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Edited Chapter 63

 "......If you get aroused looking at my thin body, yeah. Besides, I'm also interested" 


 "......If you get aroused looking at my meagre body, yeah. Besides, I'm also interested" 

She Who Changed

"......really, Egil's is big huh"

While she grabs my towering penis and goes on all fours, Fiー stares at me across my penis.

"I don't know how many penis Fiー knows, but is mine bigger than those until now?"

"......not that many. But, I know. Egil's is big"

"Is that so. Can I count on you then?"

"......uh-huh. Chu......hamuu, churuu"

Fiー, who suddenly holds the glans inside her mouth.

It bulges her cheeks slightly when she, who has a small face, holds the penis in her mouth, and it rapidly proceeds deeper into the slippery sensation inside her mouth.

It doesn't hit her teeth. She swallowed the rod whole and held it in her mouth up until the base even while her tiny mouth looks to be in pain.

"Taking it all the way inside all of a sudden huh......"

"......higg......chu, jujuu"

Fiー wets her tiny lips and carries on to stimulate my penis intensely while making sloppy water sounds with the saliva that she held within her mouth.

She dexterously stimulates the frenulum with her tongue and her small hand gently caresses my testicles.

"Fiー is used to it huh"

"......I'm, not used to it"

I'm slightly glared at, but frankly, I thought she's skilled at it.

She's done such things to other men as well huh......I have such feelings, but I'm the one she's doing it to now.

Hence, I think I shall enjoy Fiー's body to the fullest.

"Fiー, come over here"

"......nn, is that enough?"

"I want to feel good together. Here, come beside me"


Fiー, who's taciturn as usual.

I was looking forward to it; if I inserted it in such a Fiー, what kind of expression will she make, what kind of voice will she let out.

I then embrace and bring that small head of Fiー, who lies down, towards myself and kiss her.

A pair of tiny lips. When I stick my tongue out, Fiー also sticks her tongue out at me.

"......Egil, you're intensee"

"Isn't it fine, if you dislike it then shall I stop?"

"......not really, I didn't say to stop or anything"

Ambiguous words.

But her reaction desires the kiss and her voice that leaks out sounds sharper and more feminine than usual.

I stop the kiss, lay Fiー's small body down, and remove all those clothes that are in the way.

When I undressed her lightly-dressed pyjamas, she's left with the plain-coloured white undergarments that conceal her white skin.

"......meagre, isn't it"

"Nope, I'm extremely aroused"

Fiー, who hides her modest breasts with both hands, averts her face just slightly embarrassedly.

I move her hands away and strip Fiー to her newborn state, both top and bottom.

What then appeared was a pair of tiny breasts. At the centre are light-pink areolas, along with a pair of protruded buds that look up at the ceiling.

"They're standing up like this even though I didn't even do anything, you know?"

"......that's, that's not it......it's just, cold"

"It's cold huh, then I'll warm them up"

"Wai, Egill, aAH!"

When I hang over her and hold her nipples in my mouth, a high-pitched voice that I'm probably hearing for the first time leaks out from the silent Fi.

"Are your nipples feeling it?"

"......that's nott, I was just, startledd"

"Is that so. Then, I wonder why is this place so wet?"

While I make her open her legs widely and enter in between, I caress her sopping wet vagina upwards with my fingers.

Just that, even though it's just that.......


Fiー moaned loudly.

""......I'm, reactionless even when I'm violated""

she'd said on our first meeting.

But the current Fiー is feeling it pleasurefully with a womanly voice.

"Aren't you feeling it? Was it a lie when you'd said previously that you're reactionless?"

"......no way......even though, I don't get wet when I do it with a man......"

"You're wet, you know, here, can you see it?"

When I showed Fiー the finger that was touching her vagina and gleaming wet with love juice, Fiー, who was placing her hand on her mouth, was surprised. 

"......no way, I've never been so wet before"

"Could it be, you weren't wet the whole time so you were reactionless?"

"......uh-huh, I mean, it's because it's painful. I was enduring the pain the whole time"

"It's a given that it'll be painful if you aren't wet. Well then, how about inserting a finger?"

