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"Haa, Haa"

Inside a forest that's filled with trees, I was running. The sky is pitch black, and the moon is also hiding behind the clouds. I thought it's the optimal chance to escape, and yet, to think that I was actually discovered.

"Haa, Haa, uu!"

I sense danger and jump back from that spot. In that instant, a black pillar of fire rises towards the sky from the ground.

"Geez, you're persistent huh!"

I cast Dark Magic in the direction that has a presence, but it didn't seem to have hit. Well, I didn't think a Magic of this calibre will hit them though. 

The moment I was about to start running once again,

"I won't let you escape, you know?"

Tsk! A man who's clad in jet black armour appears before my eyes. In his hand, he's holding a greatsword that's also so black that it feels like I'll be sucked in when I'm looking at it. The man swings the greatsword that I suppose is about 2 metres with one hand easily. 


I jumped behind and avoided it somehow, but it has seemingly grazed me slightly, and blood gushed out from my flank. Although I step back while holding down on my flank,

"It is not only that side, you know?"

I hear a gentle voice from behind. But in reality, a killing intent that's to the extent of crushing the surroundings is being released. I gave a roundhouse kick with my right leg while turning around, but it was easily avoided, and then, I was slashed by the knife the man holds. I was kicked and sent flying as I flinched from the pain.


Kuuu, there isn't any wound at where the knife slashed me, but there's a painful sensation similar to when being cut, and I bleed from my flank from the impact of getting kicked. 

In front of me are long silver hair and the purple skin that's peculiar to us. A man who wears a monocle on his right eye, Azel, stands in the way. His face is smiling, but his eyes aren't. 

And then, when I glance behind, over there, a man who's clad in jet black armour in his entirety and even wears a full-face helmet on his head, "Demon King" Gradiel, is holding his greatsword and walking over. 

"I will still let you off with a punishment now, "Demon Lady", Dorothea. Did you think that you, who just woke up, can win against us?"

"No way? I didn't think I could win, but I thought I could escape though"

I check the vicinity even while I'm talking to Azel. Azel is in front, and Gradiel is behind. If it's only Azel then I'd be able to manage somehow, but I guess it's slightly tough with the strongest Seven Demon General, Gradiel around. I can do it if I push myself though.......  

"Why are you betraying us? The long-cherished dream of us Seven Demon Generals should be the Demon God's revival. Even though you too fought alongside us 300 years ago. Above all, the Demon God's Blessing that is attached to you is the proof, is it not"

"......I'd thought that 300 years ago. However, now, it's simply a curse. The Demon Race that has a long lifespan originally becomes unaging due to this blessing and resurrect even when we die. I just came to hate the fact that I'm the only one living as everybody around who's dear to me is dying. Besides, I came to not want to destroy this world"

"Is it for the sake of the Human Race child 300 years ago?"

"Uu! Why do you know that!?"

I turn around towards Gradiel out of overwhelming astonishment. A full-face helmet is covering his face, but I can tell from the atmosphere that he's sneering. 

"Did you think that we know nothing? At a village near the border between Regalia Empire and Tempest, you were helped by a Human Race child and let down your guard. However, that village was dragged into the war between the Heroes and us and vanished. It's because you were sealed immediately afterwards. I never would've thought that you'd consider betraying us because of something of that extent though"

"Something of that extent, you say!"

I can't forgive Gradiel's words and casts Magic. But Gradiel swings his greatsword and blocks the Magic like it's nothing. 

"It's true that although the lifespan of the Human Race is short, they have the growth that we don't. It's because we believe, 'the likes of Human Race', too much that we lost to the Heroes who were summoned 300 years ago. But that's all. They're existences that will get destroyed if Demon God-sama revives. What's the point of being sentimental to something like that?"

"Did you summon that disgusting man for the sake of reviving that Demon God-sama?"

Gradiel and Azel, they made use of the Hero Summoning that they obtained during the war 300 years ago and summoned someone, who possesses the body that can become the Demon God-sama's vessel, from another world. 

That man they summoned is also the worst; he abducts Human Race women, rapes them, and kills them. He's a man who does that repeatedly. Gradiel and Azel have the thinking that, it doesn't particularly matter if they're Human Race women, but it's impossible for me. He violates me with his eyes as well after all. 

"That is right. He is a foolish man who readily believed our words, but he is quite suitable as the Demon God-sama's vessel"

Azel says and laughs. 

"Humph. We can have the rest of the conversation after we return. Dorothea. If you're going to carry on resisting, I'll just kill you and bring you back forcefully, so what are you going to do?"

Gradiel thrusts his greatsword out while releasing killing intent. Behind, Azel readies his knife. ......At this rate, I'll just be killed. In that case! 

"No way I'm gonna get done in like this, right! Limit Over activate! Fire Magic Super Nova!"

Limit Over. A unique skill that forcefully makes the level of my skill to Level 10. Its merit is that I can use an ability that befits Level 10 for just that instant, but as for the demerit, the skill that I used Limit Over on will disappear from me, and I'll no longer be able to use it ever again. I used Limit Over on Fire Magic this time around, so I can no longer use Fire Magic ever again. A double-edged sword true to form. 

Including 300 years ago, it's my second time using it, but if I can escape on top of blowing those 2 away, then it's well worth using.

The moment that I activated Super Nova, an explosion goes as far as to give the hallucination that the entire vicinity turned pure white occurs. All the trees that were growing in the vicinity vanished, I guess several kilometres in radius were obliterated. Only a piece of land devoid of anything remains. Even that land had transformed into a state of glass because of the overwhelming heat. A cloud of dust still blows fiercely around. 

"But if it's with this, those two are also......"

blown away, right?, the moment I was about to say that, 'Gashii!', my left arm was grabbed. Don't tell me this jet black gauntlet is!? 

"To think that you'd use a Level 9 Magic. But this is the end"

Gradiel appears from within the cloud of dust. He's in tatters here and there, but that's all. You're kidding....... Even though I even used Limit Over to activate it. The moment I was about to move, there's a dull, 'Gushaa!', sound. And my left arm

"Ah, aaaaaah!"

guuuuu! My left arm was crushed by Gradiel. I could only kneel at the overwhelmingly intense pain. My left arm was grabbed by Gradiel as it is. Grabiel then swings the greatsword that he holds in his other hand. 

"This is the end"

saying that, Grabiel swings his greatsword down at me. If that's how you're going to be, then I too can do the same!


At the same time as when Gradiel swings his greatsword down, I forcefully move my body in the opposite direction of my left arm that's being grabbed. My left arm makes cracking sounds, but I didn't bother. I mean,

"Guuu, aaaaaah!"

it's my goal to let Gradiel cut my left arm as it is. It feels like I'm about to pass out from the intense pain, but I clench my teeth and activate my Magic. 

"Space Magic, Teleportation!"

I can only use this Space Magic, and I don't know where I'll jump to so I didn't really want to use it, but I can't be picky anymore. If it's a location that's away from this land then anywhere's fine! 

"See ya, Gradiel!"

I'd disappeared from that spot while looking at Gradiel, who's shouting something. My vision also becomes pitch black as it is. 'If possible, a that's quite a ways away from Tempest please!', I fainted while wishing.


"She got away huh"

"She's alive huh"

"Eeh. But it hurts to have used the last Simplified Teleportation Magic Circle huh. I have to get Abram to make it again"

"It can't be helped. In order to get away from that Magic"

"I am surprised that you received that at close range and survived though. Well, it does not impede the plan even if Dorothea gets away"

"Yeah. It's unnecessary to push ourselves to locate her as well. Since it's an unavoidable fate as long as she has this Demon God's Blessing"