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Edited Chapter 74:

Glenburg Empire to Glenberg Empire 

Preparations Complete

"We managed to cross the border huh, somehow"

I look back at the people who hung on and followed along. The ones around are, Chrono; Lo; Relcend; Mars; Cecilia; Cel; the silver-haired girl, who sticks to Chrono; the pink-haired woman, who's by Cecilia's side; and me.

Relcend has lost consciousness and is sleeping on Lo's back though. It seems that that ability to become a Dragon uses quite a bit of stamina, and she immediately lost consciousness after she rampaged to her heart's content. Lo picked that unconscious Relcend up and brought her over.

Mars was lying on the ground as though he died. Well, he'd done his best not to die so I shall turn a blind eye to it.

Presently, we've crossed the border of the Empire and the Demi-Human Country and we're inside a forest that's in the Demi-Human Country. In a while, someone sent by the Queen to pick us up should come.

The Empire probably can't come immediately. It's because I've made the Imperial soldiers that Relcend killed in large quantity into dead spirits and made them into the wall of a fortress. I guess they have to cast a magic that's enough to destroy a fortress to break through that. It should buy some time for the moment.

"Err, ermm!!"

When I was thinking about such things, I heard a voice, that calls me, from behind. When I look back, the pink-haired woman is looking at me. She was blushing and fidgeting.

"My, my name is Elise・Glenberg! I was watching the previous war between Demi-Human Country and Empire using a familiar! So, I wanted to try meeting you, who uses the same......no, the Dark Magic that someone like me can't hold a candle to!"

......I see. With this, that sparking gaze is also understandable. That war was being watched huh. Besides, the Dark Magic that's equivalent to an inferior version of my Dark Sorcery huh. It seems I can make use of this in various ways.

"Is that so. My name is Hardt. I'm someone who stands against your country. So what business do you have with me, I wonder?"

I ask while projecting my killing intent at her, trying to thrust her away, here. Elise's body is trembling with just that, but she somehow clenches her teeth and raises her face.

"It, it's also my enemy now! Hardt-sama, will please help me......please help us!?"

After that, Elise talked about the First Imperial Prince, who's in the Empire, and the young girl that Chrono had brought, Shertia. Chrono, he wants to protect that child so much huh.

"......what are you smirking that much about?"

"No, I was thinking, 'that Chrono of all people'. So what's my compensation for helping, I wonder? Don't tell me, you weren't thinking of something like having me help you for free, right?"

When I say, Cecilia looks like she's about to shoot an arrow at any time, but Cel stops her. Like she has resolved herself, Elise utters.

"Yes, of course. I will present to you my all as gratitude for helping us!"

"......Heh, you're saying something like that to me huh. Although you can't change your mind anymore, are you really fine with it?"

"Yes. It is for the sake of our survival!"

Elise, who looks over at me with a serious gaze. In that case, I won't hold back. I move closer towards Elise, lift her chin with my right hand, and make her raise her face.

Elise, who makes eye contact with me, blushes once again, but I carry on as it is to move closer towards her face and lock lips with her without reserve.

Elise, who tries to move away at what suddenly happen as one would expect, but I hug her tightly and make sure she doesn't move away. A pissed Cecilia was about to head over from a distance, but Lo was standing in her way.

Elise is gradually going limp. I activate my sorcery when I confirm that she accepted it. It's the same old Contract Sorcery. I can't solely trust something like words if I don't do this.

I guess her tongue suddenly became hot; Elise opens her eyes widely in astonishment. I don't let go of her nevertheless.

I don't know how many minutes we're in that state for, but by the time I move my face away from Elise, Elise's eyes are intoxicated, and a transparent bridge extends between Elise's lips and mine.

Elise's breath is ragged because we were kissing the whole time. A crest of Contract Sorcery had been etched onto Elise's tongue, that's visible at that time. This is called Licentious Crest Sorcery, and it's something used on the occasion of making contracts with sex slaves and so forth.

As long as they keep to the restrictions, various abilities will increase when they receive the contractor's love. Various abilities like Strength, Magic Power, and so forth. Besides, their sensitivity also goes up for the sake of doing those kinds of things.

However, if the contractor deems that the restrictions were broken and pour Magic Power in, a pain will run through her entire body. In the worst-case scenario, the tongue gets blown away.

"With this, Elise, you're my subordinate. As long as you obey me, I will adore and protect you"

I lightly caress her cheeks , and she lets out a sultry, 'Hyann!'. She then looks over at me with moist eyes.

"Ye, yesh......Hardt-samaa......"

I merely gently and tightly embrace Elise, and Elise trembles in my arms. From now on, I'll trai......I'll discipline you so that you can't live without me.

After that, the Queen's Wyvern that's here to pick us up arrived, so we returned to the Demi-Human Country.

A month after we returned, we sent a letter to the Empire under Elise's name. Liscia and Elfion returned at the same time as well. It seems that the various countries in the Empire's vicinity went well. The timing is perfect huh.

With this, a considerable number of people who'll support Elise will probably show up, the various countries in the vicinity will also participate in the war. Alright then, with this, for now, the preparations are finished.

All that's left is having to go back to the Mestoa Kingdom for once and bring over the forces that I possess. I have to get Mylene, Nero and the others to help as well. Let's rip the gigantic Empire apart from here on out, shall we.

Before that, I have to make Elise can't live without me even more. In the afternoon, I'm very busy with the Empire's matters; in the night, I'm very busy with Elise's matters.


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