 'The Strongest Sword That Slices Everything Apart' again now, so there's one more time left"

Upon saying that, Tigris' sword starts shining in white again. A white-shining sword in his right hand and a black-shining shield in his left hand. It's the same state as just now.

"Are you sure it's okay; to loosely talk about something so important like how many times you can use it a day"

I ask, and Tigris looks down once, but he raises his head again and looks at me with determined eyes.

"It doesn't matter. Since you'll be defeated by me here for the sake of my objective" 

Tigris then readies his sword. I don't know what's his reason for serving Grutas. I guess it's something unnatural enough for Alexia to be surprised. Judging from his expression just now as well, he might have some kind of circumstances. However

"I'll defeat you, Tigris, for the sake of protecting those precious to me. Lightning Heavenly Garment! Lighting Emperor's Arsenal(Grom Arms)!"

Lightning weapons appear in the vicinity when I activate my Magic. I hold a sword with both hands

"Here I go, Tigris・Lambert!"

and approach Tigris. I'm definitely going to beat him up!