"Aah, you can'tt......I, I didn't knoww, something like thiss, nn aah......whyy, I didn't know something like thiss!"

When I inserted my finger into her wet vagina, the inside was extremely cramped. 

Fiー, who's distinctly feeling it while twitching her hips. 

I wonder what kind of sex she's had until nowーーI guess, she probably had loveless sex huh.

It's just that, it feels like Eleanor had fervently talked about it previously, that 'nevertheless when some love juice gets secreted because of her instinct as a woman'.......

In that case,

"You didn't have a finger inserted here before?"

I ask and, while she's blushing,

"......no, I didn'tt......men, it's all well if they themselves feel good, right. That's why, I only know fellatio, and sexx......aaah! That's, that's why......something like thiss, fuaah!"

I see; she'd only been raped the whole time, so even when she's suddenly penetrated by somebody whom she has no emotions of love or whatnot for, her inside was in an unwet state so it was painful huh.

But, she'd soaked herself by just giving me fellatio.

I'm moving closer to Fiー's flushed face while stirring the inside of her vagina, that's filled with love juice, with my finger.

"Are you so wet, because it's me?"

"......tha, that'ss, nn aah!"

"Look, you're so wet, you know. It feels good, right? Say it"

I bend my joints and tap the top part of the inside of her vagina.

Fiー puts her strength into both legs and twitches her hips.

Her expression; it was an erotic expression of completely feeling pleasure through her entire body.

"It's, Egil's faultt......always, alwayss......doing, such pleasureful-looking things, with everybodyy!"

"Fiー's the one who chose to watch, right?"

"Yeah, butt......when I was watching you having gentle sex with everybodyy, just a bitt, I thought it's nice......I also, in that mannerr, hiyaann! Aah, you can'tt, it feels gooo, aaah"

The expressionless, reactionless Fiー, is completely gone.

Clutching my body tightly and yielding her body to the pleasure that I provide.

"Could it be, you wanted to do this all along?"

"I can'tt? Is it no goodd? I mean, I didn't know about something like thiss, sex is painful, so I hated itt, but to think that it feels so goodd"

"In that case, I'll make you feel even betterr!"

"E, Egil......uu!? Aah, aaah......it's going inn, Egil'ss!"

When I penetrated all the way deep inside her vagina in one go, Fiー stuck her tongue out and floated her hips.

She was opening her usually squinty eyes and making a very blissful-looking expression.

But I too, am both drunk and aroused. I continue to give Fiー waves of pleasure while caressing her sweaty cheeks, without slowing down the movement of my hips.

"Here, how is it? Is it the same as the sex that Fiー knows?"

"It's, it's differee, it's completelyy, differentt! Aah, aaah......you can'tt, something like that, I'm going crazyy"

"How many people have you been assaulted by until now? You hated it, didn't you, but don't worry, you'll only do it with me from now on, suck only my penis, feel good only with me!"

Eleanor, Serina, Sana, and Runa, the only man they know is me. But Fiー is different. She has learned the bitterness of a man's body.

But it's different now.

I'm inside Fiー, who opened her heart up to me. If it's me, I'll treat you gently and make you happy, forever.

When I'm thrusting my hips while thinking of that, Fiー, while slightly tearing up,

"Unn......unn......Egil really is, weird"



"The one who followed such a weirdo, was Fiー. I'll stay by your side"


Fiー gives a torrent of kisses on my lips.

She sticks her tongue out, lets out a sweet sigh, and tightens both her legs on my waist.

And then she, who moved her face away, shed a drop of tear.

"I was actually, scared......really, really scared......but I thought, that maybe one day, somebody who'll make someone like me happy will appear, maybe there's somebody, who'll look at me"

"Still, why are you fixated on the identity of a slave? There are no decent fellows amongst those who buy slaves, even Fiーunderstands that, right"

When I ask her while slowing down my hips, Fiー, looked like she's smiling just a bit.

"The first owner who bought me, was a nice person so......I thought that perhaps, I might be able to encounter somebody like that again, I couldn't give up the tiny hope, and gradually, I sunk deeper and deeper"

Fiー said.

""Fiー, seems to have lost the owner whom she'd cherished""

It's something I heard from Serina previously.

I guess that 'owner', refers to that person.

Which means she couldn't forget that warmth and was fixated on the 'slave' identity huh.


"You're, an idiot huh"

I thrust my hips aggressively.

I'm not the one to say, but there's pretty much no good individuals amongst those buy slaves. The probability of finding a good individual amongst them is, close to 0.

But Fiー chose that low probability choice huh.


Fi says and moves her small face close to mine.

"I was able to join with Egil like this. So I think, this choice wasn't a mistake"


And then, she shows me a face wreathed in smiles for the first time.

I looked at that expression, and without thinking about anything, I desired for Fiー like a straight-up beast.

I caress her light blue hair, fondle her small breasts, and bring her slender hips towards myself.

Fiー floats her hips and clings to my body.

"Aah, aah......Egil, you're too intensee, my, my hips are going limpp!"

"I'm your number one, I won't ever hand you over to any other guy. I'll make you happy, so desire for me more!"

"Egil......unn, I'm only Egil's woman, I'm already, only Egil's, only, my beloved Egil'ss!"

The watery sounds won't stop.

I'm sure, that it won't stop until I'm finished.

And I guess even when I'm finished, I'll surely desire for Fiー.

"Fiー, inside, I'm gonna let it out inside!"

"Unn, let it outt, let plenty of it, plenty of Egil's outt!"

Fiー accepted it.

So within Fiー's insides that belong only to me, within the deepest part of that, I spewed my semen.

"It's coming out, it's gonna come out!"

"Aah, aah, Egil, Egil Egill! Nn aaaaaahhh!"

'Doku, Doku, Doku', the semen I spew over several intervals.

Fiー took it, and then accepted it inside her womb.

I guess Fiー, too, climaxed like me.

She was thrusting her slender hips upwards in a bow shape, and her childish expressionless looks, it was already changing into a luscious and erotic face.

"Plenty......of Egil's, is inside. ......You let out too much, geez"

"It's because Fiー is too adorable. Did it feel good?"

"......Well, just a little"

Perhaps she's embarrassed, she averts her face and gives a vague response while catching her ragged breath.

While we're still coupled, this time around, I lie facing up, place Fi, who climaxed, on top, and smirk.

"What's the truth?"

"......even though you know it. ......It, felt good......just a bit"

"You sure aren't honest huh. Well, you'll probably be candid if I make you feel good again!"

"Nn aaah! You just came, right!?"

"You're going to satisfy me, right? Here, Fiー will move this time"

When I said that, Fiー was happily behaving shyly, even while she sighs, 'Haa'.

"Egil really is, a pervert huh......well, I don't dislike the sex with Egil, so it's fine though"

Fiー, who places her hands on my chest and slowly moves her hips.

We desired for each other over, and over again, after that.

"......E......Egil......wake up"

When I woke up in the morning, Fi was before my eyes.

Fi, who hanged over me in the naked appearance that she went to sleep last night.

"It's already morning huh......it doesn't really feel like I've slept"

"......It's because you did that much. Good grief, only once a day from now on, alright"

Fiー didn't try to move away from on top of me even when she said that.

"Once, will Fiー be satisfied?"

"......Then, twice?"

"Will you be satisfied with twice?"

"......Then, thrice? ......hey, it'll end up like yesterday if we do that much"

It can be said that Fiー, who kissed me, her expression of love completely became plentiful.

I want to do it once more.

was what I thought, but we wear our clothes and prepare to head towards where Setsuna is.

ーーAnd then, such a blissful time, vanished.


Setsuna, who opened the sliding door¹.

She's looking at me with a flustered expression.

"What's wrong?"

"'Tis not 'what's wrong', the enemy, the Country of Demise came attacking!"


¹: 襖「Fusuma」: Japanese sliding door.

It's different from 障子「Shouji」, which is the sliding door which is made with translucent paper.

Fusuma: Light doesn't go through.

Shouji: Light goes through.


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